Aura of a Genius Actor

Chapter 54: Joker

Chapter 54: Joker

༺ Joker ༻

‘Good’ Entertainment.

‘Bad’ Entertainment.

There was a mysterious rumor that there was another company lurking in the shadows of Good Entertainment.

Its true identity was now revealed.

“Don’t get the wrong idea from the name. The criteria for ‘good’ and ‘bad’ are based on how they affect ‘me.'”

Yoomyeong instantly understood the implication of those words.

For a manager, a good company was one that made profits.

But what about a bad company for a manager?

“I know it sounds suspicious, but this company is more of a hobby for me to support actors I find ‘interesting.’ There’s nothing special about it. It’s just that the terms are a bit better than those of regular entertainment agencies.”

He placed the contract he had prepared on the table.

Yoomyeong cautiously picked up the document and scanned it.

‘This is unbelievable…’

The first thing that caught his eye was the reversal of roles between Party A and Party B.

In a typical actor’s contract, Party A is the management while Party B is the actor. However, in this contract, Party A had the actor’s name in it.

And it wasn’t just about the title. The provided facilities and support staff were on par with Good Entertainment. The profit distribution… was close to the standard for top-tier actors, not rookies.

But what stood out even more was this clause:

[Party B shall not force Party A into any entertainment activity against their will and is obligated to negotiate as much as possible for projects desired by Party A.]

[Party B guarantees Party A’s right to choose projects.]

Yoomyeong’s eyes widened in surprise.

“How are these terms even…”

“Entertainment activities include advertisements, events, and the like. Of course, I’ll secure profitable ventures if you want, but I won’t force you if you’re against it.”

He flipped the page.

The contract term was… for seven years?

That was the maximum contract period allowed for exclusive contracts in the pop culture and arts industry. Sensing Yoomyeong’s reaction, Yu-seok explained.

“Look at the clause below the contract period. There’s no penalty for termination, and either party can end the contract whenever they want. If you ever feel like you don’t want to do it anymore, then you can walk away. Of course, if you become uninteresting to me as an actor, I can also step back. But up until that point, it’s definitely a win-win situation for the both of us.”

‘Until I’m no longer interesting as an actor… It’s a bit off-putting if they suggest ending the contract because of that, right?’

Aside from that minor issue, the conditions were undoubtedly favorable for Yoomyeong.

Especially with these terms, Yoomyeong could freely perform in less lucrative projects like independent films or plays. This aspect particularly appealed to him.

— There are actors whom Moon Yu-seok gave special treatment to.

Had Yoomyeong not heard those rumors in his previous life, he might’ve thought this offer was a scam.

Still, he had to check.

“What do you gain by offering me this contract? The terms are too good to be true, and I don’t want to be exploited by you.”

“That’s a valid concern. You have a good attitude.”

Yu-seok straightened his posture.

“I nurture actors who are worth investing in within my ‘pond’ at Good Entertainment. I arrange suitable projects for them and provide fair treatment. In return, they bring benefits to me. While I did say earlier that ‘good entertainment’ is ‘good’ for me, it doesn’t mean it’s bad for the actors.”

In reality, Good Entertainment offered favorable conditions for an entertainment agency.

“However, for those who show the potential to soar beyond my ‘pond’, I become a ‘sponsor’. Instead of catching the big fish and having it for dinner, think of it as me diving into the ocean with them, exploring the depths together. That’s my hobby.”

He ran a separate company for such a lavish hobby.

“It’s a bit difficult to explain in detail, but think of it as my way of rebelling against the system. Well, it would be a good contract for you, Mr. Shin Yoomyeong. Think of it as a support program for young artists, if you will.”

No hidden clauses could be found upon closer inspection.

“But why did you wait for me to contact you first even though you had prepared such a favorable offer?”

“People’s psychology works that way, you know. I had this incredible deal ready, but I would have felt like a fool if I handed it to you without you asking. I would have felt envious of the deal Mr. Yoomyeong obtained if I were an actor, so I played a little trick.”

He grinned mischievously.

Looking at his smile, Yoomyeong quietly signed the contract.


— You’ve got the Joker.

That was Miho’s comment after hearing about the meeting with Yu-seok.

— What if that Joker isn’t your card?

— I thought about that too. But even then, I’ve got an ace of spades to cover it.

Yu-seok’s scandal, a fact bound to become public in 10 years, remained as Yoomyeong’s trump card.

Of course, he had no plans to use it unless they became enemies.

A week later, Moon Yu-seok showcased his joker-like skills when Yoomyeong visited the Good Entertainment building.

“Here is your first gift.”

He presented the contract for the drama. The contract had a different first digit than the one Director Lee Min-jung had mentioned. Even after excluding the management fee, it was still much larger than the original amount.

“But I’m a complete rookie…”

“You’ve proven your worth through your acting. To cast you, writer Yook negotiated an even higher fee. You should be paid what you’re worth.”

Yu-seok used his leverage over PD Joo and the casting director’s high evaluation of Yoommyeong as well as Baek Seunghyo’s contract to secure a substantial appearance fee despite Yoomyeong’s rookie status.

“If you can deliver a performance that makes the fee feel worthwhile, it’s all good.”

“Of course.”

Yu-seok chuckled at Yoomyeong’s confident response. There was something provocative about him when they talked about acting, and it wasn’t a bad thing.

“It’s causing quite a stir in the company that I handpicked a newcomer directly from the audition, so you’ll probably feel the attention for a while. Naturally, the terms of our contract are confidential. Everyone else just knows you as a new actor who joined Good Entertainment.”

“Yes, I understand.”

“Then let’s go and meet the staff.”

As he picked up the phone and said something, a man and woman entered.

“Hello! I’m your road manager, Kim Ho-Chul.”

“I’m your coordinator, Seo Eun-soo.”

The man with a big build but an innocent-looking face and the lively woman with pink-tinted hair greeted them.

“You will be personally managing Mr. Shin Yoomyeong’s schedule. Yoomyeong, you’ll mainly have drama shoots for the time being, so you won’t see her often. Since you’re a rookie, Ho-Chul will make sure you’re never late.”

“Yes, Director!”

“Your role requires luxury outfits and props. They might not readily sponsor a rookie, but if you need anything, tell me. I’ll either get you a sponsorship or obtain them for you.”

“Got it, thank you.”

“The three of you should go out and have a meal. Ho-Chul, make sure he eats only the best. Don’t worry about the cost since it’ll be reimbursed quickly.”

“Ye-Yes! Understood.”

And so, the first meeting at Good Entertainment ended.


The menu for the meal was beef even though it was broad daylight.

Seo Eun-soo, excited by the ‘don’t worry about the cost’ comment, shook Ho-Chul’s arm and happily sang about beef.


The premium beef was cooking artistically, emitting a sizzling sound.

Eun-soo, who had been hungrily eyeing the beef for a while, finally started a conversation after her stomach was filled. She addressed him with an unusual formality.

“Um… How old are you, Mr. Actor?”

“Ah… I’m twenty-four this year.”

“You’re older! I just turned twenty-two. Ho-chul oppa is twenty-three! Can I call you oppa too?”

“Of course.”

“Oppa, please don’t be so formal!”

The camaraderie of people in their early twenties was remarkable.

“But oppa, are you really related to the director?”

“…What? I only met him about 10 days ago.”

“Wow… so does that mean you impressed Director Moon that much with your skills? He snatched Ho-chul oppa from another team and threw him here, so I really thought you were a nepotism case.”


What was she talking about?

Yoomyeong looked at Eun-soo, who continued without hesitation.

“Now that we’re on the same team, oppa should know! Ho-chul oppa used to be with another actor, Road. But a few days ago, he suddenly got notified of a team transfer. That actor was furious and made a scene, saying that it was unbelievable. But after being summoned to Director Moon’s office, he couldn’t say a word and just came out looking downcast.”


“Moreover, Director Moon doesn’t manage the actors’ schedules. There are chief managers for that. Director Moon is like the top executive in our company, almost at the level of a CEO. But he’s personally managing your schedule?”

“He’s only managing me?”

“Well, there’s one more guy, but he’s basically useless…”

Ho-Chul shoved a piece of meat into Eun-soo’s mouth to silence her.

She was about to retort but couldn’t resist the delicious taste of the meat, so she chewed slowly.

“She’s a little too outspoken, but she knows when to hold her tongue outside. Her coordination skills are solid too, so don’t worry too much. I’ll also do my best.”


After swallowing the meat, Eun-soo chimed in.

“Ho-chul oppa is the best road manager. He’s a legal madman on the road. You’ve hit the jackpot with him.”


A week later, on the day of the script reading, Yoomyeong came to understand the meaning of that statement.


The legal madman of the road.

He weaved smoothly between cars and artfully hit the brakes just before a CCTV caught them. The navigation system wasn’t on, but it was as if he had a sensor built into his body.

Staying within the law was essential, at least within the view of the CCTVs.

Someone once said the value of a road manager was in their lap time.

While it wasn’t the most commendable driving habit, it was an essential skill for a celebrity’s road manager, where time was of the essence.

“Hey, Ho-chul, we’re not late. Slow down a bit…”

“The director said that you need to arrive 30 minutes early for every schedule since you’re still a rookie actor.”

As he drove, his round face and gentle eyes became sharply focused. Ho-chul, who managed to drive from Suwon to Yeouido in record time, beamed brightly.

“We’re exactly 30 minutes early.”

Feeling nauseous, Yoomyeong entered the broadcasting station. Today’s destination was the reading room of KBK’s Drama Department.

Easily passing the security check with Ho-chul leading the way, they took the elevator to the 5th floor.

The reading room was still empty when they entered. Name tags were placed on every seat.

<Actor Shin Yoomyeong>

Yoomyeong was overwhelmed with emotion upon seeing his name so prominently displayed.

Glancing around and confirming that no one else was there, he snapped a quick photo of his name tag.


“Ah… It feels great seeing that for the first time, doesn’t it?”

At that moment, a figure that he had initially mistaken for a pile of clothes in one corner of the room stirred.

It was Cha Harin, the lead actress with 12 years of experience, having started as a child actress.

“Hello, senior. I’m rookie actor Shin Yoomyeong. Pleased to work with you!”

Yoomyeong greeted her and bowed, hiding his embarrassment. Despite being younger than him, Cha Harin was a senior in terms of experience.

“How old are you?”


“You can speak informally with me. Let’s get along during the shoot.”

She replied with unfocused, dazed eyes before collapsing back onto her desk.

‘Is she exhausted, or is it just her nature? It’s different from her on-screen persona.’

Soon after, middle-aged supporting actors portraying roles like the entertainment company CEO, director, and acting coach began to pour in. Whether he recognized their faces or not, Yoomyeong always stood up and greeted them enthusiastically.

“I’m rookie actor Shin Yoomyeong. I’ll do my best!”

And it soon became evident that Harin’s state wasn’t limited to just today.

“Hello, senior.”

“Are you feeling sleepy again today, Harin?”

Bae Ok-jin, a 40-year-old actor portraying the acting coach, joked with her, indicating a close relationship. Cha Harin nodded weakly with a vacant smile.

“Do you have a lot of schedules these days?”

“Yes… I only get about two hours of sleep on average these days…”

“Tsk tsk. They’re really working you to the bone.”

Then, supporting actress Jung Junhee arrived, followed almost simultaneously by Baek Seunghyo and Lee Kyu-seong.

Soon after, the (PD) director and the writer made their appearance.

“Everyone’s here, right? Let’s introduce ourselves. Haha. You all know me, right? I’m Joo Ilho.”

The PD introduced himself first.

“Hello, I’m Yook Mi-young, and this is my first project with KBK. I’m looking forward to working with all of you since you’re all talented actors.”

The writer chimed in, boosting the actors’ morale.

“I’d love to visit the filming set sometimes, but due to time constraints, I’ll be busy with scriptwriting. So, please give it your all and act to help solidify the ‘characters’ in my head during today’s reading. Thank you.”

With that, the fuse was lit.

It marked the beginning of the ‘battle for lines.’

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