Awakening The Weakest Talent: Only I Level Up

Chapter 1108 - 1018 The Army Arrives at the City

Chapter 1108: Chapter 1018 The Army Arrives at the City

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

The tension in Skyplume City was thick enough to cut with a knife. The once vibrant streets were now eerily quiet, save for the purposeful march of heavily armed soldiers. Their faces were etched with grim determination, a stark contrast to the carefree laughter that usually filled the air.

These soldiers understood the gravity of the situation. Every attack from the Demon Lord Abyss was a trial by fire, a deadly dance that could claim countless lives.

Back in the bustling city center office building, Zhao Qingya paced restlessly within her office. The door creaked open, revealing her assistant’s hurried entrance.

“We have news from the front,” she announced, her voice tight with urgency. “The enemy has begun their assault. Their entire force is mobilized, aiming to launch a brutal attack on Skyplume City!”

Zhao Qingya’s brow furrowed deeply at this news. “This is a tough situation. City Lord Yuan is already injured and unable to fight, significantly weakening our combat strength.”

“Not only that,” the assistant continued, “they’ve deployed three Poison Dragons, and powerful ones too. Our only advantage is that City Lord Yuan managed to injure one of them.”

A helpless sigh escaped the assistant’s lips. “The Demon Lord Abyss’ preparations seem flawless this time. Not only did they excel at hiding their true power, but they also brought overwhelming force. It may be impossible to defend Skyplume City!”

She met Zhao Qingya’s gaze—a flicker of despair in her eyes.

Unfazed, Zhao Qingya straightened her back and declared through gritted teeth, “We can’t give up on the city! There are countless innocent lives at stake. We can’t just stand by and watch them fall to the enemy! Such a scenario would be not only a tragedy but a major humiliation for the entire Southwest War Zone!”

Her voice rang with unwavering determination. “We have to hold this position, no matter the cost!”

A plan began to form in her mind. “Here’s what we’ll do. You mobilize all available troops to delay the enemy’s advance. Meanwhile, I’ll contact the Southwest District Mayor of the United Front Work Division. We need their forces to reinforce our defenses. If we can secure their support, there’s still hope!”

The assistant, however, couldn’t shake off her worry. “What if we can’t hold on until then?”

“Even if it’s just for a short while,” Zhao Qingya countered, “we have to buy ourselves some time. Every second counts. We can’t give in to despair without a fight.”

Placing a hand on her assistant’s shoulder, she emphasized, “This is a crucial mission. Don’t be careless. Contact the Southwest United Front Division immediately. Then, find Lu Yu.”

A surprised look spread across the assistant’s face. “Mayor Zhao, are you still considering him? The situation is dire, and even if he agrees to help, which is highly unlikely, the enemy’s sheer power would overwhelm him.”

Zhao Qingya offered a reassuring smile. “Don’t underestimate him. He’s a formidable fighter. Even if he can only buy us a brief window of opportunity, it will be invaluable.”

The assistant, seeing the unwavering resolve in her eyes, conceded. “Alright, you’re right. I’ll handle the army’s deployment. In the meantime, I’ll try to find

With a nod, she turned and hurried out of the office.

Alone again, Zhao Qingya released a long sigh, the weight of responsibility heavy on her shoulders. Picking up the old-fashioned phone, she dialed a number. After several transfers, a voice crackled through the receiver.

“Mayor Hu,” she began, “this is Zhao Qingya from the Patrol Department. I’m currently in Skyplume City, facing a major crisis. The Demon Lord Abyss has launched a full-scale attack with an army and three colossal dragons!”

A moment of silence followed before a booming laugh erupted from the other end.

“Hahahaha! Mayor Zhao,” the voice boomed, dripping with amusement. “This news is truly hilarious!”

Zhao Qingya’s indignation flared. “This is no laughing matter! The safety of

Skyplume City hangs in the balance!”

The laughter subsided gradually, replaced by a condescending tone. “A district mayor like yourself… You can’t even handle such a trivial matter and come begging me for help? It’s truly…”

“Alright, alright,” Mayor Hu chuckled on the other end of the phone. “I know you must be fuming right now. But don’t worry, Miss Zhao; you can just relax and enjoy your little vacation. I’ll handle the Demon Lord Abyss’ army myself.

You won’t need to lift a finger.”

Zhao Qingya bristled. “Vacation? There’s no vacation here! I came to gather information for a powerful newcomer!”

“Heh, newcomers,” Mayor Hu scoffed. “I have hundreds, no, tens of thousands of so-called newcomers under my command. Don’t pin all your hopes on this little prodigy of yours. Just sit tight and wait for my people to arrive.”

With that dismissive remark, the line went dead.

Fury contorted Zhao Qingya’s face. She slammed the phone down, muttering curses under her breath. Pacing the room in frustration, she knew she couldn’t rely on Mayor Hu. It was time for her to take matters into her own hands.

Meanwhile, oblivious to the city’s rising tension, Lu Yu lounged leisurely in a recliner by the pool in a secluded villa complex. The sun beat down on his relaxed form as Hu Zhan hurried towards him.

“Lu Yu,” Hu Zhan sputtered, his voice thick with worry. “The city’s in complete chaos! It’s like they’re under martial law!”

Lu Yu remained unfazed. “Don’t fret over it. The enemy’s arrival is our salvation. Let them handle things.”

“But what if they can’t handle it?” Hu Zhan pressed. “The City Lord has already been defeated!”

Lu Yu sighed, a hint of surprise flickering across his face. “Defeated? It looks like Skyplume City’s defenses aren’t as strong as I thought. If the City Lord couldn’t even hold them off, those soldiers are only good for stalling for time—reinforcements, maybe.”

“Exactly,” Hu Zhan confirmed. “Zhao Qingya has already sent out a call for backup. It should arrive soon.”

“Then let’s wait,” Lu Yu said, stretching languidly. “No need to rush.”

Hu Zhan, clearly frustrated, grabbed Lu Yu’s arm. “You! You’re incredibly strong! You could wipe out that entire Demon Lord Abyss army yourself! Why aren’t you doing anything?”

Lu Yu shook his head, his expression unreadable. “Not yet. I’ll wait until they attack the city itself.”

Hu Zhan paled. “But… that means many innocent lives will be lost!”

Just then, Jiang Xun approached Lu Yu and pulled up a chair. “Big Brother Lu, what’s going on outside? Why are there so many soldiers?”

Lu Yu offered a reassuring smile. “Don’t worry about the outside, little one. It has nothing to do with you. Just focus on taming your Frost Dragon.”

Jiang Xun beamed. “Alright, Big Brother Lu. I trust you to keep me safe.”

Suddenly, the front door of the villa burst open, revealing a determined Zhao


“Lu Yu!” she called out, her voice echoing through the courtyard. Lu Yu raised a hand lazily. “Here I am. What brings you here?”

Zhao Qingya marched up to him, her eyes blazing. “And here you are, sunbathing while the enemy approaches the city! Don’t you have any sense of urgency?”

Lu Yu simply shrugged.. “Is there a problem? Or have you changed your mind and decided to rely on me after all?”


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