Aura of a Genius Actor

Chapter 95: The Bait

Chapter 95: The Bait

The Bait

A fan signing event?

Yes. Did you meet So-jin the day when the food truck was delivered?

Ah the interesting president?

Yoomyeong smiled slightly, recalling her military-like tone of speech.

That friend suggested something when we met recently. How about holding a fan sign event?

A fan sign event

Originally, we planned to have a meal with the fan club managers after your shooting. But then, she said that you havent had much public exposure lately, so theres not much content for the fans to share. She asked if we could turn that meal into an event for the entire fan club instead. 

Thats thoughtful of her.

The president, who seemed cheerful and quirky, indeed had a professional approach to fan club activities. For the managers, the choice between a meal with the actor and a large signing event would naturally lean towards the former. Yet, to give it up for a fan club event

I think its a good idea, too. Normally, fan signing events are more common among idols, and actors often attend as part of promotional events for sponsors.

Thats true.

But I believe that fan club culture will become more active over time. Although actors primarily speak through their acting, having a core fan base is definitely reassuring.

I agree. Im grateful to those who appreciate me as an actor, and Id like to greet them.

Yoomyeong recalled how fan culture has expanded since 2010.

Yu-seok and So-jins mindset of suggesting this to an actor who wasnt even an idol was definitely ahead of its time. But even then, was there anything more precious to an actor than their fans?

As he was still somewhat in disbelief about having fans, Yoomyeong wanted to see their faces in person and express his gratitude.

Okay. Lets set that aside for now and move on to the commercial proposal. 


Yu-seok handed over a proposal.

As I mentioned before, weve received quite a few CF offers. Being a talented rookie actor without an overused image is a significant advantage. 

I remember that you did mention that.

Right. Ive turned down most of them, but one of the newer proposals caught my interest.

Yoomyeong flipped through the proposal.

The rough sketch on the white A4 paper was a storyboard.

[Hyunseong Motors Crudes Launching CF Proposal Unmask] 


To take off ones mask. 

The word intriguingly stuck with him, perhaps because of his recent role as Lee Bang-won.

They probably didnt know it while creating it, but the concept fits well with the movie. I was surprised, too. Wasnt Lee Bang-won a character who wore a mask?

Thats right.

Yoomyeong replied, a little surprised.

Knowing that Yu-seok was a movie buff and had seen the script for <The Late Goryeo Dynasty & the Early Joseon Dynasty>, Yoomyeong knew that he would be aware of Lee Bang-wons character. However, it was chilling how he precisely captured the concept Yoomyeong had portrayed.

Its a new car from Hyunseong this year, which targets young professionals who know how to enjoy life after work. The timing of the ad launch and the movie release also coincide. They seem to be aiming for that.

I see. Its definitely a good idea it fits with Lee Bang-wons concept, and the content goes well with the movie. 

I chose it because it seemed interesting, even for an ad. Apart from the 15-second TV commercial version, they also plan to shoot a full 3-minute version for online viral marketing. The longer version will definitely feel like shooting an acting video.

Yes that sounds fun.

Do you want to do it?

After thinking for a moment, Yoomyeong nodded vigorously.

Yes, Id like to.

Great. Then, well negotiate the contract terms.

Yoomyeong had experienced doing theater, acting, and films in his past life, but never a commercial.

It was the 15 seconds of art, a performance that must captivate the audience instantly.

Yoomyeong became excited about the challenge of a new type of acting.


A few days later, at the Good Entertainment building.

Knock knock 

Standing in front of a meeting room on the second floor and nervously knocking was Jung So-jin, the president of Shin Yoomyeongs official fan club <GodNamed>.

Come in.

This is crazy! His voice is so sexy!

So-jin barely managed to suppress her desire to fangirl. Today, she was determined to present herself as the most professional and reliable president ever!


President, how have you been?

She failed!

Seeing Yoomyeong smile softly made her resolution crumble away. So-jin found herself grinning foolishly. She thought, I can now die happily

I heard that theres something you wanted to discuss about the fan signing event.

Yes, actor!

What is it? Its my first time doing something like this, so Ill be relying entirely on you, President.

Im relying on you hes relying on me oh my god.

She couldnt let him down.

So-jin steeled herself, trying to firm up her resolve as her smile threatened to take over her face again.

Actor, I have a goal.

What goal is it?

To turn <GodNamed> into the ultimate fan club.


A fan club without sasaeng fans and has fans that respect your privacy! Fans that pave a flower path for good deeds, and stand as a shield during tough times! My lifelong goal has been to cultivate a high-class, legendary fan army. 

Yoomyeongs gaze turned serious upon hearing So-jins earnest ambition.

Thats quite something. Its really impressive.

I know, its a great goal.

So-jin solemnly nodded.

So, I need your cooperation.

Of course, Ill cooperate. What should I do?

Providing the right bait. The pond needs enough bait for the fish to play nicely and not fight.

Ah So, how do we do that?

So-jins eyes sparkled as she explained.

Its all about engagement. 


Yes. Ive been a fan for over ten years, and Ive noticed something. Fans appreciate a kind, humble, and relatable image, just like yours! But throwing in some unpredictable elements can really enhance the fans engagement. 

Like what?

Something like suddenly using informal language?

Um, thats a bit challenging. 

Its similar to dating. You need to draw the line properly so they wont cross it, and also show some charm to make them want to stay right before that line.

He kind of understood what she meant, but the thought made him blush with shyness. 



I shouldve captured that expression just now. Oops, Im sorry.

So-jin then refocused and briefed him.

Actually, the most effective way of getting their engagement is through a character like Bohyung. 

Oh, is that so?

Yes. Those charming expressions! The unexpected charisma, and the vibe of a mysterious man you want to know more about But since Bohyung is a character in a script, it might be difficult to do that

Would it work if I act like Bohyung?

Really? You can do that?

So-jin was surprised by Yoomyeongs willingness to immerse himself in a role.

But, I dont want people to think thats how I am naturally. Maybe I can just show them a bit of that character if they really want?

That would be amazing! Thank you!

So-jin bowed deeply.

It was common fan service to take photos with fans at the signing event, doing specific poses, or shaking hands. However, acting out and showing a character could give tremendous value and rarity to being a member of Shin Yoomyeongs fan club.

Its a huge scoop!

So-jin dashed to the internet caf as soon as she left the meeting room, eager to share the news in an announcement.


Not long after wrapping up the shooting, Chuseok (Thanksgiving Day), one of the countrys major holidays, came around.

With some of his earnings, Yoomyeong replaced his fathers 15-year-old car. 

Thanks to that, they were on their way to his uncles house in a new, comfortable SUV.

Ah, todays going to be so much fun!

What, why?

Remember last Lunar New Year? It was chaos because of you. Showbiz Studies was all the rage then. Uncle Byung-soo and eldest aunt were totally shocked 


Let her be. Shes not wrong, haha.

Yoomyeong had skipped the last New Years gathering because he was busy filming and finishing the last episode of his drama. Apparently, it caused quite a stir among his relatives.

From a young age, Yoomyeong was known to be quiet and well-behaved, so his relatives were astonished at how much he had changed and constantly asked when he would attend the next family gathering. 

Yoomyeongs fathers side of the family was large, his father being the third of six siblings.

Family events were frequent when Yoomyeong and Jiyeon were younger, and Yoomyeong wasnt particularly the center of attention among his cousins back then. It was understandable that they found his newfound fame surprising.

Eldest sister has always been jealous since we were kids. Ironically, she benefited the most from our parents, but I dont know why shes

Honey, its not right to say that in front of the kids.

Theyre adults now. You also had your share of troubles because of her when we got married.

What happened?

Your mom was so beautiful when she married into the family. So, your eldest aunt picked on her, claiming she attracted too many men and looked cold-hearted.

Wow so eldest aunt is a master at backhanded compliments?

Jiyeons gesture of approval towards the aunts critiques made Yoomyeong chuckle.

Just make sure you two get along as siblings and support each others successes. 

Yes, of course~ Brothers success only means lavish gifts for me. Go, Shin Yoomyeong! Make a lot of money and throw any leftovers to me! 

You dont teach that to your students, do you?

Why not? They need to learn how the world works from a young age. My students should learn how to live well when they grow up.

As Yoomyeong and Jiyeon bantered, their car entered an apartment complex in Yongin.

Almost simultaneously, another car arrived, and a voice called out.

Oh, Woo Chang, did you get a new car?

It was their eldest aunt.


Its been a while, sister. How are you, brother-in-law?

Hey, have you been well?

The uncle, being the in-law, had spent many holidays with Yoomyeongs family due to the absence of his own parents.

Byung-soo, their oldest cousin in his early thirties, awkwardly got out of the back seat.

Byung-soo, you doing alright?

Uncle Woo Chang, when did you get the car? Second-hand cars have good value. Why go for a new one when youre not that well off?

My son bought it. We havent done much for him, but hes treating us well.

Oh really? Yoomyeong did?

The biggest problem with the eldest aunt was her meddling.

Tired of her habit of offering unsolicited advice on others lives during holidays, Yoomyeong gradually started skipping family gatherings. 

Sister, lets go inside and talk. Were the last to arrive. 

Upon their arrival at the large family home, the packed house erupted in cheers at the sight of Yoomyeong.


Our star has arrived.

He keeps getting more handsome. Did he have surgery or something? 

All of his uncles and aunts, along with their children, were there. 

Excluding his younger uncles wife, the gathering totaled around twenty people.

Ack, brother, please give me an autograph!

Tak-su, the youngest cousin, rushed over with a notebook. Yoomyeong signed it with a smile, and the younger ones crowded around him, eager for entertainment industry gossip.

It was an unfamiliar scene. Yoomyeong was the center of attention, a stark contrast from his past experiences.

The eldest aunt commented sourly.

Being a celebrity is so unstable. Theres no income when youre not working. Instead of splurging on new cars, you should be saving.

Isnt it better to be unstable than to have no income at all?


Despite her mothers attempt to silence her, Jiyeons quick comeback made a few relatives laugh. 

No, you ha. What I mean is, if you wanted to change your dads car, a good second-hand wouldve been fine. Your uncles a dealer; he couldve found a good as new second-hand. Now that youre earning, let us know if youre thinking of buying a car. Hell pick out a good one for you. 

Jiyeon interjected again.

Brother already has a car

What? Which car?

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