Awakening to a Special-Grade Explorer

Chapter 11

Chapter 11

Tenji went to a deserted area without making any sound of footsteps in order not to startle the sleeping explorers.z

The dungeon's bathroom situation is surprisingly simple.

Garbage, excrement, and urine will be absorbed into the ground in less than three minutes if they are left on the spot.

As a result, almost no explorers pack a portable latrine. There are a few explorers who have a strong sense of hygiene, but they are the exception.

Tenji quickly found a nice dark hollow spot and urinated there.

"Phew! That felt great."

Tenji quickly finished urinating and rushed back to join the raid.

[The visibility in this 51st level dungeon was unexpectedly poor.]

[The Ochanomizu dungeon is usually characterized by the presence of evenly spaced luminous objects.]

[However, at the 40th level, it was only slightly bright, and I could hardly see my feet.]


Tenji's foot was caught by something oily, and he fell to the ground with a thud.DiiScôver 𝒏𝒆w stori𝒆s on no/𝒗/e()/lbin(.)c/o/m

As his buttocks were impacted, he heard a cracking sound.


Tenji quickly touched the ground and felt something liquid slosh on his hand.

He sat down on the spot and raised his hands to his face, wondering.

"What is this? It's dark and....? Something smells like iron?"

It was too dark to see what had spilled into his hands. It only faintly smells of iron.

He hesitated, but picked up a small light hooked to his belt and twirled the handle to turn it on.

"Wait, what the fuck??"

Tenji let out an inaudible scream as his vision was illuminated.

The light shone on a heap of human corpses.

Eight people.

Eight corpses had folded into a small mountain.

They were all pierced with large holes in their guts, and their limbs were dangling; gravity had lowered them down.

A little red swamp formed on the ground as droplets of thick red liquid dripped from the pile.

Seeing the faces of these eight people, something hot surged up from Tenji's stomach.

He immediately covered his mouth but couldn't stop himself from feeling sick.

"Oye...... orololololololololol......" Tenji threw up.

Tenji's stomach contents splashed into the pool of blood on the ground.

He'd just spit out his food ration when the sight in front of him became too much for him to handle.

Tenji couldn't believe his eyes when he looked up again.

"Ugh, this is not real, is it?..."

"Mr. Moiwa? Mr. Oyama? Mr. Kanda? Mr. Aso? Hey, hey... reply, please reply, everyone. "

Of course, the corpses could not speak; drops of blood fell to the ground, slowly expanding into a pool of blood.

The life force in their eyes had already faded.

Tenji finally accepted reality and grasped the truth. He stood up in a panic at that moment.

[There is a high possibility that there is a monster nearby! I must return immediately!]

Tenji ran frantically, almost getting his feet caught in the blood swamp.

[Shouting would be the worst thing to do. It could warn the monsters around us. Yes, this is common sense for explorers and knowledge you learn at an explorer's high school.]

Tenji quickly decided to cover his mouth as he was about to shout, and he knew that he must not make any noise until he reached the place where everyone was.

But it was already too late.


His legs became entangled in the white threads, forcing him to fall forward in a heap.

He was thrown off balance and fell to the ground, scraping his knees and cheeks on the floor.

Tenji quickly took a deep breath and opened his mouth before catching sight of the monster, which he couldn't yet see.

He let out a voice from his diaphragm, hoping it would resonate with others and reach them.

"Godo-san! Help! "

His loud voice echoed throughout the dungeon, reverberating several times before finally reaching Tenji's ears.

Godo and the others then heard Tenji's faint cries.

"What's wrong, Tenji?"

"Here... the monster!"

Tenji jumped in panic at the reassuringly reluctant voice that immediately returned.

Its white threads wrapped around Tenji's mouth and restrained him as he was dragged slithering to the back.

Tenji's eyes widened in surprise, and he resisted by shifting his body frantically.

"Where are you!

"Mwah, mwah!"

Even if he tried to speak, the thread hindered all movement from the mouth, preventing him from making any sound at all.

Still, the vibration was enough for Godo.

He immediately called out to the other explorers around him and ran to Tenji.

Then he caught Tenji and the evil monster in his sights.


I know what to do! "

Ukiyo gave his legs a powerful buff effect and reached Tenji in a moment.

He swung his light blue whip sword at Tenji's white thread, successfully severing it. Godo and the others eventually caught up with him.

"Hey, are you okay?"

Showing his impatience, Godo quickly and forcefully tore off the sticky thread wrapped around Tenji's mouth.

After sucking in a puff of air, Tenji said hurriedly, hardly breathing.

"The watchkeeping explorers! Shi......"

"They? What the hell?"

"They're... dead. Maybe by a monster! "


Godo couldn't believe what Tenji had just said.

He believed that the watchkeeping explorers should have been teamed with the chariot's regular members at this time.

This time, the members taking part are quite old and well-developed explorers.

[I'd like to believe it is a lie, but... what if the things Tenji said are true?] Godo thought to himself.

Godo showed some agitation at first but soon regained his composure.

Masaki Godo's years of experience brought him back to reality, as one would expect.

Then, stepping between the monster and Tenji, Ushiro asked, "What do we do now?"

"Everyone! Let's pull back for now! "

"Yes, sir!""

They moved quickly once they made the decision.

Tenji was immediately picked up by Godo, who had been entangled in the threads. Other explorers got into a position to support him. They started to run back the way they had come.

Fortunately, the monster couldn't run very fast, and it continued to push off into the distance.

They arrived at a dome-shaped rest stop after passing through a dark stretch of road.

"Everybody, get up immediately! Enemy attack!

Godo yelled in a voice louder than anything he had ever heard before as soon as he arrived at the spot.

The explorers, who had already begun to wake up at Tenji's shout, saw Godo's impatience and immediately regrouped and took up the fighting positions.

Godo quickly lowered Tenji to Inagaki Rui's feet and instructed, "Untie Tenji-kun's thread!".

Meanwhile, the formation against the attackers had been completed, and they were now bracing for the upcoming monster attack.

"Tenji, give me all the information you can!"

"Yes, sir! Eight guards were found dead or left for dead, where they were attacked by the monster! All eight men had large holes in their stomachs! I thought the means of attack was a sticky sharp thread! Other than that, we don't know anything!"

"Enough! Did you all hear that? Fire! The one with the fire skill should take the initiative and attack! "

Got it!

A monster appeared on the scene just as everyone was replying. Everyone could now see because the area where they camped was illuminated.

It was a gigantic spider.

It had a body the size of a cow's, eight legs, and eight eyes. It had black fur all over its body that did not reflect light, and its mouth was open in a menacing manner.

Four of its eyes were glowing yellow, while the other four were glowing red.

Seeing this, Godo's expression turned even grimmer.

"All of you, get serious. That's a first-grade monster. "

The spider monster was a deadly and powerful one, with half a foot in the first-grade monster, a grade even higher than Godo Masaki, who held the highest grade of raid calling.


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