Awakened: Evolving to Godhood

Chapter 34: Magic Class

Chapter 34: Magic Class

<The champion has defeated Len, Lamaze, and eight other living beings in the magical realm evolutionary stage>

<You’ve gained the right to extract the essence of life out of their bodies>

Just as Elliot defeated the lot of them, an announcement sounded in his ears, telling him that he can extract the essence of life from all of them as he has defeated them.

“Extract an amount that wouldn’t bring noticeable changes to their bodies and especially their face,” Elliot commanded the carrier of his Authority of Life in his mind, telling it to extract not too little nor too much of the essence of life from the students sprawled on the floor of the cafeteria.


<Extraction Process Started>

<Extracting a limited and largely unharmful amount of the essence of life from 12 living beings>

<You’ve gained 40 units of the essence of life from two living beings at the tenth level of the Magical Realm Evolutionary Stage> Hope said, telling Elliot that it has extracted a small portion of life from Len and Lamaze.

<You’ve gained 60 units of the essence of life from ten living beings in the first to the fifth level of the Magical Realm Evolutionary Stage> Hope announcement rang in Elliot’s head once again, telling him that it has extracted a safe amount of the essence of life from the rest of the bullies.

He now had around 500 units of the essence of life, just a few units away from advancing to the sixth level of the Magical Realm.

“That’s what you get for messing with us!” Elliot said out loud for his voice to sound in everyone’s ears, telling them what will happen if they try messing with them.

Students sitting around them blinked in disbelief as they couldn’t believe the scenario presented before their eyes. It was hard to comprehend for them that two freshmen defeated a small group of second-year students. Who the heck are these freshmen? How are they so strong? Could it be that they’re the rumored top examinees that have showcased the combat level of magicians at the Channel Opening Evolution stage in the entrance examination?!

They were attracting too much attention by simply being in the cafeteria!

“Let’s get out of here before more trouble comes our way,” Theo said, motioning John and Elliot to look at the second floor of the cafeteria.

They looked in that direction and saw a lot of second-years looking down at them with hostility in their eyes.

“Okay,” Elliot said, wanting to get out of here as he didn’t want to rile up the guys on the second floor of the cafeteria as the few he has seen happens to be in the Channel Opening Evolutionary Stage, a stage far above and more powerful than his own. He knew that there’s very little chance of them winning a fight against truly strong second-years, so he decided to evade it for now.

“What about breakfast?” John asked, looking at Elliot and Theo.

“No choice but to miss it,” Theo replied as he ran for the exit.

“Ah, damn!”

Elliot and John said at the same time, following Theo in tow.

A few minutes later, once they have stepped on the stone-paved path and were walking around the academic grounds aimlessly, John stopped them and said, “I didn’t get to say this before as I was lost in the heat of the moment, but now that we’re in a safe place, I would like to thank you both for helping me out. No one in my entire life stood up for me, not even my mother, so thank you for taking my side.”

Elliot, who too was bullied every day in school, knew full about what John might have gone through and so he placed his hand on his shoulder, comforting him by saying,

“There’s no need to worry about that. I stood up for you for personal reasons and just cause I wanted to.”

John didn’t know why but warmness filled his heart and tears started appearing in his eyes. It’s been too long since he has been treated like a human being. He was just useless and treated as trash in the eyes of others as he was a Hollow. But now, for the first time in his life, he was being treated friendly by others.

“Don’t tell me you’re about to cry like a sissy!” Theo’s eyebrows arched as he stared at John.

“Bullshit! It’s just that dust got in my eyes,” John said, wiping the tears in his eyes like a man.

Elliot crackled a laugh, moving his face away from John.

“Where to now?” John asked after a moment.

“The class teaching magic is about to begin,” Theo replied, telling them that the class the three of them wanted to attend is going to begin soon.

“Let’s get to that place and secure our seats before it gets too crowded,” Elliot said as he started sprinting towards the main building of the academy. Theo and John chased after him but found it too hard to catch up to him.

“He’s faster than me?” Theo thought, surprised that Elliot has gotten faster than himself in merely a few days. A smile etched on his face as he teleported beside Elliot, leaving John to eat the dust.

“Guys, wait for me!” John said, crying his lungs out.

“Try to catch up, haha.” Elliot’s voice sounded in his ears, telling him to increase his speed.

“Hey, you guys going too fast!” John said as he watched them getting further away from himself.

“The last one to get to the class pays for everyone’s meal tonight!” Theo’s exclaimed, teleporting ahead of Elliot and John.

John, who was at the very back, knew that he would end up buying them dinner tonight.

By the time Elliot, Theo, and John entered the classroom and took a seat next to each other on one of the many chairs arranged in rows, the classroom was already half-filled with magicians of the magical realm evolutionary stage. Most of them have awakened, but some of them haven’t awakened.

They had similarities and differences.

However, one thing was for sure.

They were all here because magic fascinated them as much as evolution!


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