Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 946: 928 closed

Chapter 946 928. Closed door

The weapons of the Winged Knights were all rubbed with charred rosin, burning with a layer of flame.

These flames ensure that even if the sages who were chopped down do not die immediately, the wax on their bodies will be heated by the flames.

 The damage caused by cold solidified wax oil and heated wax oil are obviously not on the same level.

 “No need to fight with him, we are here to save people.”

Looking at the old man in front of him who stroked the crystal ball again, although he didn't speak a word, his cold eyes seemed to say, "This road is blocked."

 Lan En was not even interested in looking at him.

 Blocking the bridge deck?

This old guy really has no tactical thinking at all.

 My goal of action from beginning to end has been to ‘save people’, and now that I have reached this position.

 Why should I waste time here with you?


Lan En directly changed direction, kicked open the solid wooden fence on the bridge, and then jumped off.

Klimt who was following him was stunned for a moment by this decisive and unconventional decision, not to mention the crystallized old man blocking the bridge opposite.

 The suspended crystal clusters floated into the sky by the old man of crystallization seemed to have escaped the control of the caster and entered an automatic program after being released.

At this time, the old crystallizer couldn't even move the suspended crystal cluster that he had put out with great effort.

The name of the suspended crystal cluster is [Crystal Hail], which is the famous spell of the brothers Crystal Old Man, which proves that they have inherited the academic achievements of [Big Hat] Logan, at least part of them.

 But now, after spending a lot of mana to create a spell, the enemy is not even prepared to break into the spell's range.

 Abandon this already formed spell pursuit? Or... take another look?

 Without the experience of being immersed in battles for many years, there will be no decisiveness and crispness in making decisions in the face of battle.

 The Crystal Old Man is a powerful magician, but he is not a skilled warrior.

Facing the pull of Lan En's sudden change of route, he was completely unable to make a timely and correct judgment.

Lan En jumped down with Ge Cide in his arms.

The location of this wooden bridge is actually at least ten meters above the ground. With his [Light Body Technique] attainment, he could only land hard without losing any force while holding a fragile wounded person in his arms.

Although he was not injured, his legs were numb and he had difficulty moving for more than a second.

 But here is a big library filled with bookshelves.

With these tall bookshelves, one usually has to use a cart to push the escalator to get to the books on the top floor.

 At least four meters high.

Lan En accurately landed on the top of the bookshelf. There was less of a height difference of four meters. Even a hard landing without any loss of force did not limit his mobility.

It’s just that these sturdy bookshelves made a heavy creaking sound under his own weight.

Immediately afterwards, Lan En, who had just jumped down, suddenly blocked with his right hand at his side.

With a few "ding, ding, ding" sounds, sparks and pressure burst out from the arm armor on the outside of his right hand.

 Speed-shooting crossbow.

Without the middle and upper floors, although there are not many magicians on the bottom floor of the big library, there are many soldiers and knights guarding it.

 Lan En, who had Ge Cide as his most important goal, still ignored the intention of firing the crossbowman.

 He simply stayed on top of the bookcase to relieve the pressure of landing in sections.

Putting down his right arm, Lan En just glanced at the crossbowman, turned around and jumped under the bookcase again.

 “Winged Knight, deal with that crossbowman!”

 The subordinates have things to do.

The Winged Knights, who had cleared many of the mage's firepower points, separated and jumped to the platform where the crossbowman was.

That repeating crossbow is called [Yafanlin]. Although it is a legendary weapon with a famous name, the user is just an ordinary soldier.

The Winged Knight didn't bother much, just split his body open with an axe, and didn't pay much attention to the repeating crossbow that fell on the ground.

 In fact, when you get to this location, you can basically say that there is only less than fifty meters away from successfully breaking out of the big library.

As long as Lan En takes two steps forward, he can see an iron gate that separates the entrance hall of the large library from the numerous bookcases behind it. In front of the fence gate is the main entrance of the big library.

The Winged Knights returned to the team one by one, and Klimt released several more miracles one after another, covering the wounded in the team with a layer of golden light.

The crystallized old man on the bridge looked at the enemy team that rushed directly to the gate in such a daze, and seemed to no longer want to chase him.

 Everyone felt it and was about to rush out.

 But just when Lan En saw the main entrance, Ge Cide in his arms suddenly twitched.

The body that was already curled up in his arms became even more twisted, making a "clatter" sound of crystals colliding with each other.

 This is not right, as if the crystallized power eroding and spreading inside her body has been stimulated by something.

Lan En stopped for the first time after thinking briefly.

  The panting Klimt and the scarred Winged Knights became unusually panicked when they saw this.

 After all, under the leadership of Lan En, they were invincible and never stopped even in the rain of magic arrows.

 But on Lan En's side, only he could feel Ge Cide's sudden movement.

He didn’t know if those sages had put magic or curse on the saint’s body, so that something would happen to her as soon as she left this big library.

 But fortunately, he can use his own ‘vision’ to confirm.

 Lan En's eyes became profound.

 He looked towards Ge Cide's body and the surroundings.

 The essence of Ge Cide is like white sunlight being crystallized and solidified.

 Although there are traces of crystal magic, there is nothing else.

On the contrary, Lan En, who did not find anything unusual in Ge Cide, made some discoveries when he scanned the surroundings. It was a wooden box hidden in the corner of the bottom floor of the big library.

There was something in that wooden box that, although weak, was essentially similar to Ge Cide's.

In [Spiritual Vision], Lan En’s gaze can penetrate deeply into the essence of most things, so the appearance of those things cannot be seen.

 “Break open the gate!”

Lan En ordered as he quickly walked towards the wooden box he saw.

A Winged Knight who had just flown down from the upper level after killing people, after hearing Lan En's order, he didn't stop and crashed into the iron gate with the momentum of his descent!

There were three or four winged knights who bumped into him on the ground at the same time.

With a "thud", the entire frame of the iron fence door was knocked off and fell to the floor of the courtyard with a clanking sound.

Taking advantage of this moment, Lan En went over and kicked open the wooden box in the corner.

  When the remains of the fence gate hit the ground, he just happened to take it out of the wooden box.

A sound that was unclear whether it was striking crystal or steel came from Lan En's hand.

In that box was a Holy Catalyst Bell of the Priests, but on the iron Holy Bell, sporadic clusters of crystals appeared as if they were growing.

 A holy bell that has the same essence as Ge Cide.

 Lan En looked at the painful saint in her arms, but could still see the demure look on her face, and then looked at the strange holy bell in her hand.

Perhaps this thing was the catalyst for Ge Cide?

 Since the connection is so deep, it might be useful.

As Lan En ran towards the door that had just been opened by the winged knights, he pulled some fabric from Ge Cide's white robe, wrapped up the holy bell with crystal clusters, and took it with him.

The rain of soul arrows splashing down from above became denser again, and the high points that had been targeted and swept by the winged knights were occupied again.

 The sages have regrouped a lot of strength.

The team led by Lan En flashed past the door of the big library, and everyone rushed out without stopping.

Klimt, who was ranked last, cast a miraculous [magic protection] on himself.

This is a story about the friction between the priests and the magicians since ancient times. His body was covered with a white light film and matched with the magic square stone ring on his hand.

The last wave of soul arrows that blocked the door and shot down did not leave him behind after all.

The crystallized old man wearing a wide-brimmed hat stood on the wooden bridge on the second floor, watching coldly as a group of people kidnapped the saint of angel faith.

  It almost penetrated the entire defense line of the big library from high to low.

Until now, those stationed soldiers who came down from the top floor and were connected to the outside of the dome could reach the upper structure of the big library.

The actions of this group of people were so decisive. Whether it was decision-making or preparation, it seemed simply abnormal in this city of Lothric that was already in chaos!

If nothing happened, the Knights of Lothric would have formed a team, led it personally, and added a knight commander who was far beyond the usual tasks as the backbone of the execution.

 Perhaps we can assemble a top team with such mobility.

 But now the Knights are almost declared destroyed!

Where did these homeless dogs of angelic faith come together to form such a team? !

“They are all equipped with precious magic ashlar rings. We saw it with our own eyes, my lord. They are all wearing them!”

 A sage with no wax shell on his mouth walked up to the crystallized old man and whispered to him.

 “Osroais?” The oversized wide-brimmed hat of the crystallized old man trembled, but then he regained his composure.

Of course he knows that the magic ashlar ring is the equipment given by Oceroes to his bodyguard knights, just to express his suppression of magicians.

 It can be done now.

 “Impossible, he has already become addicted to the knowledge I gave him.”

The crystallized old man’s fingers gently brushed his cheek, which had a beak mask on it. It seemed that because it had not been removed for so long, the edges were even adherent to the flesh and blood.

That mask is the image of Moen, an apostle believed in by the priesthood. He and his twin brother wore this mask for a long time in order to gain the trust of Othroais and express their loyalty.

"White Dragon's crystallized knowledge, even if he wants to use everything he has in exchange for the results, he will never hesitate. He has no intention of caring about us, just look at the raging human pus outside."

 The sage who came to report was silent for a while, and then continued.

“The garrisons connected to the top floor reported that the black hand who was supposed to be guarding the tower was dead. That was the king’s black hand!”

 The crystallized old man was silent after hearing this name.

But then, he let out a sigh of relief.

He thought of the man who rushed towards him on this wooden bridge just now, holding the saint in his arms.

Although [Crystal Hail] had been released at that time, he felt uneasy for some reason. It was as if he shouldn't be standing in that place, in front of that man.

If the opponent is of this level, then the Black Hand of the King seems to have died unjustly.

"Let's go, let's go." After a long silence, the crystallized old man finally said in a tone that didn't seem to care.

"Anyway, we can't find anything out from Ge Cide. The saint is no, the princess is worthless."

"From now on, the Great Library is closed. If the prince asks, tell us that we are closed because of the spread of human pus outside."


 After the wise man saluted, he turned around and went to work.

The crystallized old man raised his head and looked at the empty birdcage hanging on the dome.

He would definitely not be willing to say that the revenge against Osloais and the Gods was limited to this.

But the city of Lothric, which was supposed to be in chaos, suddenly appeared like a group of warriors who were decisive in killing, highly resistant to magic, and capable of chopping up melons and vegetables against magicians.

Recalling the feeling of meeting Lan En just now, he felt that it would be more sensible to stop there.

While the big library began to close its doors, Lan En was already riding a unicorn, holding two protoss in his arms and rushing towards the outside of Lothric.

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