Awakening The Weakest Talent: Only I Level Up

Chapter 1076 - 1076: 1076 City Hero

Chapter 1076 - 1076: 1076 City Hero

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation      Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

Chapter 1076 City Hero

Lu Yu and Hu Zhan arrived in the bustling heart of the city. A lovely lawn and a street paved with white stone bricks stretched before the grand manor of the City Lord.

Lu Yu followed the path leading to the entrance, only to be stopped by the guards stationed there.

“Are you certain Zhao Qingya works here?” Lu Yu asked.

“Of course. Regional managers typically relocate to the City Lord’s office upon arrival in their designated city. It streamlines supervision and leverages available space, enhancing overall efficiency.”

“Alright, let’s head in then. You lead the way.”

Hu Zhan heard that and approached the entrance with a sheepish grin at the guards.

Reaching into his pocket, he produced a token. “Greetings, I’m the captain of a small Imperial Family Patrol Department team. I’m here to meet with Zhao

Qingya, the City Lord of the Southwest Region. Please grant us entry.”

The sight of the royal token elicited a complete change in the guards’ demeanor. Their previous stoicism vanished, replaced by obsequious smiles and bows.

“A captain of the royal team! Forgive our disrespect, sir. Please, proceed. Entry is granted without issue.”

The guards scurried to open the door, ushering Hu Zhan inside. Lu Yu followed naturally, trailing behind.

Hu Zhan marched confidently towards the office building. “There are numerous offices in that building,” he remarked. “With a bit of luck, we might even bump into the City Lord himself.’

Lu Yu simply smiled, wordlessly continuing to follow Hu Zhan.

They navigated past the cobblestone walkway and a beautiful fountain sculpture before reaching the office entrance. Pushing open the door, Lu Yu stepped into the bustling reception area.

A sea of faces greeted Lu Yu’s eyes. And there, amidst the crowd, stood Zhao Qingya. His surprise deepened as he spotted Li Tianen, the man they had seen entering the city earlier that morning, standing opposite her.

Li Tianen was clad in a suit of white armor, and the red dragon insignia on his chest plate was a symbol of power. He had removed his helmet, revealing a crew cut and sharp, determined eyes that spoke of a battle-hardened warrior. “I’ve completed the assigned quest flawlessly,” Li Tianen declared to Zhao

Qingya. “It went off without a hitch. The dangerous creature that threatened our safety has been eliminated.”

“Excellent work! This is your reward,” Zhao Qingya responded, presenting him with a medal.

“The Imperial Medal has ten tiers,” she explained. “Considering the high-risk nature of your recent mission, I’m awarding you this Rank 4 medal. This serves as both recognition and a reward from the Empire. The medal grants you access to additional privileges and resources.”

A collective gasp rippled through the room as the crowd caught sight of the Imperial Medal. Envy flickered in their eyes as they gazed upon Li Tianen. “Thank you for your commendation, Mayor Zhao. I am deeply honored!” Li Tianen stammered, a surge of excitement battling with decorum. He half-kneeled before Zhao Qingya.

With a gentle gesture, Zhao Qingya placed the medal around his neck.

“Splendid work on completing the quest. Take some time to rest. We’ll contact you if new missions arise.”

Li Tianen lingered instead of departing. “There have been rumors,” he began, his voice laced with concern, “about individuals from the Demon Lord’s Abyss lurking in the shadows, waiting for an opportune moment to launch a surprise attack. Have we addressed this threat?”

A murmur rippled through the crowd.

“What?! Is this true? Are we under threat from the Demon Lord’s Abyss?” someone panicked.

“Don’t fret!” another countered. “We have Captain Li guarding us. Why fear the

Demon Lord’s Abyss? If they come, we’ll repel them!”

“Exactly! Knowing their plan gives us the upper hand!”

Zhao Qingya offered a helpless smile. “I’ve already assigned someone to this task, and the outcome should be positive.”

“Oh? And who possesses such capabilities?” Li Tianen inquired with a hint of arrogance.

“The captain of a branch of the Royal Patrol Team—Hu Zhan,” she replied.

“Hu Zhan? The name rings a bell. His strength is average, but he’s known for his cautious approach, consistently completing quests with minimal risk. A reliable expert, some might say. If he can’t handle it, I’m more than capable of taking over. After all, I’m fully recovered and brimming with energy. There is no need for additional rest.” A smug smile played on his lips as he finished his statement.

Zhao Qingya offered a noncommittal shrug. “He hasn’t returned yet. We’ll have to wait for news.

“However,” she continued, “the primary reason for assigning this quest to Hu Zhan’s team was the inclusion of a very strong newcomer. I wanted to gauge this newcomer’s abilities. Otherwise, Hu Zhan wouldn’t have been given this particular mission. I’m well aware of his limitations.”

“If this newcomer struggles, I’ll come knocking again,” Li Tianen declared.

A gentle smile graced Zhao Qingya’s lips—a courtesy reserved for her most capable subordinates. Those of average ability, however, weren’t afforded the same warmth.

Meanwhile, in the corner, Hu Zhan couldn’t help but feel a pang of embarrassment. “Well, this is humiliating,” he muttered. “But what can I do? It’s not like I can magically improve my strength.” He slumped his shoulders in resignation.

Sensing his dejection, Lu Yu placed a hand on his shoulder. “Why don’t we head over and introduce ourselves?” he suggested. “There’s no point in lurking here unnoticed.”

Hu Zhan hesitated, a hint of apprehension lingering. “Wouldn’t it be awkward to approach them now, with all these people around?”

“Why concern yourself with their opinions?” Lu Yu countered. “They’re irrelevant. ”

Li Tianen’s voice cut through the air as the two debated their next move. “Sister Qingya,” he addressed her, “who is this newcomer? Does he boast an impressive battle record? How can he possibly surpass me?”

“Are you familiar with the White Spirit Dragon?” Zhao Qingya inquired.

“The White Spirit Dragon? Of course I am! That troublesome creature who wreaked havoc in the capital! A real handful,” Li Tianen acknowledged.

“That very same dragon recently fled to this area and went into hiding. It was this newcomer who located and subdued it,” Zhao Qingya revealed.

“Wait, what? Are you serious?” Li Tianen’s skepticism was evident. “Perhaps the White Spirit Dragon was simply weakened after its encounter with you all. He just stumbled upon an easy target.”

“It’s a possibility,” Zhao Qingya admitted. “That’s precisely why I’m eager to further assess his capabilities.”

“Have you received any updates on the mission’s progress?” Li Tianen pressed.

“Not yet. We’re still waiting for his report.”

Just then, Zhao Qingya’s assistant navigated through the crowd towards them.

“Mayor Zhao,” she announced, “I’ve just received word that the quest is progressing well. The hostile forces outside the city preparing to attack have been driven back..”


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