Back For My Daughter

Chapter 1226 Loot

The small city of Thiru had existed for a few thousand years in the Lesser Heavens and was no less than a small-tier city.

It expanded to more than a few hundred kilometres divided into hundreds if not thousands of small sectors.

But even if the city was a small one, it still was divided into two sides.

The outer city and the inner one.

Although it was not much big when compared to the other cities around the province, it was still a business hub for the small farmers and mortals who worked just to live by trading some of their findings or harvests.

Most people who lived here were normal mortals who had never cultivated in their lives and neither did they have the thought to since even having food 3 times a day was quite hard much less spending money on resources like Spiritual Herbs and pellets or cultivation arts if one wanted to get on the path.

But the administration still had quite a many practitioners who had enough power to take down tens of people at once without even flinching a muscle.

Right now, by the huge rot iron gate which was one of the three gates on the outermost perimeter of the old stone wall that surrounded the Thiru City, a man in tattered condition stood holding a big ball of various kinds of herbs and plants all wrapped into a big mess while he carried on his back.

From his condition, it was hard to say how he was even able to stand holding all this weight.

It was because even as he simply stood there, his legs only continued to shake as if he didn't even have the energy to stand.

"I am so sorry sir, I will give the charges."

The man smiled while he nodded as the guard stood before the gate stopping him from entering.

But as he tried to get his hand off the big ball of herbs he was not able to since some herbs would fall off.

He looked at the guard with a forced smile.

"Sir, I am sorry, but can you get the money from my shirt pocket, I can't just get them out right now with all this."

He seemed to be in a great dilemma as he looked a the guard with a bit of fear and helplessness.

The guard gave a deadpan look to him before nodding as if in having no other choice but to do something that he didn't like to do and was just too gross according to him.

"Alright, since this is for the city and as an officer of the city, I will do my duty."

"I just hope that you didn't roll in some animal faeces."

He gave a look to the man as if he was even disgusted and didn't have any choice but to do it.

"No sir."

The man held his head low as if deeply ashamed and also angry about his statement.

But since he was going to earn some money today, he was willing to let off of the verbal abuse and let it go.

At least with this, he would have a meal for a day or two.

He had been eating some fruits which he hardly found on those trees in the mountains.

But not all of them were edible.

Of the ones he had found most of them made him only suffer various things, but with time he understood that the edible fruits and vegetables were already either eaten by the birds and animals present in the mountains or half eaten by the animals before they could have ripened.

Although there were many small animals that he could see from afar, by the time he could try to get close to them to catch them, those things would just vanish into thin air.

He knew that this world was not like his and even if it was, he was not any good at hunting games much less catching the much more intelligent and powerful animals here.

For every single step that he took, he would have to make a thorough study around him to see if there was not any beast which would attack him the moment he stepped.

This whole world was a big life-and-death game for someone like him.

Or maybe there was no one like him in this world either.

He was all alone, begging and hoping that one day he would be able to see his family once again, he didn't know what they were doing or worrying about him or crying thinking of his death.

Extending his hand, the guard fished out all the coins that were in the breast pocket of the man.

"Sir, there should be 15 copper coins."

The man said carefully so as to not irritate the guard whose face already looked unsightly.

"Okay, here, these are 5 copper coins."

Removing the 5 copper coins that were about the size of an eye the guard put back the others in his pocket.

"Here take your 5 copper coins back."

Saying that the guard tossed the coins back into the man's pocket.

The man was also taken aback seeing the guard throwing the leftover coins.

One had to know that just these 15 copper coins were something that had taken him more than a week to earn.

And even that was not enough when he went to look around in order to search for the things that he might need.

All these days he never had a full meal and could only eat some plants and fruits on which he could stumble.

But most of them would be the ones that were already left by the birds and animals since they were not ripened.

So even if a single copper coin were to go missing then that would definitely mean a lot to him.

But somehow all the coins perfectly entered his pocket letting him heave a sigh of relief.

"Thank you so much, sir."

"Haha, all for the duty, don't forget to pay the tax of 20 percent after your business of hundreds."

The guard laughed while a light flashed in his eyes while he let the man walk into the gate removing the spear that stopped him from entering.


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