Awakened: Evolving to Godhood

Chapter 205: Going to Help who, eh? (a)

Chapter 205: Going to Help who, eh? (a)

“Am I mistaking him for someone else?”

A shocked voice sounded in the still and silent interrogation room when the recording played on the holographic screen, and the face of a young boy with brown hair with stray hair strands tinged with gold appeared on the big screen.

His once black eyes were now the brightest of gold, no less magnificent than the sun. His skin was fair and smooth, almost as if he wasn’t rolling in the mud in a foreign place but enjoying a picnic in his backyard.

A smile of happiness and victory tinged the edges of his lips, and he stood tall and might, his body full of vigor, making him appear like the favored son of heaven, a dragon amongst humans. Wearing a simple set of clothes, he still looked better than most, not only because of his handsomeness but also because he was riding a dragon of some sort and thousands of beasts crowd around him as if he was their king!

“It’s Elliot, alright!” Instructor Leonardo broke into a smile. The ridiculousness that the others were finding hard to believe was now in front of them, presenting itself vividly, leaving them with no choice but to believe, but to become a believer!

“This is too unbelievable!” Some people rubbed their eyes like baffled buffoons and looked at the screen again, only to see Elliot single-handedly crushing hundreds of serpentine devils by himself.

Although he had an entire army by his side, he still chose to remain on the forefront, acting as a vanguard. He single-handedly deflected the wrath of a thousand strong men and even counterattacked almost immediately, killing dozens of them.

He was like a God of War, the representative of Thanatos, a man with no equal! Every move he made was magnificent and took down several of his enemies.

He killed a lot, and he got hurt a lot. Yet, his face remained unhinged with no extra emotions in view as if he was an iceberg, and with a smile, he charged into the enemy’s rank.

He was selfless, brave, heroic, and all the good terms used together weren’t enough to describe him at this moment.

The onlookers, from the inquisitor and five of the twelve highest-ranking members of the academy to Lady Charlotte and Sir. Smith, all of them were impressed with the youth’s performance.

Just that they didn’t know that Elliot was plunging straight into such dangers because they were experience farms for him, nothing less, nothing more. He wasn’t selfless, brave, and other bullshits! He was just chasing after free profits and doing his best to get them!

Easy money, here comes daddy!

“He had already singlehandedly dealt with half the dangers by himself, and he also knows how to launch a massive sneak attack on his enemy—he is truly great!”

“Look, Oliver Charlotte and Lucy Love, members of two great magician families, are simply following him like tourists! What a Joke!”

Oliver was one of the four strongest magicians in the channel opening stage and had often won the silver tournament—a stage meant for the strongest magicians of the first two evolutionary stages. The losers get forgotten, their name vanishing with the gentle gust of winds. Meanwhile, the winners prove themselves as worthy and earn rewards, respect, glory, and titles!

Yet, the brightest one of the Silver Tournament, when compared to Elliot, was nothing more than a mere firefly in front of the sun.

“This imperialist grace, this awe-inspiring grandeur, this sight blinding brilliance… it can’t be the person mentioned by the heavenly appraiser, Mr. Joker, right?”

“It has to be his students.

I mean, who else could be worthy of being his teacher?”

That’s right, no one except for him was worthy of being Elliot’s master. Mr. Joker was a mysterious man, but in this day and age where communication between even the planets was possible, the tale of his impeccable wisdom had reached everyone’s ears. Everyone here knew about Mr. Joker, and many people were willing to pay a nonsensically huge price to purchase information related to him. So, they knew that he had mentioned an uprising dragon to be his student. They had looked for a magician matching such description in the past few days, but not a single one carried such majestical bearings. However, the more they focused on Elliot, the more they noticed that the youth was the one they had been looking for!

Several moments later, once the picture was over, leaving the interrogators stunned to their very roots, a few golden words gilded on a black carpet of some sort slowly appeared on the holographic projection: [Let’s put our internal conflicts aside and focus on the dogs that had not only long since knocked on our doors but also entered our homes! My words may be disrespectful to whoever is reading them, but let’s open our eyes, join hands and fend off our real enemies before it’s too late, please!]

Afterward, the holographic screen disappeared in the blink of an eye. Most likely, the recording device battery had died.

There were a lot of conflicts going on in the magician community. Many families wanted to break free from the magician association and become the rules themselves. The association wanted to keep them shackled to some rules, not only because there was a risk of war for resources erupting otherwise, but also because of several other reasons, which might lead to the destruction of humanity as a whole. Some families were in support of the association while the others weren’t. The academies were supported by both sides, and it had become the main battlefield for the two sides to fight it out.

One side wanted absolute freedom, command over all that’s beneath them, a right to be treated as gods and revered by the Hollow and ordinaries. The others held opposite beliefs.

However, both sides didn’t want a third party to step in their game and ruin it!

The third party was the Serpentine devil and its damned minions!


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