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Chapter 672: Sponsorship fee

  Chapter 672 Sponsorship fee

  Guo Shouye took people to talk about things, Xu Shiyan, his wife and Li Chengrong, and the three of them walked into the exhibition hall.

  The first phase of the Spring Fair is mostly industrial products, large machinery and equipment, small machinery, bicycles, motorcycles, auto parts, chemical products, hardware, household appliances, etc.

   Ordinarily speaking, these things really have nothing to do with participation.

  But Xu Shiyan watched it with gusto, and walked over to every booth.

   Not to mention, after several years of development, most companies have experience.

   Those large-scale machinery and equipment could not be transported to participate in the exhibition, so they took photos and printed brochures.

  This brochure is quite exquisite, and the introduction inside is also very detailed.

  Xu Shiyan nodded, yes, it's really good.

  Thanks to the fact that they thought of another way this time, otherwise, just pointing at the brochure might not attract many people.

  Xu Shiyan and his wife dressed very stylishly, they looked either Hong Kong businessmen or overseas Chinese.

  So they lingered at any booth to look at it, and they were very enthusiastic about introducing it to him.

  Xu Shiyan listened patiently to other people's introduction. After the introduction, he nodded, smiled at him, turned around and walked to the next booth.

   "Shiyan, what's the use of us talking about these things? I don't think you have any fixed goals, just wandering back and forth like this?"

  While walking, Su Anying asked in a low voice, puzzled.

   "These are all for the purpose of exporting and earning foreign exchange. Although the products are different from ours, the purpose is the same.

  You have to know that the wisdom of the masses is infinite, and you may see some fresh ideas.

  We are already here, so it doesn’t take much to take a look around, just take your time.

   There are really good and suitable things, even if we don’t buy them now, we can leave his contact information and talk about them after the exhibition is over. "

   Those who come to participate in the Spring Fair are mainly to earn foreign exchange through export.

  Xu Shiyan is not a foreign businessman, and he doesn't have any foreign exchange in his hand, so try not to buy it at this time.

   Take a good look at it and wait until the end of the exhibition to talk about it. It will definitely be cheaper than it is now.

  Su Anying seems to understand but half understands, anyway, she will listen to what Xu Shiyan says.

   So several people wandered around the exhibition hall like this.

  The huge exhibition hall has fixed areas in each province and city. If you really want to go shopping here, you can really finish it in one day.

  Xu Shiyan took people for a walk for half an afternoon, but he didn't meet anything he wanted.

  But Xu Shiyan was still very interested, and it was a joy to turn around anyway.

   "Oh, brother, you guys are really good at shopping. I've been wandering around for a long time, and I finally found you."

   It was almost noon, and Guo Shouye finally found Xu Shiyan. This guy made him sweat.

   "Brother, how are you doing? Has the talk been settled yet? Is there really no one sponsoring this year?"

  When Xu Shiyan saw Guo Shouye, he hurriedly asked about the result.

   "Cough, don't mention it, do you know why there is no sponsorship this year? There is a sponsorship fee of 200,000 here.

  I asked just now, and when I heard that they wanted 200,000, I was scared back.

   Tell me, it’s enough for us to provide water for free, but he also needs a sponsorship fee? "

  As soon as the content of the previous discussion was mentioned, Guo Shouye felt angry.

  How can there be such a thing? Even if they provide water for free, they have to pay? What's up? Backfired?

   Isn’t that ridiculous? How can I explain to the leader this time, to participate in the spring fair, I have to pay for it first?

   This is not to blame Guo Shouye, but the limitations of this era. Today's people don't understand these things at all.

  If Xu Shiyan hadn't thought of the trick of providing water for free last year, Bingshan mineral water would not have had that sales volume.

  Xu Shiyan's eyes widened immediately upon hearing this.

   "This is a good thing, 200,000 is 200,000, let's place more orders, and a few 200,000 will come out."

  What can two hundred thousand do? The TV station is more than this money for advertising, right?

  If this can be named as the designated water for the Spring Fair, wouldn't it be more effective than advertising on TV?

   "Go, go, I'll talk to them, don't say 200,000, we can do 500,000."

  Xu Shiyan can't hold his breath now, he doesn't have the mind to go to the exhibition, so hurry up and find someone to discuss sponsorship.

   "Ah? Isn't it? You really want to give them two hundred thousand? Is this possible? Don't let our money go to waste."

  Guo Shouye didn't understand. This is sponsorship fee and water. How much money does it cost?

   "Don't worry, custody will earn you several hundred thousand."

  Xu Shiyan doesn't care about explaining at this time, the most important thing is to hurry up and finalize the sponsorship.

  So, a group of people quickly left the venue, found the relevant departments of the organizing committee, and talked with them about sponsorship.

  The person in charge of the organizing committee was the one from last year, but he recognized Xu Shiyan when they met, so he had a good attitude towards Xu Shiyan.

  However, the organizing committee still insisted on the previous statement that sponsorship water is allowed, and a sponsorship fee of 200,000 yuan is required.

   "Leader, the 200,000 sponsorship fee is no problem.

   But can we sign a long-term contract, such as three or five years?

   Every year at the Spring Fair and Autumn Fair, we are the only drinking water sponsor designated by the conference? "

  Fools only sponsor one episode, and this, the longer the time, the more useful it will be.

   It is best to sign for five years. If not for five years, you can sign for three years.

   At that time, they can repackage and directly print, the only designated drinking water for the Canton Fair. Just this sentence is better than any advertisement.

  The other party had obviously never met someone like Xu Shiyan before, so he was taken aback.

  In fact, there is more than one mineral water factory in China. Since Tianquan became famous in the Holy Mountain, some factories have appeared one after another.

  The operation of Bingshan Mineral Water at the Spring Fair last year can be inquired about by anyone who is interested, so this year someone really came to discuss it.

   But when they heard that the organizing committee wanted a sponsorship fee of 200,000 yuan, they basically backed down.

   Those mineral waters can’t keep up with Bingshan Mineral Water Factory.

  At least Bingshan made money last year, but they haven't even made any money yet. Who would be willing to throw another 200,000 in it? So it didn't work out.

  Last year, the way of providing free water was good, and the foreign guests were very satisfied. In fact, the organizing committee really wanted to find a company to cooperate with.

   This sponsorship fee is also an attempt by the organizing committee, but unexpectedly, most people would not accept it.

  Xu Shiyan came to talk at this moment, and he didn't think two hundred thousand was expensive, but he wanted to negotiate a long-term contract.

   This was too unexpected. The organizing committee immediately asked someone to discuss it, and felt that such a long-term and stable cooperative relationship would be better.

  Therefore, the organizing committee reached an agreement with Xu Shiyan that Bingshan Beverage Factory will provide 3,000 to 5,000 cases of mineral water for the spring fair and autumn fair every year, and pay 200,000 sponsorship fees every year.

  Bingberg mineral water can be the only designated drinking water for the Canton Fair, which can be used in packaging and advertising.

  The two parties signed a three-year contract. After the contract expires, Bingshan Mineral Water Factory also has the priority to renew the contract under the same conditions.

   "Okay, then it's settled, I'll call back immediately and ask someone to arrange delivery.

  However, it is estimated that the first phase may not be able to catch up. We will strive to provide free drinking water throughout the second and third phases.

   While waiting for the Autumn Fair, we delivered the goods in advance. "After the contract was signed, Xu Shiyan shook hands with the other party.

  (end of this chapter)


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