Awakened: Evolving to Godhood

Chapter 190: Undoing the Curse.

Chapter 190: Undoing the Curse.

After fastening his hands around Benjamin’s neck, Elliot immediately put his unbelievable ability to work. An uncountable number of golden threads manifested in the area. Some of them wrapped around Benjamin, but the rest of them stabbed into his flesh, entering his bloodstream, reaching his heart, and clutching it in a vicious grip.

Benjamin’s complexion fell as he felt something foreign invading his body and something tightening around his heart. He felt as if a devil’s hand had taken hold of his heart!

“What did you do to me?”

Benjamin’s terror-filled voice came as a pleasant surprise to Elliot. This person, who had killed many innocent people that had nothing to do with magicians, appeared as terrified as his victims. Elliot’s eyes brightened. He could tell that Benjamin wanted to live from his voice. His desire to live was something he could exploit to his advantage by giving him a false chance to live!

“Nothing much. I just used my power to input some things into you, making it possible for me to end your life at any moment.”

Benjamin’s eyes dilated as he heard his devilish whispers.

Elliot pulled Benjamin close to him, and while looking straight into his terrified eyes, he hissed, “Now, with a single thought, I can cause you to sleep forever. So, don’t dare to pull off any tricks and be obedient. If you get on my nerves, you know what will happen to you.”

Benjamin knew that he would die.

“What do you want from me?” He asked.

“Tell me everything you know about this plan!”

Honestly, everything up till now was his conclusions, speculations based on facts. He connected the dots with what little information he had and concluded a few parts of their plan. However, Elliot didn’t know a lot of things. He didn’t know what created the barrier, nor did he know what was supplying energy to it and many other things. Of course, the answers were in the brain of the person right in front of him. The pandora box was in his hand, and he just needed a key to unlock it. Then, he will know everything about this messed-up situation.

“Impossible.” Benjamin didn’t hesitate to reply to him, causing the hand around his neck to tighten just a little. “The moment I say even a word about it to someone who isn’t a serpentine devil, a vicious curse in my body will activate, causing me to die a bloody death. So, forget about it, and just give me a painless death.”

The Serpentine Devil knew how to run its cult. It was cruel enough to cut off all paths of survival for its worshipers by binding them with a curse that gives no chance of defection. Once a person becomes a follower of the serpentine devil, death is the only escape, nothing less, nothing more. Elliot honestly felt a twisted admiration for the beast that dared to call itself a God. He felt an odd kind of thirst, one that itched him to bite into its flesh and consume it, drinking its demonic blood to quench his thirst.

Anyway, the curse of the serpent wasn’t unbreakable. After all, Elliot had a way of undoing it.

“What if I have a way of breaking the curse in your body? Will you tell me everything then?” Elliot said in a calm voice, a serious look on his face. Benjamin raised his eyes, staring at his face. From Elliot’s voice to his looks, it seemed like he was not joking and being honest.

“Do you really have a way to break the curse?”


Benjamin felt as if a heavenly existence had shed rays of hope on him. He just needed to grab it, and he might just make out of this situation alive!

“I will tell you everything after you break the curse,” Benjamin said vehemently.

“You’re making a correct choice.” Elliot slightly loosened his hold on his neck.

“I’m going to break the curse in your body, so don’t put up a resistance.” He added.

Benjamin nodded his head.

Elliot placed his hand on his forehead and chanted some gibberish in a voice he had never heard of before. He was speaking the language of the soul race, words that he had heard coming out of Grace’s mouth when she made her vow. He was just putting up an act to cover the truth. Benjamin got fooled by his act. He believed that Elliot was speaking the language of God as the words coming out of his mouth carried a majestic and archaic feel to them. It sounded too similar to the demonic language that he had only heard once at the time of joining the evil cult.

[It will take a thousand units of the essence of life to break the serpentine devil’s curse.]

[Are you sure you want to pay such a price?]


In all honesty, Elliot was just using his godly power to realize his thought. He thought of breaking the curse, and the matrix on his soul absorbed a thousand units of the essence of life to realize it.

“I can feel it!”

Benjamin felt something holy entering his dirty flesh and charging towards the curse in his body. It wasn’t just in his thoughts, but something indeed was happening inside of his body. Golden rays of light cascaded to the pit of his stomach, where thousands of crimson snakes were swarming about. The moment they noticed the rays of light, they hissed threateningly and leaped towards them with mouths opened wide, intending to swallow them. However, they turned into dust right after coming into contact with them, getting annihilated in the blink of an eye, almost as if the rays of light were their nemesis. As the others looked at what just happened, they immediately turned around and made a run for it. However, the rays of light charged after them. As they were ten times faster than the snakes, they caught up to them after a couple of seconds and killed them too. 


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