Author's Destiny in The Novel

Chapter 21 The Dormitory

After returning home from the Academy, I started to make preparations as the semester was officially going to start a month later. I devoted all my time to training to increase my rank.

"Hmm, as for the plans related to making my own company, I'd have to implement them only after I graduate from the academy. Most of my time in the next 3 years would be spent staying in the Academy after all", I muttered to myself.



[1 Month Later]

I was back at the Academy and was officially going through the Dormitory registration process. The Dormitories in the Academy were quite unique. Rather than assign individual or shared rooms to each person, they had separate floors assigned to 4 people each. There were tens or even hundreds of such buildings. Each floor would have a few rooms for people to stay in and a collective big kitchen. This was probably to increase the time the students spent with others to facilitate their social growth.

After registering, I found out that I was assigned the 7th floor in the [Seraph] Dormitory. The 7th floor was the topmost floor in each Dormitory and also the floor which invoked the deepest sense of fear within me, reminding me of that abominable truck, which, I still couldn't explain, how, killed me.

You weren't informed about who your dorm mates would be beforehand and would only find them once you reached the destination itself.

As I made my way up to my assigned floor with the elevator, I leaned back against it as I looked up into the sky. It was a stormy day and-


I secretly mobilized all the mana in my body, preparing for the worst situation to happen as I gazed into the sky. Luckily, what I feared never came for me in this life.. yet!

Once I reached the 7th Floor, there was a scan conducted by the security system in the elevator as it verified my identity as one of the residents of this floor. If I wasn't a resident, I would have to get permission from the actual residents if I wished to step in. Stepping out of the elevator, I was completely drenched in sweat. The floor was particularly big as it covered all of the amenities a person would ever need.

Looking at how I was the first one here and none of my dorm mates had settled in, I looked at the rooms and chose the one that was the closest to the elevator. Definitely not because I was feeling too lazy to walk a few extra steps.

I had advanced to the [E-] rank in the past month so I could confidently say that nobody in the First-year could defeat me at the moment. Though I probably wasn't the only person who had a massive increase in strength as the main cast would probably have had the same. Unlike other people who got most of their stats capped at the same rank once they reached the peak of a certain rank, I could simply increase my stats into the next rank so breakthroughs in the earlier ranks would all be the same for me, be it minor or major rank breakthroughs.

While thinking about this, I went up into the lounge and casually sat down while eating a simple breakfast I had just prepared in the kitchen. At this moment I got an alert, something that only the residents got when someone was going to enter their floor soon.

The elevator's door opened up as 3 people walked out of it.

"You have to be f*cking kidding me, WHY THEM!?" At this moment, Asher was wondering if there was a supreme god up there who was trying to play some kind of a practical joke on him.

'Of all the people who could have been my dorm mates, IT JUST HAD TO BE 3 OF THE MAIN CAST.'

There was a blonde-haired man with golden eyes and a cheerful personality, eyeing everything around him, as he took note of me and waved at me.

Behind him were two people who were too indulged in an intense argument as they couldn't even be bothered to look around.

"YOU ALL MUST REFER TO ME AS THE ALPHA", the edgy brown-haired man with Auburn eyes - Orion Hawthorne screamed at the man he was arguing with.

"Hah, you look like some cheap broke guy with no strength at all. I could easily beat you with one finger so CALL ME ALPHA INSTEAD", replied the other edgy guy, Alex Silvercrest. He had Black hair and eyes akin to the void itself.

'I have to put up with these people for the next 3 years? My life is going to be a mess now. At least Anthony is a regressor so he must be a bit mature. That's a consolation, definitely.'

"Wait guys", Anthony called out to the other two. Finally, he was going to take charge-

"What rank are you all at and your current position out of the 480 people? I'm [F+] and also Rank 54 so I should definitely be called as the 'Alpha' in here. I'm the strongest after all."

Going to take charge.. or not. I facepalmed as I thought of ways to escape from my predicament of being stuck with these people for my whole Academy life.

'WAIT I could simply apply to have my dormitories changed, I'M A GENIUS!'

I immediately opened up my smartwatch as I tried to apply for a change in Dormitories but-

[Once a dormitory and a floor have been assigned, they will not change for the next 3 years unless in the case of the destruction of the property itself]

"Should I just destroy the whole floor itself and pin the blame on those three.. Or maybe I could just beat them up but I'm not really interested in showing off my powers after all. Guess I should introduce myself first."

"Hey guys, I'm Asher Gradivus, I'm Ranked 52. Guess we'll be dorm mates for the next 3 years so nice to meet you all and let's get all get along well." That one sentence took out all the social interactions I was going to do for the day..

"..So should we call him as the Alpha?" Alex asked a dumb question to which I just rolled my eyes.

After the introductions were done as everyone gave off only the basic information about them (they were all hiding secrets duh), they all chose a room and got themselves settled in- Or did you think it was that simple? The three argued for quite some time about who was going to take the room at the end as it was the most "cool" room. In the end, fists ruled over words as Anthony took it for himself.

Once everything was done, we all gathered in the lounge.

"So guys, classes are going to start the next week and we'll have to decide which courses we select on the first day. Have you all decided on anything yet?", spoke Anthony while grabbing a glass of water for himself.

"We're supposed to get a simple introduction and demonstration for what we're going to learn in each course on the first day so we could simply choose at that point", I replied as I had the basic knowledge from the novel about the future.

Orion let out a hum then put on a serious countenance as he said, "Now that, that's out of the way, we must now decide the most important things.."

"Who's going to do the chores, and who's going to cook?"

With those words, the entire room was instantly filled with silence as everyone eyed each other, nobody willing to take charge to do anything. An imaginary killing intent was spreading out from each of these 4 residents due to the fact that none of them were interested in doing any kind of work at all, and would rather make others do it all for them!




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