Asura Conqueror

Chapter 150: Tasting The Drinks

Chapter 150: Tasting The Drinks

"Ladies first," Dokoy calmly sat as the drink was being poured by Marcus.

"This should be enough. Remember that, it wouldn't have that many effects on you as the drink is meant for beings at lower stages. You are already at the Preparation Stage, so don't be quick to judge that this drink isn't effective." Marcus slid the glass with the drink inside towards Synthei who had quite an excited look on her face.

Synthei tasted this once before when she was a youngling, a naga who who was considered to be one of the next generation front liners.

Synthei placed her hand on the cup and breathed. She then slowly lifted it up closer to her mouth and soon she started sipping. 

Her eyes closed as she enjoyed the taste of the drink entering her mouth, traveling down her throat.

She placed the cup back down on the table and opened her eyes. They sparkled. It was as if her eyes saw her favorite thing being sold on a a huge sale.

Synthei turned her head to the two other leaders of the water races and then towards Marcus. "Amazing. It truly is amazing. I can't even begin to describe it. The taste, the effect, everything about it is truly something our drinks could not compare. I couldn't really feel its effects but I know that if I had a lower rank, even at the middle stages of Commander, I would rank up within a day or so after secluding myself. How much more if I were an Elite, I would probably hit Commander in no time."

"Is it really that good?" Peroy asked, eyes filled with curiosity. He could not really believe how big Synthei praised the drink brought out by the vermilion-haired teen. He too had tried drinking the drink that was.

"Extremely. Go and try it for yourself if you don't' believe me. I would gladly make a bet." Synthei grinned. She was in a totally good mood after tasting the drink that Marcus brought out out. 

She now could feel that they stood a chance. In the next two or so days, they would let the army drink all of the drinks that Marcus could provide. 

After two days, the army would grow stronger, faster, and overall, more powerful. They could now take down the humans who have been attacking them for years. They could get their revenge. 

She was excited, she was excited to roam the land freely after being in the waters for a very long time. It's not like she hated the water, she was a naga for pete's sake. she just wanted to explore other places and not be confined in small waters. Yes, the ocean was too small, as most of the areas were still taken over by humans. They built artificial islands and plants all over the ocean.

They, the races of the sea could do nothing but watch. They could not do anything about it as they had no power to do so. A lot already died in the war some time ago. They do not want to add any more bodies to that growing list knowing that it would go nowhere.

Even with their guardian, the leviathan, it was still quite scary.

"Alright, let me try it out. Let us see what the fuss is all about." Peroy picked up the bottle and poured his empty cup.

Marcus watched quietly together with the two ladies, Emily and Zoey, who were whispering to each other. 

He took this drink out precisely because it could affect the three leaders in front of him, although its effects were very little, they could still feel it even with their ranks so high up. They could feel how beneficial these drinks are and they would see that he isn't just blindly going to war against the Strongwald just because he hates them. He has a plan, a plan that could lead to victory, and he even has the items needed to attain that victory.

Peroy brought the cup close to his mouth and started sipping slowly. Synthei and Dokoy looked at him and waited for his reaction. Dokoy in particular as he had not tasted the drink yet. He too was curious if it was as good as what Synthei described it to be.

'Hopefully, hopefully,' Dokoy said in his mind as he thought of hope for his people, for the future generations, for everyone in the three races to be free from all the constraints that that the humans have placed on them. He had hope that in the future, the kids would be able to roam freely on this planet, in their planet without being hunted every time they go out.

Peroy's eyes lit up as he downed the drink. His slow drinking became fast as he hurriedly gupled the contents of the cup. He had not expected the drink to be this good. It was not like the ones they had in the past where you have to wait for a few hours to feel the effect, this needed no wait. All you needed was to just drink and you could feel the hot sensation in your chest.

"Amazing, truly amazing!" Peroy couldn't contain the excitement inside him. He lost the bearing of a leader and shouted. How could he not when this was extremely unexpected? Never in his million dreams would he expect that in one day, a vermilion haired teen would appear who says that he is from a race known as Asuras and would say that he wanted to go to war with one of the human factions above water in Estra. 

What's more is that he didn't expect to actually drink something so amazing, so mystical. He could feel that if he was a lot weaker, the drinks would have massive effects on him and his cultivation.

"I can't wait for the soldiers to drink this. This is our trump card against those Strongwald bastards." Peroy clenched his right fist as he thought of all the kappas that have died in the hands of the humans. His father, his mother, his brother, and his sisters. The only one left was him, alone.

"Shouldn't I get to try it first?" Dokoy chuckled as he looked at how happy his friend was. He knew the hardships that the kappa beside him has been through, so he was happy seeing his friend smile like this.

"Oh, yes, of course, I meant that after you try the drink, we give it to the shoulders, I mean soldiers." Peroy poured the contents of the bottle to the cup of his friend.

Peroy continued. "This drink will not fail you. This is now the start to a better future, to a more progressive and dominant future where we would not have to hide in fear of the humans, of the land dwellers that made our lives difficult."

Dokoy nodded and slowly brought the cup closer to his mouth.

Zoey who was watching was feeling a little guilty. Although she had never hurt the nagas directly, she was still a human. And she has done nothing to actually make them feel less pain and it bothers her quite a bit. 

She thought about all those nagas, siyokoys, and kappas being slaughtered by her kind. It made her feel bad at how those people actually did all those things to the ones who lived here first. She knew that the ones who came here first weren't the humans but the ones living in the ocean. They were here first but were the ones being treated badly.

Emily looked at Zoey. "You okay? You seem dazed?"

Zoey nodded. "I'm fine, I just feel kinda bad about how the humans treated the races here. Why can't we all just live peacefully and prosper together? Sigh."

"You have no fault in this, so don't beat yourself up. Living together with another race on the same planet is quite difficult. There are always things like greed that will come into play and ruin the alliance or relationship between countries or different races, unless of course there was an emperor of some kind." Emily comforted her friend and made her understand why beings of different races couldn't really live together unless they were ruled by someone much higher than them.

This was similar to the realm above the heaven where kingdoms were ruled by an Emperor, powerful emperors that could keep wars at bay, and quarrels nil. They would not tolerate in fighting in their country, and all the kings should show respect to each other. This was something emperors in the realm above the heavens implemented. Not just one of them but almost all of them. Even the emperor of the underworld which was the father of Erika. Who is also the one who killed the blood dragon, Lazula.

"We now have hope." Dokoy smiled as he finished the drink.

He then turned to Marcus after placing his cup down and slammed his head on the table.

"Thank you!" Dokoy said with a loud voice.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!


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