Atticus's Odyssey: Reincarnated Into A Playground

Chapter 579 Two Flames

Every single person watching Atticus felt their hearts freeze. He had actually done it. He had passed the test of the second summit within hours of reaching it.

The people of the second summit didn't react like those at the first summit. At the first, they had each been shocked beyond words but, in the end, believed it was possible and felt the need to bow.

But at the second summit, it was as though they were each watching a miracle happen before their eyes, something that shouldn't be possible, something that shouldn't happen in reality! There was just utter silence, none of them reacting.

Atticus didn't say a word and met Dekai's stare. The old man had barely been able to regain his composure, but his hands clenched his staff so tightly the whites of his knuckles were showing.

His voice boomed:

"Atticus Ravenstein, you have passed the test of the second summit."

Atticus felt something warm appear on his back. It was insanely subtle and appeared like a tiny lit flame behind his back.

'There are two?'

Atticus hadn't noticed it before, but there was another hot spot on his back. It was just as subtle as what he had just felt, and Atticus was surprisingly sure that it had been there for a long while.

'Looks like it's an indication that I passed the first and second summits.'

The people of the second summit, especially the students, fixed their gazes on the second lit flame on Atticus's back, a wave of different feelings enveloping them.

Most felt jealousy, while others were still beyond shocked at what was happening.

But neither Atticus nor Dekai cared about their thoughts.

"You can descend and rest if you want to. The third summit will be more challenging than the second."

Atticus could feel that Dekai's tone had become softer than before. In fact, before it felt as though the old man was trying hard to be firm but had faltered because of Atticus's actions.

"I will meet you at the third summit."

Dekai waited for no response before bursting into motes of light and disappearing from the scene.

Atticus stared at where Dekai had been standing, his gaze narrowed. Before, when he had first seen it, Atticus had absolutely no idea how Dekai had done it.

But now that he had gained a bit more knowledge about the basics of the fire element, he finally had a bit of an inkling.

As he had been saying from the very beginning, it was all in the molecules.

'He had connected with them and given them instructions, but that's really vague. I'm not sure, but it looks like there's some kind of levels or stages to this.'

Atticus, of course, had no idea what exactly Dekai had asked the molecules to do for him, but he knew for sure it hadn't been something as simple as igniting.

It had been something sophisticated, he was sure of this. Something that he couldn't achieve currently as he could only give the molecules simple instructions.

Atticus cleared his thoughts. 'Should I continue?' he pondered.

'That man wouldn't give useless advice. After seeing what I can do, he still believes that the third summit would be hard,'

Atticus thought about it for a bit and ultimately decided to descend. He would be a fool if he didn't take Dekai's advice seriously.

'Plus, I'll be able to train and become more adept at connecting with the molecules,'

Atticus turned to leave but wasn't able to get far.

"Y-young master,"

Atticus heard a voice from behind him and turned to see a slender man with the distinct Ravenstein white hair running towards him. The man reached his front and stood.

Atticus simply stared without uttering a word.

The man seemed lost for words as though he wanted to say something but didn't know how to.

The scene instantly became weird until the man realized something. 'S-shit, I didn't greet him!'

The man quickly bowed respectfully and greeted, "I apologize for the oversight, young master. It's an honor to meet you,"

'Hypocrites,' Atticus's blood became cold, but he made sure not to show it. He hated this kind of people the most in the world. They had all been looking at him coldly a few seconds ago and now that they had seen how talented he was, he was trying to buddy up? Without a single apology, no less.

The man gulped. 'What the hell…' He had just raised his head to meet Atticus's stare, and it was like looking into the eyes of a wild predator.

Despite Atticus being a 16-year-old, the man felt fear. The other people on the second summit were focused on the two. Most already knew what the man wanted, and they each also wanted to benefit from it.

Regardless of his fear, the man mustered up his courage.

"Y-young m-master, I would like if you could explain to us how you achieved this,"

The other individuals all perked up their ears, hoping he would respond. The instructors in the area, instead, were intrigued. They each wondered what he was going to say. Just like Dekai, they were already aware of Atticus's feats back at the first summit. All the instructors were masters of the fire elements in their own right.

Just when it seemed that Atticus wouldnt respond,

"Exactly what the instructor said. Connect with them; don't control them."


Atticus's words were short and brief, and immediately after finishing, he turned and started walking towards the edge of the summit, leaving the stupefied crowd.

They all knew that they were supposed to form a connection, the only question was how!?

Atticus didn't stop his steps and kept on moving, beginning his descent. Upon reaching the first summit, another intense wave of shock ran through everyone present as they each saw the two lit flames on Atticus's back.

He had conquered the second summit already!?

Their shock was palpable. Many of them couldn't help but clench their fists; he truly was a monster.

Atticus greeted many as he passed, and soon enough, he descended and found himself within the confines of his room.


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