Atelier Tanaka

Book 7: Chapter 3 (8)

Book 7: Chapter 3 (8)

Great Holy Land (2nd)

Time for some sightseeing.

The nun that was assigned to act as our guide by the Saint decided to first show us the big attractions in the city. We were accompanied by Edita Sensei, Drill-chan, and the Kimoronge.

We are currently walking through the streets in front of a large chapel with a grand plaza in front of it.

Fu~n? Thats quite the grand building, isnt it?

There are plenty of churches in the Penny Empire, but this is the main temple so, naturally, it is far grander in scale than what you may be used to. I could spend all day just looking at it.

It was one of the many churches and chapels that fill the Great Holy Land, but this one was of a much larger scale.

It stood imposingly on a raised platform. Its defining characteristics were its sharp angles and typical gothic architecture. It was of similar design to the Milan cathedral. I wouldnt doubt theres a dungeon beneath the main church thats used to house heretics and those accused of witchcraft. I wonder if rape is a form of punishment used by this religion.

The building itself is quite large and if you include the garden in front of the cathedral, its easily equal in size to the Tokyo Dome.

It was clearly a building of some importance and the bustling crowd that filled the plaza was a clear indication of this. There were plenty of women wearing a similar outfit that the nun guiding us was wearing. Id assume theyre also members of the church. The outfits worn by the nuns here arent that different from the ones Im familiar with.

This is the grand cathedral of the Great Holy Land.

As we approached the front of the building, the nun began explaining the history of the building like a proper tour guide. Occasionally, shed bend forward and show off her excessive cleavage with her skirt lifting as well to show off her thighs and ass. This is the type of sightseeing I enjoy. Maybe shes not wearing any panties either.

It truly is the best in the Great Holy Land. Its a beautiful sight.

Ara? I wonder if a foreigner is capable of understanding the greatness of our cathedral.

I may be a foreigner, but I was born to a similar culture.


Honestly, Im purely going off of the visuals. The churches here all look similar with the only difference being in scale. I have no clue what the differences are between the many that Ive seen. Im mainly just interested in whats beneath the nuns skirt.

Is something wrong?

Not really. I just dont like it I guess.

what do you mean?

Have you already forgotten your place?


A spark lit up in Drill-chans eyes as she stared back at me. There was clear defiance in them and she spoke as she speaks to the Kimoronge when she gives commands. I had a strange feeling that she was about to start ordering me to do something shameful. Her piercing eyes made me feel uncomfortable and I felt a shiver run down my spine.

W-What does she mean!?

Edita Sensei started panicking when she saw Drill-chans reaction.

She must think that Drill-chan and I have some kind of relationship. If she wasnt here with us, I would have been prepared to get down on all fours and crawl through the streets. With Sesei here, I just cant do it. Im not at Sophia-chans level, but I can feel my armpits starting to sweat.

Is there something I need to correct?

I wonder.

She stopped walking and brought her hand to her chin.

I should think about this clearly.

Sensei doesnt have a hymen.

Drill-chan does have a hymen.

The choice is obvious, isnt it?

Yes, thats right. My body may be lacking in many ways, but it always knows where and when it stands to gain the most. The choice between a virgin and a non-virgin is obvious. Besides, Drill-chan and I have spent a lot of time together, and theres an actual chance that we might end up together.

Besides, if Im forced to do some shame play in public, the amazing hospitality provided by the Great Holy Land might force them to accommodate what they perceive to be my fetish. It doesnt matter who it is, as long as its a beautiful virgin reverse raping me.

You bring up a good point. Its often hard for one to identify their own shortcomings.


If you ever see me doing something inappropriate, feel free to correct me, Doris-san.

Dont hold anything back.

But I was surprised by the restrained reaction my beloved virgin loli offered me.

w-what are you saying? Whats with this change in attitude?

Im not quite sure what you mean. Im acting the same as always.


This is the first time Ive seen her back down when given a chance to act dominant.

I expected her to order me to crawl on all fours.

Shed have a new horse to use that costs nothing.

Hmph! W-Well, whatever!


Its surprising that when I lean into the master slave relationship, Drill-chan seems to pull back a little. Its kind of nice in its own way. I had to recompose myself as I tried to forget about the disappointment while also feeling somewhat relieved. It was as if I was unintentionally edging. I want to build this feeling for as long as possible before letting it out all at once.

This might be the best sightseeing tour Ive ever been a part of.

It was as I was enjoying myself to the fullest that I heard it,

Oi, h-how did you lose her!?

I didnt lose her.

Gururururu, where the hell did she get off to!?

maybe we should try to widen our search area.

First its the damn elf and now the human.

Two people that I recognize were currently arguing in front of the church. The two were standing only a few meters apart as they argued and everyone walking by was giving them strange looks. However, they didnt seem to notice.

O-Oi, those two.

Edita Sensei seems to have noticed them as well.

Thats the mayor and Rocoroco-san, right?

Goggoru-chan was wearing a full-length robe that she most likely chose to hide her distinctive goggoru appearance. Her hair was completely covered by the hood that hung down to her eyes. The other one was dressed as she always is. Even without the recognizable dress, its impossible to mistake her pitchblack hair and distinct eyes.

What are those two doing here?

No, it makes sense. Sensei isnt supposed to be here either. I left all of them back in the Penny Empire. Did Sensei end up falling off of the loligons back or did the loligon purposefully drop her? Whatever the case, the three of them are obviously connected.

I cant just ignore them now that Ive seen them.

I excused myself from Edita Sensei, Drill-chan, and the tour guide nun before walking over to them.

They finally noticed me as I got close to them.



The loligon took a defensive stance while Goggoru-chan silently stared at me with her mouth agape.

Two distinct reactions.

What a coincidence running into you two. What brings you here?

Wha guthis is, u-umm.

The loligon had a typically cute reaction as she stumbled over her words.

Its obvious that shes feeling guilty about something.

I never forced her to work in Dragon City and I never expected her to stay there at all times. Shes always done whatever she wants whenever she wants to, so Im not mad that shes left Dragon City without first informing me.

Even so, the way she so quickly averts her eyes when I look at her intrigues me.

Shes always maintained a defiant look in her eyes no matter what situation shes in. Its a rare sight to see her like this. Maybe she came here to yell at me for breaking our promise.

Are you here because I broke our promise?


The loligon was still acting meek even after I got straight to the point.

This isnt the normal arrogant dragon I know.

It was actually Goggoru-chan that gave me my answer.

The Elf and maid are missing.


A straightforward answer, but one that is very important.

But the Elf was actually with you.

Goggoru-chans eyes slowly moved past me and rested on Edita Senseis figure not far behind me.

Goggoru-chans words were quickly followed by a deafening roar from the loligon.

Y-You! What are you doing here!?

Senseis shoulders trembled as she tried to respond.

N-Nothing in particular. I was just sightseeing with h-h-him.

Sightseeing!? We were looking for you! I-Ive been looking.

I was starting to understand why the loligon was acting so strange.

Its all connected to Edita Senseis fall from the sky.

None of that matters. We shouldnt be talking about this out in public where we can draw unwanted attention. We are from another country and doing or saying the wrong thing could offend someone from this unknown culture.

Im sorry, is there some place nearby where we could sit down and talk?

Eh? Ah, y-yes! Ill take you there!

The nun was still standing nearby but seemed to not be paying attention.

However, as soon as I called out to her, she snapped back to herself and smiled as she guided us down the road.

The tour guide nun took us to a restaurant thats primary clientele are the nobility and high-ranking members of the church.

One of the private rooms was perfect for us to sit down and talk. It was just large enough that Goggoru-chan could keep a safe distance from those that wanted to stay out of her ability range. We all ordered drinks and some snacks before taking our seats around the table.

Drill-chan, Edita Sensei, and I all sat on one side of the table while the loligon sat alone on the other side. Goggoru-chan took her normal spot in the far corner of the room. I felt bad, but I asked the nun to leave us alone.

I see.Sophia-san has been missing since last night.

D-Do you have something to say!? Are you trying to blame me!? Hah!?

The loligon immediately got defensive.

She followed after Drill-chan and myself when we left the capital. She managed to lose Edita Sensei on the way here and then lost Sophia-chan after the three of them arrived in the Great Holy land. As expected of the loligon.

Sensei has the ability to use flight magic of her own, but she must have been hit by the anti-magic barrier when she was knocked off of the loligon and didnt have enough time to activate it. She must have just been able to conjure up enough strength to slow her fall.


I actually dont blame the loligon for once.

Im sure shes already been beating herself up about it.

Besides, I was the one that broke my promise to go visit the tower with her. I didnt think it was that important to her, but if she came all the way here to find me, it must be a promise that she cherished. I felt bad but was also happy that she cared so much.

I love the loligon. She was the first girl that was actually looking forward to going out with me. If this is how true love starts, Id propose to her regardless of whether or not she has a hymen. I love you and Im sorry.

The lolibitch may have claimed to have loved me and acted excited when around me, but that was completely out of character for her and it never felt real. None of what she did was what a virgin like me has come to expect from a beautiful girl. Her entire personality felt like it was taken straight out of an anime.

O-Oi! Are you just going to stare at me!? Say something! Hah!

Sorry. This is all my fault.

oi, you cant just apologize like that. Its unfair.

Its times like this when I realize that the loligon isnt a young girl despite her appearance. Shes not really human and the way she speaks adds to her childlike appearance. Shes an ancient dragon and with that age comes wisdom. She might be more thoughtful than humans, but is incapable of properly expressing herself due to her inexperience with humans and our language.

True. Youre absolutely right, Christina-san.


We can talk about this more later.

Ill offer her a sincere apology later.

Im feeling an irresistible urge to lick her dirtiest scales.

For now, its more important to focus on finding Sophia-san.

If it was the loligon or Goggoru-chan got lost, I wouldnt be worried about them. However, Sophia-chan is a different story. Maybe I have no need to be worried. Ive seen her stats and that girl has a ridiculously high LUC stat.

That could just be wishful thinking though.

No matter what her stats are, shes still lost.

I need to take this seriously and conduct a proper search.

What if she gets lured in by some bad intentioned man and loses her virginity to him? Ah, that would be a disaster. My formerly virgin maid would stay by my side every day and look after me. I wouldnt be able to stop thinking about it and each day my mind would break bit by bit. I doubt Id last even half a year.

W-Where did you last see her?

Edita Sensei asked the obvious question.

Im sure shes worried about Sophia-chan.

Sensei is such a kind person.

back at the inn.

The inn? What do you mean?

She was supposed to be sleeping in our room, but when we got back she was gone.

Goggoru-chan provided further details.

I see, but I dont understand.

Sorry, could you tell us more?

W-We made sure she was asleep before we left! I looked right at her! When we came back after dawn, she wasnt in her bed anymore! I thought maybe she went to get food, so I waited in the room for a while, but she never returned! I-It really wasnt my fault!

I see.

Im understanding less and less as they explain it further.

When did this happen?

This morning!

Its hard to even guess as to what happened.

Based on what Ive been told, Sophia-chan left the inn on her own. I cant imagine theres anyone in the Great Holy Land that would target her specifically. Maybe she was actually in the restroom after getting an upset stomach from eating the exotic food of the Great Holy Land.

Should we start by checking back at the inn where you were staying?

I suggested we start the search in the last place anyone saw her.

[Sophia-chans point of view]

While wandering through the endless halls of this strange mansion, I stumbled upon a strange sight.

There were countless closed doors lining the halls, but I came across one that was slightly ajar. Peeking inside, I saw that there were several naked men and women lying on the floor, bed, and whatever other furniture was inside. The women all looked like they were nuns or other servants. The men all had the look of upper-class nobles or rich merchants.


Is this what I think it is? Something that Ive only heard rumours about but never seen firsthand. Its a special form of entertainment that the church offers to the upper class.

Mysterious juices were covering the floors and walls and the room looked like a tornado had just ripped through it. A young maiden like myself couldnt help but be intrigued. What could these people do that would leave this room in such a state?


However, after I took a closer look at the men, I noticed they all seemed to be middle-aged and on the plumper side. I immediately lost any interest in them. The nuns were all attractive women, but I got no pleasure out of seeing them naked.

I thought whatever events had happened in the room didnt concern me and I began to turn away when I noticed something else.

My attention was caught by a massive pile of white power sitting on a table in the middle of the room.


It was clear that this white powder is used for nefarious purposes.

Id imagine everything in this room has a nefarious purpose or its been used in a way it was never meant to be used.

The first thought that came to my mind was the dinner party Misa-chan hosted.

The drug that makes you feel incredible pleasure.


Everyone in the room was passed out. They all looked like they were having the most pleasant dreams. Even if I were to enter the room and announce myself, nobody would notice me.

Thats right.

The pile of powder is so big that they would never notice if a little went missing.

pardon my intrusion.

Im just being honest with myself.

That light, pleasant feeling I had when I was under the influence of that drug was like nothing Id ever experienced before.

I didnt even notice that I had started grabbing handfuls of the powder and loading into a small leather bag that was also on the table. If I take all of the powder, it will be obvious. I restrained myself and only filled the bag about two-thirds full.


Why do I feel like this?

I havent even ingested any of the power, but I can already feel my lower body tingling.

This stuff is dangerous.

I think now is the time I make my escape from this mansion.

Ill take the time to fully enjoy the powders effects once I return to the inn.

No, Im doing this for research purposes. Im just curious about the effects. Thats all.

End of Chapter 3

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!


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