Aura of a Genius Actor

Chapter 102: Would You Like to Act With Me Again?

Chapter 102: Would You Like to Act With Me Again?

Would You Like to Act With Me Again?

Seol Soo Yeon was the beloved actress of many.

Her beauty was so overwhelming that it was hard to find a man who disliked her, but it was her ability to immerse herself in the moment and her distinct presence that truly set her apart. 

However, she rose to fame relatively late as an actress. As far as Yoomyeong remembered, she was in her late twenties. Though her debut was late, she had actually started acting at twenty, hinting at some obstacle she had overcome by then. 

Would you like to practice with me for a while when you have the time? 

Yoomyeong wanted to help her.

He felt sorry for the talented actress he admired, who was struggling alone without a mentor or colleague and was trapped by her own limitations.

After all, hadnt Miho helped him break free from his own wall of presence? He wasnt entirely sure how much he could assist her, but he was willing to try. 

Really? Uh but you seem very busy, Mr. Yoomyeong.

Its okay. The boss said we wont have much work for a few months.

Youre at the peak of your career and your acting is great, so why?

I guess Im just lucky.

Yoomyeong smiled, thinking of Yu-seok.

He had declared a script ban after Yoomyeong finished the Crude advertisement. He seemed worried about Yoomyeong, who was tirelessly working on project after project.

While it wasnt what he had in mind, he appreciated the break. How many agencies relentlessly pushed their artists to the brink just to boost their revenues? 

The companys practice room might be uncomfortable, so Ill look for a studio and let you know. Is your phone number still the same?


Okay. It was nice meeting you today. Take care on your way home.

Soo Yeon pressed down on her rapidly beating heart and turned away from Yoomyeong, who was waving goodbye with a smile.

Whenever she felt suffocated, she thought of him. 

In a world where effort didnt guarantee success, she wondered if she was being overly ambitious without the talent to back it up. She wanted to ask him but hesitated, fearing becoming a burden. She also kept questioning herself if she had truly done her best.

She had looked down at her phone with his number on it many times before covering it up.

But while she felt embarrassed to show such a meek side compared to his flourishing career

To practice acting together 

She felt tingles all over her body at the unbelievable luck of practicing with one of the most talented young actors anyone could hope for. 

Could they actually become colleagues, just like those Oedipus members?

She swallowed the wish she couldnt voice out loud.


It took you a while, huh? Are you guys really dating? 

We met for the first time in two years.

No way. Ive been with Yoomyeong for months, and there was no hint of him seeing anyone.

Man, you should date too. Youd be surprised how many celebrities date in secret. Its best to date a lot while youre young.

Ah, I see. So thats why you dated so much when you were in school.

Seon-ha and Hansung were bickering as usual, but something felt off.


Yoomyeong tilted his head slightly.

How are you, Hye-Seon? Are you having fun these days?

Yes! Being in a big theater troupe really feels different! And seniors acting is just wow.

Hye-Seon had just made her debut on Comets stage with this regular performance as Nerissa, Portias maid. It wasnt insignificant for a minor role, especially since most of her scenes were with Seon-ha, which would help her learn a lot. 

Seniors, how was Yoomyeong on set? Im really curious I think it will be very interesting to see the movie because the main characters are all familiar faces to us. 

That question was asked by Suho.

At that, Seon-ha and Hansungs expressions turned serious.

You wont believe this guy

Yoomyeong is the best. Join Comet. Lets perform together.

Senior, thats a bit Do you know how many movies and dramas are eyeing this guy, and you want to gatekeep him in Comet?

The theater deserves its share of Shin Yoomyeong! But it must be divided precisely into thirds. If the scales tip even by the weight of a single hair, you will face execution.

Seon-ha cleverly countered Hansungs jab with a line from Portia, and laughter filled the drinking session.

Cant senior Ryu Shin make it today? Is he still shooting?

Yeah. I sent the invite, but hes not done yet. They started filming a bit after you guys, so he should be wrapping up soon. How did he even end up in a historical drama? I guess the Oedipus members are competing for the audience, huh.


Suho and Hye-Seon exchanged meaningful glances at the seniors clueless chatter.

Their seniors were unaware of Ryu Shins competitive spirit towards Yoomyeong.

Alright, lets wrap up here. 

Hyung, are you heading to Suwon? Do you want to ride with me? 

Uh? Oh I have somewhere to stop by so go ahead.

Okay. Great performance, senior Seon-ha! Hye-Seon, keep up the good work!

Ah. Take care, Yoomyeong.

As they said their goodbyes and turned away, Miho asked.

{Are those two dating?} 

Huh? No, this is the first Ive heard of it. 

{People hold hands when theyre dating, right? Or is it just for fun, kyung?} 

What? They held hands?! 

Yoomyeong was so shocked by the previous statement that he didnt even have the presence of mind to rebut Mihos teasing comment. 

{They were holding hands under the table, kyung.} 


Only then did Yoomyeong recall the different atmosphere surrounding them today.

When had it started? During the filming of the movie? Why hadnt he noticed?

Either way 

It turned out well really well. 

Yoomyeong glanced back.

As expected, Hansung and Seon-ha were disappearing in the same direction. 

The hyung he liked and the bright, warm noona. The two had gone through much time and pain before they finally found each other.

Yoomyeong thought that they were a perfectly matched pair, and he rooted for them in his heart.


On the set of the movie <The Artist, Jang Nok-su>.

The air was sharp and charged with tension all because of these two characters.

Jang Nok-su was played by Cheon Seong-yeon, while King Yeonsan was played by Seo Ryu Shin.

The period was a week before the Jungjong coup dtat on August 23, 1506.

At the palace banquet hall.

King Yeonsan, with his hollow eyes and his dragon robe hanging loosely as if he had suddenly lost a significant amount of weight, gave off a harsh impression. 

Taking a cup from a court courtesan, Yeonsan scrutinized it before scattering its contents around.


How could I drink from a cup that might be poisoned? Everyone here either hates me or fears me.

Hearing this, the courtesans drenched in wine shivered and cowered, aware of the kings increasingly erratic and dangerous behavior. A wrong move could cost them their life.

Among those close to Yeonsan and soaked in wine was oneNok-su, who seductively licked the wine sliding down her face.

Is it because His Majesty has blessed it that it tastes so sweet? Please pour me another cup.

Hahaha! Nok-su, youre the only one who can make me laugh.

Your Majesty, what makes you so sad? 

Nok-su, play a melancholy tune for me.

At the kings command, Nok-su picked up a long bow.

She positioned a large geomungo (*a traditional Korean zither) in front of her and played a sorrowful melody using her entire body.

Zing Twang

To this melody, Yeonsan recited a poem.

Life is like dew on grass, seldom lasting for long.

As if longing for someone or anticipating something, the poem was imbued with desperation. 

While other courtesans simply bowed their heads to the kings poetry, Nok-su alone shed tears, which fell onto the geomungos strings and slid down.

Eventually, she dropped the bow and burst into tears.

Yeonsan embraced her.

It has been peaceful for a long time, so how could there be any trouble? But if trouble arises, none of you will be safe

A tear trailed down his dry yet beautiful face.

Nothing will happen, Your Majesty.

Nok-su, Nok-su.

His hollow voice echoed emptily, like that of a man at the end of his rope.

Why, Yung (*King Yeonsans childhood name)?

She responded with a firm voice. 

The people around them became shocked.

A courtesan speaking informally and calling the king by his childhood name could be grounds for execution. And yet, Yeonsans stern expression softened at her words.

Youre the only one who understands me. No matter what happens, I will save you. You alone shine for me.

Please remember that you were my greatest audience, Your Majesty. I have never regretted serving you.

Alright, play another song. Lets revel to our hearts content tonight.

Seong-yeon, who was portraying Jang Nok-su, was startled by her counterparts gaze.

Seo Ryu Shins portrayal of Yeonsan teetered between sanity and madness, absorbing the air with the kings loneliness, anxiety, obsession, and relief. 

<The Artist, Jang Nok-su> was a screenplay depicting the life of Jang Nok-su as an artist.

Cheon Seong-yeon was one of the top actresses in their thirties. She readily accepted this screenplay for its leading lady role, though she was slightly concerned about the actor playing Yeonsan.

The role of King Yeonsan in a movie about Jang Nok-su was naturally significant. Yeonsan ascended to the throne at 18 and was notorious in history, deposed and executed when he was 30 years old during the Jungjong coup dtat. 

She wondered if any actor in their twenties could accurately portray his royal charisma and personal complexities. 

However, the young actor who was resuming his career after a long hiatus sparked anxiety in her, making her fear that she might be overshadowed.

He sharpened like a blade every day.

This sharpness became more acute over the months of shooting, to the point where a wrong move might cut her deeply.

With the filming set to conclude with one last scene on the day of the Jungjong coup dtat, she breathed a sigh of relief.

Cut! Great work, everyone.


  Yoomyeong returned to the company dorm after finishing an interview for <The Late Goryeo Dynasty & the Early Joseon Dynasty>, taking a few shots for Crudes print shoot, and practicing with Soo Yeon for a couple of hours. It had been a busy day.


Just then, Yoomyeong received a call.

It had been a while, but one unforgettable name appeared on the outer screen of his phone. 

[Seo Ryu Shin]


{How have you been?}

His voice sounded tired yet firm, soft but assertivea bit more mature than before.

Hi, hyung. Its really been a long time.

{Thats right. Weve somehow missed seeing each other. I guess weve both been living hard.}

Although there were occasional Oedipus gatherings and both Ryu Shin and Yoomyeong attended from time to time, they had never met. Yoomyeongs relentless schedule had kept him particularly busy.

Youre filming a movie, right? 

{It just wrapped up today. Are you busy right now?}

No, I just got back to my place.

{How about a beer?}

After sharing his address, Ryu Shin was at his place in less than 30 minutes. 

Yoomyeong donned comfortable tracksuit pants and a deep-set cap before heading out, waving a convenience store bag in greeting.

They sat in a quiet park nearby, cracking open cans of beer. The beer fizzed over as they opened it, probably from being shaken on the way. The crisp taste of the beer instantly revived their weary spirits.

The person sitting next to him, both familiar and unfamiliar, did the same.

Arent you tired from finishing the shoot today?

I am tired.

He smiled faintly.

Yoomyeong hadnt seen Ryu Shin in nearly two years, and he seemed thinner than Yoomyeong remembered. It made sense, given that he had been playing King Yeonsan in his latest role, whose later years were bleak. 

However, his gaze, which had always been direct and clear, hadnt changed at all.

Youve changed.

I have?

Yes. Before, you had the aura of someone who seemed out of place until you started acting. But now you have the vibe of an actor.


Ryu Shin mustve felt that Yoomyeongs presence had changed, prompting an awkward laugh from Yoomyeong.

Its been a while, but it doesnt feel like its been that long. Maybe its because Ive thought of you often. 


Whenever I hit a wall in acting, I wondered what Shin Yoomyeong would do in this situation. Is what Im doing really the best I can do? Its a bit annoying to think that way, but it helped.

Thinking back, the time during Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde was fun. It was hard, but having a rival I wanted to beat right beside me made me even more determined each day. It doesnt feel like it was that long ago, but I miss it.

Though it wasnt directly stated, his words were an admission that he had been conscious of Yoomyeong.

Yoomyeong felt the same. 

While many of his projects, including the widely discussed <Showbiz Studies> and the challenging <The Late Goryeo Dynasty & the Early Joseon Dynasty> were enjoyable, the most thrilling moments for Yoomyeong were when he was practicing and performing with his colleagues. 

It was when he had a formidable rival,

And when he felt the direct reactions from the audience, just like his first leading role in a play. 

When Ryu Shin chuckled as if he was feeling nostalgic, Yoomyeong impulsively spoke up.

Hyung, would you like to act with me again?

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