Awakening the Daily Intelligence System

Chapter 39: 38, Weave a powerful intelligence network!_i

Chapter 39: 38, Weave a powerful intelligence network!_i

Translator: 549690339 |

“Tomorrow, the place where the retired senior official Zhang Guilin fell, as well as the spot where Rakshasa City’s once top figure Chen Shanhe used to fish, I had better visit both, just in case I can gather some related intelligence that might be of great use in the future. Even if I don’t obtain anything, it doesn’t matter, consider it an experiment!”

“Of course, rashly contacting these big shots could also bring me some dangerous intelligence, but if I really did get that dangerous information, I just wouldn’t meddle with it.”

“Also, if I could intercept the antiques at the Yiyi Auction, that could also net me a tidy sum.”

The intelligence that refreshed today, although it wasn’t as profitable as the Guangxu Yuanbao from yesterday, several pieces still have potentially huge benefits.

Lin Mo was calculating in his heart. Tomorrow he needed to take full advantage, and try his best to utilize all this intelligence.

This was also a brand-new attempt for him with the Intelligence System.

Previously, he was always thinking about making money through the Intelligence System.

Making money is, of course, important.

But to use the Intelligence System only for profit would be a terrible waste!

And next,

Lin Mo planned to use the Intelligence System to gradually build his own intelligence network!

“Contacting important people doesn’t require interaction or acquaintance with them. Merely being near them or in a place where they can be seen might yield intelligence about them.”

“Not all acquired intelligence will be useful, but once the quantity increases, it also acts as a form of security!”

Lin Mo leaned against the headboard, and although it was already late at night, he felt no trace of sleepiness.

The deeper his thoughts, the more excited he became!

Of course, Lin Mo wasn’t foolish. Even if he were lucky enough to obtain critical intelligence, he would definitely not misuse it. Instead, he would keep this intelligence as a hidden asset to protect himself!

His life ambitions were quite simple: a peaceful, healthy, joyful, and blissful family. He didn’t aspire to immense power or immense wealth. But there’s a big difference between having a sword and not using it and not having a sword at all. More trump cards were definitely an advantage. Perhaps those trump cards would never be used in a lifetime. But if he encountered troubles that were difficult to resolve… then having a powerful intelligence network meant having the means to respond to any problem, without fear of anyone!

Just like the incident with his daughter being bullied at school—if it weren’t for the intelligence about Principal Liu Hongmei, if it weren’t for the information on Zhang Ziyue’s family, his daughter might now be facing expulsion!

It was intelligence that changed everything!

And sometimes, intelligence can be more useful than money!

The next day, early morning.

“Husband, you must be polite when you go to the school, and don’t start a conflict with anyone at all costs,”

“And, don’t rely on knowing some private matters of the principal to keep threatening her. If she is driven into a corner, it could still be very troublesome for Xiaoxiao. We can’t afford to provoke them, so if we have to, we’ll hide!”

“But don’t be too afraid of them either; damn it, if it comes to it, we’ll return to our home town, take Xiaoxiao with us, and leave this rotten place!”

“If this place doesn’t welcome us, there will be another that does!”

“And one more thing…”

“Xiaoxiao, even if we have to change classes, you’ll still need to study hard. You mustn’t…”

From the moment Lin Mo opened his eyes until the entire family finished breakfast, Li Jinwen kept talking about similar things, even cursing in front of Lin Xiaoxiao out of frustration.

She couldn’t help it,

Li Jinwen was someone who wore her heart on her sleeve.

Letting her husband handle the class transfer alone, given the difficult situation, she was naturally worried. She had several times offered to go with him, but was refused by Lin Mo each time.

“Okay, okay, I got it; my ears are going to develop calluses,” Lin Mo said with a helpless wry smile. Turning to his daughter, he continued, “Xiaoxiao, say goodbye to Mom, we’re off.”

“Goodbye, Mama!”

“Mhm, goodbye Xiaoxiao, be safe on your way.”

At 7:10 AM, Lin Mo arrived at the entrance of Future Star Primary School. Father and daughter got out of the car and entered the school campus together. Lin Mo could sense that his daughter was feeling significantly downcast, almost remaining silent the entire journey and walking with her head bowed after they entered the campus.

Lin Mo asked, “What’s the matter, Xiaoxiao, don’t you want to change classes?”

Lin Xiaoxiao nodded her head in frustration, “Yeah, I get along well with my classmates, and I really like them. Plus, Class 3 never outperforms us in academic results, I don’t want to go to Class 3.”

Lin Mo stroked her little head, comforting her, “Daddy understands, don’t worry, it’s not over until the last moment. Let’s not jump to conclusions yet. Maybe you won’t have to transfer after all.”

“How is that possible… We should still prepare for a class transfer, Xiaoxiao doesn’t want to trouble mom and dad…”

Lin Xiaoxiao’s expression remained dejected.

“There’s no trouble or not trouble, what if we’re lucky?”

Looking at his sensible daughter, Lin Mo smiled with satisfaction and did not say much more. He took his daughter across the school playground and came to the principal’s office door.

Knock, knock, knock…

He knocked on the door.

“Come in,” the principal’s voice sounded.

Lin Mo pushed open the door to the office and walked in with Lin Xiaoxiao.

Upon seeing them, Liu Meihong’s eyes lit up and she could hardly contain the smile on her face as she eagerly said, “Mr. Lin, I was just about to call you.” Lin Mo feigned confusion and asked, “What happened?”

Even Lin Mo himself hadn’t realized that it had been a long time since Liu Meihong had communicated with him in the Rakshasa City dialect.

Although Lin Mo always acted very humbly and had not mentioned the affair Liu Hongmei had again or threatened her, the power dynamics between the two had clearly shifted.

In Liu Meihong’s mind at least, Lin Mo’s importance was no less than that of students from influential families with substantial backing.

“Although I probably shouldn’t say this, I still want to share some good news with you and Student Xiaoxiao!”

Liu Meihong took out a document, not bothering to hide her smile, continuing, “I just received a message that Student Zhang Ziyue is withdrawing from school. Xiaoxiao won’t have to change classes.”

“What?” Lin Xiaoxiao, who had a tearful face a second ago, instantly beamed as if she had won a five-million-dollar prize, jumping up and asking loudly, “Really? Is it true? Wow! I really don’t have to transfer classes?”

Lin 1M0 pulled Lin Xiaoxiao aside, “Xiaoxiao, don’t be rude!”


Lin Xiaoxiao chuckled sheepishly, apologizing, “I’m sorry, Principal, I got too excited. So I really don’t have to transfer classes?”

“It’s okay, Student Xiaoxiao, it’s normal to be happy, yes, you don’t need to transfer,” Liu Meihong smiled and comforted her. Just as she was about to add something else, she seemed to realize something and her expression suddenly froze as she stared blankly at Lin Mo.

“Mr. Lin, you don’t seem surprised at all about this news…?”


Lin Mo internally cursed, feeling alarmed!

He, who was supposed to act surprised for the principal, perhaps appeared too calm since he had already known the news last night!

Almost instantly,

the atmosphere between Liu Hongmei and Lin Mo became especially awkward. Liu Meihong’s look towards Lin Mo was filled with heavy surprise and shock. Honestly, she had never connected Zhang Ziyue’s sudden withdrawal from school with Lin Mo.

In her view, Lin Mo was just an ordinary laborer.

But when she saw Lin Mo’s reaction, it suddenly dawned on her that something grave might be at play.

This man… could he have known in advance that Zhang Ziyue was going to withdraw from school today?

Or to put it another way…

Did he use some kind of influence to force Zhang Ziyue to withdraw?


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