Awakened: Evolving to Godhood

Chapter 106: start of cliche

Chapter 106: start of cliche

Feeling the taste of surprise seeping into every fiber of their beings, everyone stood up from their seats, including the headmaster of the academy and the people around him. How the heck is it possible for him to defeat around twenty magicians a realm above him with a single move? Just how powerful is he? Is he really in the magical realm? If that’s truly the case, then he is a prodigy!! A prodigy that the world has never seen!

“Awesome! I have never seen such an overpowering display in my entire life!”

“Black knights can’t even compare to his toenails! Prince Elliot is the Black Dragon of this tournament!”

“Young Magic Prince Elliot is mighty!”

The crowd started to cheer for Elliot, calling him prince and comparing him to the likes of dragons and titans.

He stood straight. A gust of wind bellowed, making his clothes flutter and his hair sway. At this moment, he looked like a war god. Unmatched, unparalleled, one without any equal. Who in this entire world could proudly say that they are strong enough to defeat a group of magicians a realm above them? None! None except for Prince Elliot!

His back looked too impressive right now, so special that some people felt that in the future, his shoulder could support the seven skies. Lisa looked at him, and her heart thumped, thumped, and thumped wildly. She has fallen for his grace once again. If he dares to take her to bed at this moment, then she wouldn’t utter a word of refusal.

Linda, who had regained her consciousness thanks to the healers of the academy, couldn’t endure seeing and hearing hundreds of people hailing Elliot as the victor. She closed her eyes and used her hands to block her ears. Of course, her actions weren’t much of a help, and she still felt bitter and extremely sad. Tears seeped out of her eyes, dripping down her chin and onto her clothes.

No matter how vicious she was, in the end, she was still a young woman. Her friends have turned their back on her. Her actions also destroyed her reputation. She deserved it, honestly. But being alone was something extremely hard for her. Naturally, she felt fearful of her future. That thought haunted her so much that she started brawling her eyes out.

Of course, although many people were hailing Elliot as a genius and some extremely powerful ones were considering taking him as their student or marrying their daughters to him to form a connection, even then, even then, some people stood up against him out of jealousy and vanity and tried to pull him down to the abyss.

“Che, he is still a prick. If he could have finished this tournament with a single attack, why did he drag it out for so long? Isn’t that just the way of an attention whore trying to show off and garner attention?!” One of the magic grandmasters said in a voice loud enough to reach everyone’s ears.

“You dumb broad, it’s pretty clear that my brother let them attack first because he knew that if he attacked first, then they won’t even get the chance to show their skills!” Theo stood up for Elliot, lashing out at the big-breasted female in the magic grandmaster stage, giving no shit about the fact that she was far stronger than him.

“You think you can be as gusty as you want because the academy will protect you, huh?! The world is more terrifying than you think.” Holly Lewis said as her eyes dangerously narrowed to thin slits.

“I call dips on that!” Elliot said, surprising the onlookers who were looking forward to watching a show. Even Theo and Holly were a bit taken aback by his words. “The world is terrifying because of dumb broads like you are plaguing it! Just because your tits are big, your intelligence is lower than an ant, and you’re unable to understand my generosity, it doesn’t give you the authority to badmouth me! Take back your words, and scram!”

Holy shit!

Everyone was shocked. He cursed at the magic grandmaster and gave her an earful. Does he not fear that she will retaliate when he is outside of the Academy?!

“What a shameless child! He doesn’t even know how to respect his elders! That’s what happens when a boy grows up without his parents.”

“Harming his seniors without a second thought! He is too vicious! This child deserves punishment!”

“My young boy hadn’t harmed a single inch of your body! So, why had you slapped him silly?! I hope the academy can give me some justice!”

The fathers, mothers, and relatives of the bunch that Elliot defeated started barking out loud, saying woof, woof, and woof in an extremely aggressive manner. They also attacked Elliot with intangible energy pressure, trying to force him to his knees. But the pressure was too weak compared to his physical body, so he didn’t budge even one bit. The magic grandmaster insidiously smiled, although it was hidden behind her black veil.

As they accused him of one thing or another while glaring daggers at him and used energy pressure to force him on his knees, Elliot’s eyes widened in surprise and his lips remained parted in shock.

“Beat their sons, and their parents will come to take revenge. If you beat them senseless, then expect their fathers, grandfathers, and even ancestors to step out of their seclusion or grave and come for your head! Is this the legendary cliche that is used in almost all novels? Am I honestly facing one myself?!”

While such thoughts popped up in Elliot’s mind, a man sitting on the raised platform a few seats away from the headmaster wearing a black cloak with red patterns and a golden crown on his head performed some hand signs, causing magic energy to infuse with his throat, then he roared out.

“Oh, what is this disgusting smell? Why am I smelling something burning? Ah, I see, it’s the embodiments of jealousy, eating vinegar because they can’t endure another person being more glorious than them or their children and releasing terrifying farts from their mouth!”

A man suddenly stood up for Elliot and chided the ones blaming Elliot without proof or any reason.


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