Back For My Daughter

Chapter 8 - Meanie

Ye Qian gazed at Mr Su, anger seeping from his eyes.

Meanwhile, Yuan Meng stood there like a statue, but a beautiful one.

The atmosphere was stiff, Mr Su said while looking at Ye Qian.

"Boy whoever you are you don't have anything to do with this, this business is between our Long Group and Miss Yuan. So it's better for you to get away as soon as possible. You should be thanking me for giving you a way out. Don't say that it's my fault if your hands or legs are broken in the event."

"I am saying you for the final time leave now or the consequences will be dire." Ye Qian struggled to keep himself calm while seeing the situation.

He didn't want trouble and wanted to live a happy life with his wife and family, but that didn't mean that he will stay while others pick on him and his family.

In this situation, the people were deliberately trying to mess with his wife and even trying to threaten her and his daughter's life, he was not going to be calm even if it meant killing someone.

"Ok boy, I gave you enough time to mess around if you don't want I can only let them throw you out and then we will enjoy your so-called wife. Hehe..." Mr Su nodded towards his men and said.

"You dare say it, even this Venerable won't let you die just like that for saying such filthy words about my wife." Finally, Ye Qian's eyes turned red from anger and he could not control it anymore and spoke in the way in which he used to say in the Immortal World.

"What's with that drama, you throw him out of the house, we have some business to attend here the more we finish it earlier the better it would be." Mr Su glanced at one of his men and pointed and then looked at Yuan Meng while saying the last sentence.

He glanced at the men and pounced at them like a tiger pouncing at his prey.

The men had robust bodies about twice the size of Ye Qian and were nearly 20 cm taller than him.

One of the men went towards Ye Qian and tried to clutch his neck in his hand trying to throw him out like a rag.

His hand caught Ye Qian's neck, he was about to tighten his grip on Ye Qian's neck when he felt he was holding a solid iron rod and was trying to press it.

He had thought he would break this man's neck with his grip and just throw his out. But the reality gave him a shock. He tried to use more force this time but still failed.

"Hey, An Liang what's with you throw him quickly don't you want to enjoy soon?" Another man said to him seeing him still clutching Ye Qian's neck.

"Yes!" the man called Ah Liang lifted his other hand and used more strength to strangle Ye Qian's neck this time.

Seeing Ye Qian's neck getting strangled Yuan Meng snapped back and cried "Leave him please."

Ye Qian who had no problem even after having his neck strangled turned towards Yuan Meng winked at her and said "Mengmeng don't worry, I will throw these people out, now that I am here."

Seeing him wink at her, Yuan Meng slightly blushed. Her cheeks turned crimson and she thought 'You still have time to do such a thing when you are being strangled.'


Suddenly her heart and mind fell at ease and she looked at him again as if there was nothing to worry about the ongoing situation.

Meanwhile, the Ye Qian turned his attention to the man holding his neck.

"Are you going to leave or I should do something." he asked in a calm tone but it was like a monster was threatening a rat.

Ah Liang suddenly felt fear welling in his heart after hearing his words and seeing the look in Ye Qian's eyes.

"Hehe young man you sure are something who do you think you are, saying such words?" Mr Su snickered with a mocking smile.

"I will ask you again are you leaving me or not?" Ye Qian still asked again.

Ah Liang started sweating profusely from the fear he was sensing after hearing his voice.

"Hey, Ah Liang what happened to you, from when did you start getting afraid of such a skinny guy?" another man besides him said in a teasing manner.

"Ah Liang just throw him away if you are afraid of killing him." another said.

Ah Liang was about to throw Ye Qian when he felt a stinging pain in his wrists he looked down at his wrists which were held by Ye Qian's hands.


Ye Qian clutched Ah Liang's wrists and bent them at 90 degrees and a crackling sound of bones breaking was heard.

Ah Liang bent on his knees and started wailing.

Ah Liang's screams startled Mr Su and the others.

Seeing Ah Liang's condition the fine hairs on their back straightened as a chill went down their spine.

Ah Liang's wrists were kind of like, there were no more on his hands.

There was just a mass of the crushed mass of bones mixed with some muscles which were moving like a little bag containing mud.

Though it was not bloody the scene caused the people in the scene to feel a stinging pain in their hands.


While it took a while to say what was going on it happened just in a few breaths.

Mr Su was shocked as he saw the skinny body of Ye Qian.

He ordered others "Everyone break his hands for me."

The men gulped but still moved forward.

"You people wanted to enjoy right, I will make you enjoy yourself throughout your life." Ye Qian said with a smile, which didn't look like a smile to them.

One of them put some courage and rushed forward and tried to lock Ye Qian's arms and body to let others beat him.

He caught Ye Qian and due to the force, Ye Qian was slightly pushed behind.

"Behind you!" Yuan Meng suddenly cried seeing him in a locked situation while another man was trying to hit Ye Qian from behind.

Ye Qian turned this neck to look to see another person trying to pounce on him with hands tightened in a punch.

Ye Qian ducked down as the punch landed on the one who was locking him.

The punch hit him on the neck region and a cracking sound was heard, as some of his neck bones got fractured.

Meanwhile, Ye Qian turned his attention to the last person who was rushing towards him.

Ye Qian got up and punched him in the stomach while controlling his strength so that he might not kill the guy by making a hole in him.

The guy started wailing and fell on the floor like a shrimp.

The one who punched came back to his senses and turned to Ye Qian and said.

"I know you are a martial artist, but I also know Taekwondo."

Saying that he assumed a position with his right leg front and left leg slightly behind and tightened his fists and started his breath heavily.

Ye Qian watched what he was about to do in amazement, as he never saw any martial artists practising the only exception was the films on TV which he liked a lot.

But it was 5000 years ago and he forgot most of the moves the actors used to make.

Meanwhile, Mr Su saw the scene and started to cheer his bodyguard.

"Hey, Ah Xue beat the shit out of this brat."

"He haih"

Ah Xue had a serious expression on his face when he suddenly shouted and lifted his left leg with force trying to kick Ye Qian in the head.

Yuan Meng was about to close her eyes when the kick was about to his Ye Qian.

Ye Qian suddenly ducked down and stood with lightning speed and stretched his right hand.


A loud clapping sound was heard as a slap landed on Ah Xue's face and he was sent flying to the right side.

Yuan Meng closed her mouth with her hands.

While Mr Su had his mouth open.

Ye Qian brushed his hand on his cloth and said while looking at Ah Xue who had a wronged look on his face.

"What, do you expect me to just stand there while I watch your kick land on my face? Only a dumb would do that."


A slight giggling sound came Ye Qian turned to see Yuan Meng trying to cover her laughing while keeping her hands on her mouth.

"My lady, did you liked it?" Ye Qian asked after seeing her smiling face for the first time in the last 5000 years.

Yuan Meng was slightly stunned seeing him say 'My lady' but she nodded while still smiling.

There were tears in her eyes.

Seeing her like this Ye Qian felt a slight pain in his heart as he knew she missed him a lot.

He nodded to her and turned to look at Mr Su who still had his mouth opened.

Don't know how many times the flies took a journey there and came back though? CH𝒆Ck for 𝒏ew st𝒐ries on no/v/el/bin(.)c0m

"So Mr Su right? What were you saying about the business?" Ye Qian asked his anger totally quietened after seeing Yuan Meng's smile.

"Mr, we want to buy this land and we even offered a lot of money compared to last time." Mr Su said in a terrified tone.

Had he been near the door he might have ran away by now.

"Oh weren't you trying to force her to hand over the property and threatening to harm her and her daughter just now?" He asked in a slightly annoyed tone after mentioning the threat this person gave to Yuan Meng.

"Um... no, no we are desperate to buy this land and there are some situations when we have to use this method but we never harm them." Mr Su said with a forced smile.

"Oh but what if she doesn't want to sell it anyway? Then what." Ye Qian asked while stepping towards him.

"Ah ah !!" Mr Su was messed in a situation.



While Mr Su was thinking a door opening sound was heard.


Guys this is a suspense chapter!

Guess who is it and comment!! [ ;{)


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