Back For My Daughter

Chapter 1235 A Gifted Ability To Find Treasures

Sitting on the bed while feeling heavy-headed, a young man stared at the elder with a long beard.

His face was twitching and his eyes glared at the elder.

"What do you say, old man, are you out of your mind?"

The others round frowned and shook their heads.

"Young master, Elder Ni is right, you did all that he just said and we all also witnessed it with our own eyes."

Another elder said while the others nodded in agreement.

The face of the young man started twitching even more seeing that all of them were saying the same thing.

Normally there was not even a single chance that they would disagree with him unless he was not right, so right now he couldn't help but frown.

"Tell me what happened that day."

He was not able to remember what had happened that day and no matter how much he tried, everything seemed blank, but this only made him feel that there was something off to this.

He knew that he had walked out after sensing that there was some kind of great treasure around and thus had moved out in search of it.

Ever since he had been 8 years old, he had always been able to sense certain things that some people considered heavenly treasures.

These certain things would be very old and even worn down many times, or some weird plants that even he had no idea about.

But he would always feel a strange attraction towards these things as if they were calling him to take them.

And because of this certain gifted ability, a group of people came to his family when he was just 10.

They told him that they would help him get better at this and also give powers to him that he might never have imagined.

And after a decade, he was already powerful enough to jump three-story buildings in just a single jump and even run at a speed that even a cheetah would not be able to reach.

And all of this was nothing compared to the trove of mystical treasures that he had found in this decade with the help of his gifted talent.

He knew that every single treasure that he found had a value that only this group of people knew, the ones who had taught him so much.

And he remembered that day he had had this feeling even a few tens of times greater than ever, he had never felt such and this had made him instantly rush towards the direction from where he could sense it.

He had been just roaming around that day since he was too bored after not finding any treasure for more than a month.

Normally he would be made to go from one place to the other in the world in search of such heavenly treasures, but this time he was not old of any mission and could only remain in his house for a month practising the mystic arts along with the elders from the school that had taken interest in him those 15 years ago.

He was clear that he had rushed in order to find this treasure, but after that, he couldn't remember anything no matter how much he tried.

"Young master, after you informed us that you had found a great treasure that you had never sensed before, we all were delighted and waited for your return, but when you came in your condition didn't look any good..."

An elder walked ahead trying to make him recall.

But after finding that there was no change, he knew that he had been blabbering nothing that didn't interest this young man and continued.

"Young master, your clothes were stained by mud and there were even a few swellings on your body that seemed more like someone had hit you."

Hearing that, the young man frowned.

Then another elder continued.

"And you also didn't look in a good condition and you didn't say anything before you walked into the treasure room, we all thought that you might have got the treasure and thus didn't disturb thinking that you wanted to keep it safe for the School Master."

Hearing the elders, the young man's frown continued to deepen, it was because as much as he wanted to believe their words, he couldn't remember anything like that might have happened.

Normally, after bringing the treasure in, he would like to study it for a while and think of what its use might be.

It was because his teacher who had taught him how to focus his mind and use this gift of his would come in a while and help him to understand more about the treasures that he had found in the time being while he was away.

Of course, not all the treasures that he would find were allowed to keep with him no matter how much he might want to say that it was he who had found them, but in exchange, there were many things that were given to him.

Money, riches, and even the various magical learning methods and those elixirs and pellets were given to him which only helped him to get stronger.

And so he would never feel as if he was being taken advantage of for his powers.

Meanwhile, seeing the ashen face of the young man, another elder continued.

"But then we heard some noises of breaking and shattering from the treasure room, by the time we rushed in, you had already broken more than 30 percent of the treasures that you had found this year."

The previous said with a sense of regret written on his face.

Even if the young man might not know the real value of these treasures, how could they not?

One could say that this young man himself was a treasure that their Head Master had stumbled upon due to heaven's blessings.

In fact, the existence of this young man was always kept secret and not known by others except for those present in the room and the Headmaster


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