Atticus's Odyssey: Reincarnated Into A Playground

Chapter 411 The Day

Chapter 411 The Day

The day finally arrived. It was a day that Atticus had been eagerly anticipating ever since he had heard about it.

The day had come without any prior notice, no heads up. He had woken up early and went through his routine thinking it was just a normal Monday as usual, but oh boy was he wrong.

A single notification had suddenly changed Atticus's mood. It went from neutral to extremely excited in an instant.

Currently, just like any other Monday or weekdays, the time was 10:50 AM and Atticus, the rest of the Ravenstein youths, and every single member of the white omen division was currently gathered, each one of them facing the large and imposing terminal in the middle of the campgrounds, their excitement palpable.

The area was filled with chatters and lots of laughter sounded in the air. The division members were happily chatting amongst themselves.

Just like usual, Atticus was at the forefront of the gathering, with the rest of the Ravenstein youth standing behind him.

But this time around, the figure of a particular fiery red eyed girl wasn't standing directly behind Atticus as usual.

No, Aurora was currently standing in the middle of Isla, Moon and Luna, with all of them talking and… laughing?

On a normal day, it would have been a completely baffling occurrence. It was a scene that should shock Atticus to the core but the man wasn't even looking at that direction.

Together with Nate and many of the Ravenstein youth, he was currently facing the terminal with a huge grin on his face.

But even if he was looking in that direction, Atticus wouldn't have been shocked. He was already used to the scene.

After Aurora had decided to stop relying on Atticus, she had opened up a bit and had gotten closer to the other Ravenstein youths, especially Isla, Moon and Luna.

This further intensified when Aurora had begun leading the division during any battle that occurred. Atticus hadn't seen any problem with that and was even glad that she made friends apart from him.

If one should take a closer look at the Ravenstein youths, they would spot slight changes in each of them.

A significant amount of time had already passed and it was expected that there would be changes. Although it wasn't obvious, with a few of them having grown a few inches, some of them changing their style of dressing while other their hair style.

They had all become more calm and reserved. More precise, more alert. Of all their changes, there was one that was undeniable, their fierce auras.

Compared to their selves during the Nebulon/ Alverian event, each one of their aura were stronger and more sharper than before. They were incomparable to their past selves.

In total, the amount of time that they had each spent in the academy had clocked 12 months just yesterday.

They had each fought their last division war for the first year academic session and not withstanding, they had won, but it didn't come without any losses.

It had been a long ride with the division, facing a lot of battles and hardships especially when Atticus had declared that he was removing his hands off any battles. He decided not to help anyone.

In turn, the division wars had gotten harder but this had been expected. It was still better that the event that happened sometime during the middle of the year. Atticus had predicted that it would happen so he hadn't been surprised.

The division had been besieged from all sides by a swarm of beasts. It had been a different type of beast from the one that had attacked earlier. This time around, they were airborne.

This in turn increased the difficulty of facing the swarm 2 fold. What had worsen the situation for the division was their overpowered leader's decision not to join the fight. Atticus didn't offer the youths a single help.

The obvious situation happened, a lot of youths died during the intense battle and that made Atticus lose basically all his points as more than a hundred died.

But instead of worrying about that, for a change, Atticus decided to stop being selfish and still hadn't interfered in the fight, allowing each of them to learn from their mistakes and in turn, grow.

Plus, ever since Atticus had found the elemental room, he hadn't seen a reason to hoard that much point again.

He had never understood his earlier obsession for hoarding points, there was nothing useful in the academy store and it was basically just rotting there in his account.

If he ever needed points, he could always go on a rampage in the forest and gather.

Eventually after an intense battle, with Aurora as the leader, and the rest of the Ravenstein youths and division members behind her, the division prevailed and were able to defend the camp.

Subsequent battles happened after that time, but this time around the division had been prepared for the attack. Although many still died, they were able to fend of the beast attack relatively easily.

After a few weeks, the beast were finally defeated. The rest of the division wars were quickly completely after that and now, everyone stood a day after their after their 12th division war, each one of them excited and impatiently waiting for the terminal to activate and teleport them away from here!

Many who were watching this current scene would wonder, just why were they all excited. Atticus, the Ravenstein youths and entirety of the division members all wore excited grins on their faces.

The answer to the earlier question was very simple, they would all be getting their exosuits today!

Not just Atticus, they were all elated! They had long since heard about the exosuit and none of them could wait to get theirs!

They didn't have to wait long, the time struck 10 and simultaneously, the terminal ground lit up in a golden glow and without wasting even a single second, Atticus and the entirety of the division youth immeidately rushed into the golden light.


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