Awakened: Evolving to Godhood

Chapter 185: One-Punch Mage in a War!

Chapter 185: One-Punch Mage in a War!

Outside the house, it was bright thanks to the lamps that he had created several hours ago. Currently, everyone was standing next to the pond, as Elliot had called them here.

“We’re sorry.”

Julian, Sean, Harvey, and the others kept their heads low in shame. Not only had they stolen a few fruits from the crates and ate them, but they also needed him to help stop them from killing each other and themselves. They didn’t know what to say, and hence, they kept they begged for his forgiveness.

Elliot said nothing as he walked away from them, away from the pond. They were like kids who were bound to make mistakes again and again. Making mistakes was what makes a human, too. So, he felt no need to accept their apology. He acted as if they didn’t exist, and after taking a step out of the beast’s den, he looked towards Lucy and Oliver, a silver light flashing across his eyes.

“Are you guys coming or not?”

“What? We’re already leaving? It’s only been twelve or so hours since we came to this place.” Lucy said as she walked towards him.

“Don’t you think it would be better for us to rest for a while longer, wait an hour for the night to dispel?” Oliver added, hurrying up to him.

Elliot replied, “If you want to stay behind, then do so.”

He knew that monsters wouldn’t be coming to this place. After all, when he was fighting Grace, her aura had scared the nearby monsters and forced them to go away. So, one could say that those who stay here wouldn’t encounter any monsters and stay alive as he solves the problem that was keeping them here by killing the serpentine devils.

Julian and the others knew that, but they chose to follow after him.

Elliot didn’t stop his slaves and Arthur from tagging along with him. The reason behind it was the same as the ones before. They were his assets, and losing them would mean a decrease in his wealth.

An hour later, they stepped out from the thick and dense areas of trees. And they beheld the valley which connected the nightmare part of the forest with the central zone. Cliffs flanked the passageways from both sides, and a crystal, clear river ran in between them, the blue line disappearing into the central zone. By the time they reached it, Milky lights started to appear in the sky, illuminating the forest.

“I’ve been waiting for you to arrive, my preys!” A garish voice sounded from above the cliff, reaching Elliot’s ears as well as the ones standing behind and beside him.

He and the others raised their head to look at the source of the voice. They saw a lot of people standing at the edge of the cliff. Around a thousand figures in black garbs, each holding some kind of weapon as well as wearing a bracelet on their wrists reflected in Elliot’s eyes.

The serpentine devils had sent every single one of their channel opening stage and magical realm cultists to this place. Among them, the strongest five held command over a thousand people each. And they had set up a guard post at each point that connected to the central zone. They only had three reasons to do that.

1: They couldn’t allow others to mess up the formation they set up in the center of this forest. That’s why they had to stop magicians from the other zones from reaching it.

2: They needed to keep the magicians divided! Kill them one by one, as that would be easier than fighting a war with them.

3: The lesser their causalities, and the higher the death of the association’s magicians, the better their rewards.

“What?” Benjamin Wells, a sadist who likes to torture his opponents both mentally and physically before sending them off to the afterlife, said, “Are you guys so shocked to see an army of thousand strong magicians that cat got your tongue?”

Elliot’s eyes landed on him. Standing at the edge of the cliff and in-between many grotesque creatures with horns on each side of their heads, Benjamin Wells arrogantly met his gaze. Elliot was as good as a dead man to him, and he didn’t hide his thought.

“A thousand ants can’t destroy a mountain even in a thousand years! So what if there are a thousand of you? Do you think I give a fuck when it comes to stomping ants to their miserable deaths?”

Elliot said in a loud voice as he launched his finishing move at Benjamin, giving him two middle fingers.

He was the only one who could fight, yet there were more than a thousand enemies. However, not even a single trace of nervousness was found in his eyes, almost as if he didn’t put the cultists of the serpentine devils’ organization in his eyes.

A vein popped up in the forehead of Benjamin. Also, the faces of the other serpentine devils contorted. Only a few were able to keep calm at his provocation. They were bewildered. Shouldn’t he be begging for his life or turning tail and making a run for it?! How could he so vehemently disgrace them? Had he eaten the guts of a titan?!

“The last words of a fool!”

“Let’s kill this son of a bitch!”

“Skin him alive, cut his finger, penetrate his dirty holes with iron poles, and gouge out his eyes. That’s the death a bastard like this deserves.”

The demon warriors roared out loud, hurling cusses at Elliot in the same way monks would recite the heart calming sutra.

“Nah, we should give him an ant’s death,” Benjamin said, a vicious look flashing across his eyes. “All of you, pull out the magician-slaying bow and shoot him to death!”

“As you command, Young Cult Lord!”

“Bastard, you’re going to die overwhelmingly.”

“Learn to be more humble in your next life!”

“Let’s drill a thousand holes in this bastard’s body, hahaha!”

While hurling insults at Elliot, who was cleaning his ears with his pinkies, their demonic energy surged out of the tip of their forefinger. It seemed like the veil of night, and it charged into the bone-like bracelet on their wrists. They had decided to bring out weapons of war and use them to kill Elliot overwhelmingly.


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