Atticus's Odyssey: Reincarnated Into A Playground

Chapter 430 Scared

Chapter 430 Scared

The earth trembled as the air quaked.

The massive figure of the ginormous robot rocketed towards Atticus's form, the sheer momentum of its advance creating a whirlwind of sound that filled the room with a deafening cacophony.

Without missing a beat, it pulled its massive right hand back for a punch, its form tensing and bulging, the metallic armor groaning at the sheer force of the muscles.

And with sudden and unstoppable momentum that seemed to defy the laws of physics, it unleashed a punch, the attack hitting Atticus akin to the weight of a falling mountain.

The result was cataclysmic.

The ground in a 200-meter radius around them shuddered and convulsed, fissures splitting open like wounds in the earth's surface while the very air seemed to scream in protest, torn asunder by the sheer violence of the blow.

But unlike what any sensible individual watching this scene would have assumed, the opposite happened.

Despite the fact that Atticus's form was basically a twig compared to the robot's, the force of the punch didn't shoot Atticus's figure back.

He didn't even stagger!

If one should get a closer look, they would see the army of tiny pentagon pieces of the suit had coalesced at the point of impact and had deftly absorbed and evenly distributed the force of the punch across the entirety of Atticus's body, an intense amount of ripples spreading out across his form.

Atticus only had time to be shocked about this unexpected development before he suddenly felt something stir inside him.

It was a weird feeling, as though there was currently a staggering amount of pure energy available for him to utilize.

Atticus didn't ponder on this feeling for long and immediately acted.

The multitudes of waves on Atticus's form all seemed to ripple towards his arm, and in the next instant, Atticus's right hand shot forward like an explosive cannon, immediately hitting the metallic chest of the massive robot.

Atticus's punch collided with the metallic chest of the robot with a deafening clang, the sound echoing through the room like the cataclysmic collapse of a mountain range.

The force of the impact was so intense that multiple concentric circles formed behind the robot, the sheer force of Atticus's strike transforming the robot's retreat into a blur, akin to a shooting star streaking across the heavens.

The robot crashed, tumbled, and rolled on the earth for a few hundred meters before eventually coming to a stop.

Atticus gazed at his right hand in slight disbelief. 'I didn't use any of my mana nor energy to defend or unleash that punch,' he immediately threw the suit's core on his chest a surprising stare.

Atticus had only wanted to test the defensive capabilities of the suit, but what he had found out instead was something mind-blowing. He hadn't used a shred of mana or even any effort for that punch.

'It can absorb and redirect the force of an attack,' Atticus thought in complete elation. What got him even more excited was the fact that the suit had done it for a master+ rank punch!

This was beyond what he could have possibly imagined. Words could not express how happy Atticus was feeling. His road to absolute power had just gotten slightly shorter, but it was still something.

Atticus went on to test the suit a few more times with the Emberforge robot and discovered another interesting feature of the suit.

If he made contact with an opponent or anyone for that matter long enough, he would be able to absorb a portion of said individual's mana and utilize it accordingly as he wished.

Atticus had been thoroughly shocked. This basically meant that he practically couldn't run out of mana on the battlefield.

After a few minutes of shock, he changed the settings of the training room, placing a scorching hot sun in the middle of it.

He did the same for the robot, replacing it with the familiar hyper form of robot Jared emitting a master+ rank aura.

Atticus immediately began battle with robot Jared, and it went without saying that Atticus was slowly falling in love with his suit.

As though realizing the power of the foe in front of it, the robot had immediately unleashed its full strength, equipped its massive hammer, and charged at Atticus at blazing speed.

Atticus's movements had been effortless. It was as though he were weightless, his every move nimble.

With his newly increased perception, Atticus easily evaded each one of the robot's attacks. The incredible and intense temperature that usually affected him before hadn't even caused the slightest amount of discomfort for Atticus.

If anything, he felt as though the room got colder!

If Atticus's face hadn't been covered by the red shroud, his intense grin would have been blinding.

The battle went on for a while until Atticus started noticing something. It was something he hadn't been paying attention to, but because he had just realized the time that had passed, it suddenly dawned on him: he wasn't getting tired!

There was not a single feeling of fatigue or drain in his form. Atticus felt as good as new.

As he scrutinized his form inwardly, Atticus had immediately found out the reason for this and had immediately slowly paused, and this pause was because he had suddenly gotten a bit scared.

'Isn't this too much?' Atticus wondered. From what he had just found out, his suit was passively using mana to heal every single drain or his fatigue that afflicted him.

Basically, it was passively recovering his stamina without him having to do anything whatsoever.

However, this disbelief about how overpowered the suit was soon deadened in his head as a devastating punch suddenly struck Atticus, sending his form shooting through the air, tumbling down against the earth for a few hundred meters.

Atticus didn't focus on the damage the punch had caused, nor did he focus on the fast-approaching blazing robot.

He was only focused on one thing: the intense amount of pain that had suddenly wracked his head.

Atticus's gaze shot towards the suit's core and saw that large throbbing vein-like lines had suddenly appeared around the pentagon-shaped gem embedded on his chest.

And in the next instant, Atticus felt his control over his body abruptly cut off.

He only had time to be shocked before the massive form of robot Jared's hammer appeared inches away from his face.


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