Author's Destiny in The Novel

Chapter 18 Entrance Examinations

The campus area was divided into several regions such as a separate region for each year, the academy staff, each year's training grounds, and so on. There were academy staff at each and every corner, guiding us towards the venue for the Theory exam which was meant to happen before the practical one. The Theory exam was compulsory for absolutely everyone while the contents of the practical exam differed based on what department you wanted to join.

This academy accepted all kinds of people out there, those interested in blacksmithing and even alchemy. Not only limited to this but even people willing to become researchers were also accepted. These would be the people who'd make new discoveries in the future on mana or something else which could lead to progress in the rate of development of the civilization.

I walked into the room and sat on my designated seat as I waited for the exam to start. There were hundreds of people around me and I was pretty sure some might even try to cheat. But those who dared to do so would instantly be caught. The academy could have easily employed methods to prevent these people from cheating but it would rather let them cheat and then throw them outside. Guess it didn't want people who took this all lightly to pass.

'Wait.. come to think of it, I could technically use my [Divine Eyes] to even look into others' papers without getting caught. Did this just mean that I studied for months for absolutely no reason AT ALL!?'

Giving out a self-deprecating. chuckle, I stretched my hands as the exam was now about to start. I was well prepared so I had no need to stress out, not to forget I had a photographic memory. I could probably even ace the test if I so wanted but I'd refrain from doing that.



[3 Hours later]

I got up from my seat with slightly sore legs. As I looked around, I saw most of the people looked slightly disappointed while some of them even had satisfied looks. The test was no joke, it almost looked to me like it wasn't even meant to be Aced. You'd expect an easy test from an Academy known for its Combat department. Well, I'd be damned if someone were to call this easy. I don't think there'd be any more than 5 people from the tens of thousands who'd ace this test.

The technology had advanced by leaps and bounds and there existed AI that could now check the answers to your question paper almost instantly. Almost 2,000 people had failed from the 12,000 that originally gave the exam. The remaining 10,000 were taken to a small room.

"Hey, this is such a small room, how could all of us fit in there?" asked a random mob character.

A professor on duty nearby explained to him, "This is a spatial room, it might seem small from the outside but using the Space element, it could easily even fit 20,000 students at a time."

None of the teachers followed us inside and I knew the reason why. As I took a random seat somewhere near the middle, I waited for everyone to sit down. Darting my eyes around the room, I tried to spot any character from the main cast if possible but I was disappointed as I couldn't in this huge crowd.

Once everyone had taken a seat, the lights went out and a person appeared on the stage. It was the principal, Eva Turner. With Blonde hair and red eyes, she gave off a slightly cute look. She was a [SS+] rank mage, meaning she was essentially one of the powerhouses of the Human race.

"Hello, everyone how are you all doing? I'm Eva Turner, the principal of the [Arcadia] academy. Today you're all gathered for the.. blah blah.. so I want you all to know that I'm very happy.. blah blah blah.. the practical test will begin in.. more blah blah blah.. you must kill as many monsters as you can, even eliminating participants is allowed.. even more blah blah blah."

I wasn't really interested in her speech and I already knew the rules for the practical test as I was the one who wrote it down in my novel. I was getting really annoyed as I thought about if this [SS] rank woman had so much spare time on her hands, she might as well go train a bit to prepare to break through to the [SSS] rank. Come to think of it, [SS] ranks could live on for tens of thousands of years so maybe she really had a lot of spare time in her hands.

Suddenly, I felt a weird sensation and the chairs around the room all vanished as the students fell onto the ground, completely unconscious. At this moment, the Principal looked at me.

Principal: ".."

Asher: ".."

Principal: ".."

She had released her pressure which had caused all the students to get knocked out as she was probably preparing to teleport them to the practical test site- or should I say the special realm built for it?

Her pressure was considered as a "mental attack" by the system. So it was nullified and didn't work on me due to my skill which gives me immunity towards things like these. The principal must have figured out that something was wrong with me as she looked at me with her eyes knitted.

I nodded at her and said "Tough day, eh?"

Principal: "Y-yeah.. huh?"

Nodding at her again, I looked at the examinees. As everyone had suddenly fallen unconscious, most of them were lying on the ground at weird angles with some even lying on top of other people.

Casually kicking a few of them aside, I made some space for myself to comfortably lie down in, as I then rested my body.

Principal: ".."

It seemed she was really dumbfounded by how I was casually kicking other students to make space for me to lie down. Well, it's not like I kicked her or did something wrong so she can't say anything to me.

At this point, the Principal just seemed to tacitly ignore me and went back to creating a spell to transfer all 10,000 people to the secret realm. She probably just didn't want anyone to disturb her when she was casting such a huge spell.

Soon her spell was completed as a blinding flash was released. When I reopened my eyes, I was lying in a forest with a sword beside me. We had already filled out a form earlier about our desired weapons so it seemed based on that everyone must have gotten their choice of weapon with them.

Picking up my sword, I decided it was time to go make some monster stew and finally test out my skills in combat. Though it wouldn't exactly be called testing as this was a test made for [G], [G+], and [F-] ranks. Anyone above would have it easy and I, who was one of the, if not the strongest examinee, could probably slaughter all the monsters in here solo with my ridiculously high stats for my rank.




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