Azimuth: The Elden Throne (New Version)

Chapter 89 Enough Questions, Time To Read

Hey everyone, it's time for another chapter.

I hope you enjoy it, these last 3 chapters took quite the effort to make...

If you have any ideas or suggestions, I'll make sure to read them!

I'll also start sharing the link to my Discord server.

It's a pretty casual place, primarily meant for me to share announcements with those that need it, and also a place for me to put the images.

It's also a good place for those that wish to contact me and ask me questions.

All of the previous pending images are already there all the way up to chapter 80.

I've not been putting a lot of (image?) spots in the chapters recently, the last one I think was done in chapter 65 at the end of Volume 1.

Even so, I do try to make more as time goes on, and every time that happens, I add them on Discord.

If you have a request for images as well, you can do it either here or there, I'll make the image whenever I have time.

That's about it, if you have further questions, I'll always see them, considering the Novel is relatively new there aren't that many comments every chapter, so it's easy to spot a particular one.

Link ->

Aside from that, I've also changed how the extra chapter goals work:

200PS - 1 Extra Chapter

350PS - 2 Extra Chapters

550PS - 3 Extra Chapters

900PS - 5 Extra Chapters

It's a bit harder for the first bonus chapter, but it's still very much achievable, overall, nothing will change.

And since we can now, I'll also be doing some Golden Tickets Goals:

10 Golden Tickets - 1 Extra Chapter

30 Golden Tickets - 2 Extra Chapter

50 Golden Tickets - 3 Extra Chapter

This one will likely change over time since I have no idea how much this Novel will grow, hopefully it'll explode, but if it doesn't, these numbers seem fair to me.

We'll see how things go!

Adios and I hope you enjoy today's chapter!





David cleared his throat, preparing to start his lecture:

"Let's go step by step."

"Before we proceed to what an Enlightenment is, let's talk about your own body for a moment, since I think that deserves some attention."

Frowning, Dale asked, "My body? Is there something wrong with it?" as his expression became slightly concerned.

He already knew of the damage he had suffered, but could there be something the Stat window did not share, or was unable to?

"Uh... No, your body is fine, for the most part..."

"But this issue definitely needs some light as you definitely don't understand most of what's happening with it."


'It's good that I'm okay... But what a way to say I'm clueless about everything...'

"First things first… I think it's clear to both of us that you've attained Body Reformation, right?"

Dale nodded, but he still asked:

"What is Body Reformation in the first place?"

David stood still for a few seconds before his eyebrows furrowed.

"... I'm growing ever concerned about your mental condition Dale…"

"Just answer me…"

But he was interrupted by David's words:

"I mean, how could you achieve something so… Particular and yet don't know anything about it?"

"How did you live so far? How do you know so little about everything?"

"How come... 'You', came into being?"

Dale shrugged.



David became silent, before letting out a sigh, giving up any sort of retort and saying:

"Body reformation isn't so different in nature as to what the Heart Gate is, however, it differs from it as it's considered a more preliminary step in the path of a Warrior as compared to the latter."

"Body reformation is the term given when a certain percentage of your body goes beyond its previous state... Like when you temper a sword to make it harder."

"It's normally achieved by Warriors who trained their entire lives and received good resources that accumulated over the scope of a decade or two, and eventually, their bodies became something else, their skin tougher, their bones harder, their senses sharper."

"Most of the time, it's hard to say if such transformation is Body reformation or not, as each individual has their own body..."

"There are many degrees of Body reformation, from a weak transformation to an extreme transformation, your case is clearly an Extreme transformation as your Physical capabilities far surpass those of a 19-year-old boy, even when you barely knew how to handle Mana."

"And amidst all cases, what constitutes a 'True' Body reformation is its ability to change genealogy, making it thus that from now on, all of your descendants will be stronger than otherwise."

"Some may even be born with a body already qualified for reformation."

"This is what makes long family lines more advantageous as compared to short ones, as the achievements of their predecessors are often more tangible than just honorary Titles or Wealth."


Dale became pensive.

'If we take his explanation word for word, then what happened to me was exactly that.'

'I trained for a year until my body stopped growing entirely, and it was only when I absorbed the Aspect of Might that my body changed.'

'And I don't know if it counts, but my body transformed once more after the event in the Church yesterday after the Blessing of Mana left my body.'

'Today could also be counted as another transformation...'

"You don't seem convinced, but you have to at least realize that your physical body on itself was stronger than some wild beasts…"

"Let me give you an example... Your digestive system perfectly managed to consume and process an Iron Apple… Clear indicators of a strengthened body."


'That dammed Apple again... Was I really not supposed to be able to eat it?'

'What would've happened to me if my body wasn't changed?...'

"With that in mind, it can be seen why Body reformation comes first and prior to opening the Heart Gate."

"With a stronger body comes lesser risks of something going wrong in the process."

"With a stronger body, your Vessel increases, and with it, your total Mana Capacity expands."

"Since the Heart Gate can only be opened once, it's better if you have more space, right?"

"If you put it that way... Yes." Dale replied as he scratched his head

"Well… The problem is, that in your case, your Vessel was so massive, the amount of Mana in your body was so considerable, that even your body was unable to handle the pressure of your own building Mana…"

"Don't you think it's funny?"

"I don't." He replied with a poker face

'It hurt like hell...'

"In any case, this is rather common, as Having more Mana than what your body can handle is actually a sign of Talent rather than a weakness, as fixing something like a weak body is much easier than increasing your Vessel's size…"

"Of course, most die in this process, even if they're talented, it means nothing if you're dead."


"Those that survive through will see themselves with massive Vessels that contain more Mana than they could ever use."

"Such is your case… And if it wasn't for me and several other factors, your heart would've blown into bits due to your own actions… A classic case of eating more than you can chew."

Dale remained silent, thinking…

"Thankfully I'm alive…"

'And stronger than before... At least when I start learning how to control this energy within me.'

David rolled his eyes and continued:

"What do you think enlightenment is?" David asked profoundly

"Enlightenment?... That's a vast question, people can get enlightened about many things in a variety of ways and intensities…"

"Precisely, enlightenment isn't something that can merely be put into words just like that, but his transformation can be explained." David said with a smile

"Most believe that enlightenment is merely Mental, however, that is far from right."

"Sometimes, emotions, sensations, and even a cramp in the leg, all of it can cause enlightenment if given the right circumstances."

"Sometimes you don't even realize you achieved it..."

"Reaching enlightenment often taps into the Mystical, and hence, cannot be explained in simple terms and words."

"But if we ignore that portion, Enlightenment can be defined as a state of conscience reached through outside stimuli... You got that?"

"The gist of it yeah... But what happens when you enter that state?"

"Hm... That is dependent on the person…"

"Enlightenment cannot be explained as simply figuring something out, like suddenly connecting the dots of a complex problem and realizing what was missing or wrong."

"If it was that simple, then many would reach it instead of despairing."

"That's when the Mystical aspect comes in… Enlightenment is when your Mind tunes in with your body, an idea, the environment, or something… Anything…"

"It can be your will to walk, a word, a smell… It's the stimuli I mentioned before."

"When your mind achieves this strange state, that is when an Enlightenment happens."

"The Mind can influence the physical body in more diverse and complex ways than you think, as those that possess full control of it have thus an unlimited body..."

"However, before we take into account why his body changed, we need to figure out what type of enlightenment he had, as that can also be interpreted in many ways."

"Hm? What do you mean?"

"It's because when we deal with an Enlightenment, something that can be very personal, it becomes hard to properly pinpoint what was the cause."

"Testros himself lived for a promise, and trained his entire life for it, to a point it doesn't even make sense… How can you dedicate your entire life to something that was as good as gone before you became 20?... For over 80 years?"

"He trained every day in the ways taught to him when he was young, and finally, he came in contact with the missing piece, the very techniques all of his training was building up towards."

"When that happened, the influx of ideas overwhelmed his brain, the hidden truths, and the relief made him enter a new state… Or so is my interpretation."

"The change of his body happened because the Mind and the Body are deeply connected, and Testros himself seemed to have reached enlightenment regarding… Everything in his life at the same time, to be honest."

"Because this was what his entire life was about, his routine. To wake up and train from morning to dawn…"

"As such, we could even say he was trapped due to his own actions. Trapped in a never-ending cycle whose only end was his death to old age."

"There was no escape, even if he sharpened his understanding of combat, his body was only getting older, even if he tried to venture out, his connections to the people in the Village prevented him from risking his life and leaving them behind…"

"That is why those books and that adventure you two had meant so much to him... It was everything he dedicated himself to, it was the literal definition of his life."

"And when did all of this change? It was when you came in…"

"Me? What do I have to do with all of this?"

"A young person filled with possibilities and dreams, perhaps he saw himself in you, or perhaps it was a desire to pass the torch onto someone else."

"I don't think I'm like that though..."

"That doesn't matter Dale, what you believe yourself to be is probably not what everyone else sees you as."

"The Old man's change started all the way when you recovered me and that massive sword down on the first floor of this Inn…"

"I'm sure that the shock of seeing a Legendary Item only described in legends was extremely high for him, even if he didn't show it very much in his expressions."

"Then it was the training, the invasion of the Bandits, and now, he finally learned what happened to his companions and recovered their Legacy…"

"Suddenly in the scope of a few days everything he ever desired came to him, can you even imagine the satisfaction he felt? For everything, he fought for to have been accomplished after 80 years?"

"It wouldn't have been surprising if the next day we woke up to see him dead, passing away in his sleep peacefully…"

"Don't say such ominous things..."

"His purpose, his way, his future, his past, and the techniques and code he lived for, he finally had it in his hands…"

"But something changed him, or perhaps, reawakened who he truly was… You."

"The one that did all of this was you, Dale."

"Reaching Enlightenment rejuvenates the Mind and considering how massive of an Impact these past events were to him, his change was expected."

"Enlightenment is not always guaranteed to change something, nor is it guaranteed to have any effect, it's just that in his case, he became younger, perhaps as a way of his body to keep up with his now rejuvenated Mind."

"Perhaps because that was what he wished the most for, that now that he had turned a leaf in his own book, he, from the bottom of his heart, wished for time."

"Time to learn what he could not, time to train those that will follow his footsteps, time to rebuild what was once lost, and the time for him to see for the world you seek."


Dale massaged his temples as he contemplated all of this silently…

"If that is the case, is it possible to live forever with constant enlightenment?"

David cringed as he heard those words...

He had to stop for a while to relax and think, such was the absurdity of what Dale had asked him.

"I would normally frown and even call you stupid for saying that, but since it's you we're talking about I won't say anything…" David said mockingly as he scoffed

"Sorry for being stupid then…" Dale replied as he rolled his eyes

'Guess it's not possible...'

"Think Dale, if you were capable of consistently reaching Enlightenment, and solely through that, you managed to prolong your life, then mid-way through that, what do you think would happen?"

"They would become super strong? Or understand some sort of complex principle?"

David shook his head.

"Both and not at the same time... Someone that reached dozens of enlightenments… Such a person would eventually just Ascend on their own."

"Ascend?" Dale asked with a frown

"What ascend means varies from culture and religion, but it's simply reaching a Higher state of being, someone who could constantly achieve a state of Enlightenment… Would quickly become something Inhuman in no time…"

"But in any case, we're strafing down from our conversation a little, let's go back to the Old man's transformation."

"Since he has now become enlightened, you should also expect some changes in regards to his temperament and even personality."

"But for now, that's all. Any other question?"


Dale, got up from his bed to stretch a little.

"I don't have any, but that doesn't mean I won't have one..."

He took the copied book from his inventory and said:

"Let me read this first and we'll talk more later..."

'I want to see what each of these Classes are about...'

He opened the book, and as expected, a System window appeared in front of him as he used the 'inspect' feature.

It was the translated texts into English!

Dale figured that, if the book was translated into the normal language used by the Villagers from whatever it was first written in, then he would be able to read the book by simply inspecting it like any other in-game item.

If he didn't have this feature, it would be hard to explain things, since even small children seemed to know how to read and write to some extent...

But all was well... For now, this gimmick would only lead him so far.

He had plans of clearing this problem once and for all!... Albeit not today.


Dale sat down on a chair near his bed and started reading, while David closed his eyes, most likely to rest.

It had been a rough day for both of them...







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