
Chapter 228 Evil Blade

Chapter 228: Evil Blade

“Clang” Lei Yin’s sword slash was blocked before it reached the man’s neck. In fact this was the first time; the man defended against Lei Yin’s sword with his blade. Unprecedented!. At this time, Lei Yin looked at the man astounded by this terrifying change, but this served to arouse his fighting spirit. The man, after the clash was forced to only retreat a step backwards, after which he quickly stabilized himself, immediately brandishing his blade towards Lei Yin’s chest at a terrifying speed – Lei Yin responded quickly-

Along with the movement of his hand, his sword swift, vanished from sight moving towards the man’s neck causing the man to hastily take back his blade, and quickly use it as his epicentre to block and evade this dangerous attack.

At this point, Lei Yin was not going to give the man any chance to get back his composure and sent a kick straight to his abdomen, the man alarmed, gave up any thoughts on counter attacking and quickly avoided a potentially heavy injury by taking a step back in retreat.

Lei Yin was surprised by this outcome and deeply observed the man, smiling strangely, he lightly uttered “interesting”, finished saying, with a heavy step on the ground, he exploded forward with astonishing speed towards the man, the man not shrinking back, rushed forward too, and meeting Lei Yin head on.

The next sets of attacks from the two men were more terrifying and life threatening. This was life and death. In the next few seconds, they had clashed dozens of times at a lightning speed moving back and forth, both of them attacking fiercely hoping to draw out their opponents weak points and deal a turning point damage! Any slight loss of concentration at this moment would be fatal.

It is said by martial arts grandmasters, in a fighting contest or life and death fight, just dealing one move after another or even being able deal a thousand moves was not enough to win the fight. One must, even in a fight continue to learn and adapt to the rhythm of the battle, often times, in a life and death battle between experts, several hundred moves is enough to determine who lives or dies. This is because, in a fight, it’s not only your martial arts capability that determines the outcome, but your ability to adapt and predict the next move of your opponent and your ability to response fast accordingly. These little things would determine the outcome of a battle between experts. If one expert momentarily lost focus and made a slight error causing him to be unguarded for a moment, the other expert would take advantage of this error and deal a terrifying blow to decide victory or even death. It’s this simple.

This battle was more terrifying in comparison to the battle Lei Yin fought with that experimental body, Brin’s brother .He had a formidable physique with equally formidable physical strength but he severely lacked fighting skills. So Lei Yin who fought with him unarmed did not experience any danger much less the threat of death. This time however, the man he was battling with at this moment was completely different- very dangerous. Moreover he was as skilled with his blade as Lei Yin was in the art of the swordsmanship, a top blade master. Even in his many reincarnations, experts at this level, which Lei Yin met, were extremely few. He didn’t dare believe he would meet an expert of this level, in this lifetime!

Basking in the feeling of this intense battle, his nerves excited, his mind and body constantly buzzing with excitement. Lei Yin thought; “it has been a long time since I have experienced this exciting feeling of fighting without restraint attacking and defending every fatal sword slash”. Excited, Lei Yin delved deeper and deeper into the rhythm of the battle, forgetting everything else, attacking, predicting and dealing with the man’s every move and this was the same situation for the man as well!.

In this extremely serene forest, the intense battle raged on, with “clang” sounds made from clashing of a sword and a blade, which often disrupted the quiet of this place. Two shadows moved back and forth at amazing speeds, clashing in the air, then the ground, then the top of a tree, their sword and blade vanishing and reappearing at speeds which seemed like they were flickering between the realms of illusion and reality. They kept attacking their vital points in other to deal severe damage; this was a direct but extremely fatal strategy. At this point, Lei Yin momentum changed, moving exquisitely, his sword blade dancing strangely from side to side leaving what seemed like after images in its wake which were almost visible to the naked eye causing Lei yin’s image to enshrouded by his sword shades. This made one person visible and the other invisible. Ley yin seemed like he was surfing beautifully against turbulent wave currents on the ocean.

This battle continued for what seemed like forever, after which Ley Yin sword blade stopped at the man’s throat. Any slight movement would have ensured the man’s death, this ended the battle instantly.

Ley Yin deeply looked at the man. After a period of silence, Ley Yin suddenly withdrew his blade from the man’s throat and withdrew.

The man didn’t dare continue to attack but breathed out a breath of relief. Panting and trying to stabilize his excited nerves after he just experienced an exciting battle and a near death catastrophe was also calmly watching Lei Yin who was also panting and trying to stabilize his nerves as well.

In this quiet wood, only the sounds of light and heavy breathing of the two people were heard.

Although this battle ended with less than a 100 moves fought, it was however a life and death battle. It was not at all comparable to a sparring session. The physical and mental strength consumption was enormous. Although both men were exhausted, Ley Yin was in much better shape than the man as a result of constant physical exercises and frequently honing his martial skills. This gave Ley Yin the upper hand.

“Since you were already injured, let’s call it a draw” Ley Yin said this suddenly. He said this in Chinese.

The man replying in Chinese coldly countered “this is a loss. A loss is a loss or do you think I cannot take a loss. I am not narrow minded?”

“Kureji Hai, after all this time, you have not changed this your smelly temper right?” Ley Yin faintly smiling said to the man.

“How did you come to look like that?” Kureji Hai asked. He couldn’t just merge this youthful appearance of Ley Yin with the appearance he was originally familiar in ages past. After all he could not be mistaken after experiencing this person’s art of the sword which was very similar to the person in his memory. He however couldn’t bear to ask in confusion and for clarification.

“Ha” Lei Yin laughed, shrugging his shoulders, disinclined to explain said “are you not the same? Why don’t you look at yourself in a mirror and you will see how you look presently. I am interested in knowing how you happen to be in Japan and how you also possessed this man’s body?”

Just like Kureji Hai, how could Lei Yin not recognize him? Experts at this level as long as you have fought with them once, it is hard to forget their moves not to mention, he fought Kureji Hai at least 20 times in the past. Even if he looks changed completely, Lei Yin would still recognize him.

“What? Is this not China? Am I in Japan unexpectedly?” Kureji Hai shouted unbelievably. After rearranging his thoughts, he suddenly coming to a realization pointed at Lei Yin with a light smile and said “he he in that lifetime, you had a much better life compared with me, at least in this lifetime, we are in the same situation.”

Lei Yin too lazy to manage him, sheathed his black sword said to him “Although I also possessed this body, we are not in the same situation at all. In one sentence, you are 500years in the future from your dynasty era now. So tell me, how did you get attached to this man?”

Kureji Hai surprised for a moment, murmured to himself... “Mother, I have actually spent 500 years in deep sleep, this is really too long!” adjusting himself, he slid to sit down against the trunk of a tree. Just after sitting down, a sharp pain jolted him, checking his body, he realized the broken bones of ribs and chest, but lucky enough, there was no major shift in their position. His mood extra sullen, remembering Ley Yin caused it all, looked up, shouted curses at Ley Yin and his ancestors.. venting his anger in the only possible way not daring to challenge Ley Yin at this time.

Ley Yin’s face black, knew the best way to shut him up was to challenge him again but after looking at him in a terrible shape, he felt soothed. This will do for now. Ley Yin directly ignored him.

After a while of venting, Kureji Hai said “then, in the eastern dynasty, some bastards placed a bounty on me. I was constantly hunted. I killed a lot of the bounty hunters that hunted me down, but that wasn’t enough. It would have been only a matter of time before they killed me. I listened to a friend say there was an island with a small country in it called Dongying country of the coast of the eastern China Sea. Pirates inhabited that island. I fled there and settled there after slaughtering several Japanese pirates. From there I moved to Japan.

I stayed in Japan for more than 5 years. At that time, there was chaos as a result of the unceasing wars everywhere. I really had good times then.*sighing as if remembering the good times*

Anyone I wanted to kill, I killed especially those who were not pleasing to the eye. Later, some mysterious people came to disturb this grandfather, annoyed by them, I couldn’t bear, and I killed them and burnt down their useless hideout ha ha... But bad times came after I saved a beautiful lady. I didn’t think she was related to those mysterious people, after being planned by her, they caught me but didn’t kill me immediately. They took me to their temple.

I later found out they were the minions of Ishihara Masanobu, who initially placed a bounty on my head causing me to be chased down in China. They wanted to use me as sacrifice to create a blade. They claimed I had the ghostly physique which could be used to kill Lord Nobunaga, who was then called evil god. F**king bullshit, I wanted to strangle them. *sighing* he continued “Pity, I was stripped of my body, my soul thrown into the furnace to merge with the blade during the forging process. I thought I would die as a result, but my soul actually lived on as a part of the blade.”

How many years after this, I am unable to recall, I slowly found out that anyone who used this blade and was willing to give up his body, I can possess it and live on as that person.

But over the long years, this did not happen because those who have used this blade lost their sanity to mindless slaughtering and eventually died wastefully. I didn’t even get the chance to communicate with them.

However this body is special......

He once used the blade to kill as a teen, after that he was locked up for it. Ten years later, he killed once more with the blade, maybe because of his previous experience with this killing desire, his minded was not quickly corroded like the others and so I was able to communicate with his soul. After this, the rest you should be very clear.

“This clears up things, at that time, you suddenly vanished! So you were in Japan. Ha-ha. You really deserved the suffering. Originally, your soul hid in this blade, if I had known, I would have flushed this blade down the toilet for good measure. You know what the toilet is? I will tell you- Toilet is the sh*t pit. Ha ha”. Lei Yin laughed looking rather regretful.

Kureji Hai clenched his teeth, he couldn’t bear but curse this fool “wash your head in preparation after this master is done healing, would shove this blade up your ass!” hmph!

Lei Yin was not willing to continue arguing with old fogy, continued asking “do you know where the man obtained this blade from”

Kureji Hai glared him; not willing to continue to haggle with Lei Yin said “I don’t know how this blade got to his home. However I know it was his family heirloom. In his teens, curiously playing with the blade it controlled him, and he killed his uncle and after which he was locked up for several years for it.

After getting married to a woman he loved later on, his wife was admired by the young master of a gang, which led to her was capture, torture and pitiful death. Seeking revenge, he stole this blade and went on a killing spree.”

Kureji Hai thinking suddenly said “strange............ how would I know so much about this guy”

Lei Yin understood much about reincarnation explained “your soul has integrated with his body and you will slowly absorb his memories and know everything he knows, lets go”

Kureji Hai not willing to go with Lei Yin said “no, I will stay here to adjust my body condition”

Lei Yin didn’t speak again, after thinking for a moment, handed him a credit card and business card. “This is my business card has my address and phone number, you can find me with it. This credit card can be used to withdraw money at the ATM machine and the password required is 324342. As for how to operate the ATM machine, you will get to find that out too as you absorb more of his memories. It’s advisable not to ask others about this. Put that blade away and try as much as possible not to use or it will be very troublesome.

I will head out first.....”


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