Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 944: 926 rush!

Chapter 944 926. Advance!

 “Don’t stop! Forward! Rush!”

Lann shouted loudly, and at the same time, holding Gertrude in his arms, he moved forward under the guidance of Klimt.

The library is so big that even the beams used to reinforce the dome look like intricate roads.

The Winged Knights had already flapped their wings and descended to this level together.

 The soul magic raining down from below is actually not too dangerous to them.

As a knights of the angelic faith, their armor has good resistance to magic.

 In addition, in the last supply before departure, everyone was assigned a magic square stone ring.

  The small objects made by the priests have once again improved the magic resistance.

  When an ordinary [Giant Soul Arrow] hits them, it may take four or five shots to have any effect.

 But now there are more than just "four or five rounds" fired upwards?


 The soul magic fell on the armor, followed by the sound of breaking into light particles.

The screaming and frantic slaves were also waving hot and dark red weapons, trying to climb onto the tall and fat bodies of the Winged Knights like mad dogs, and then chop and scratch them.

 During these compact and frenzied offensives, the Winged Knights were injured on a large scale for the first time under the leadership of Lan En.

The high-grade armor with arc-shaped protrusions used to deflect attacks is quickly becoming broken.

 The slashing marks of weapons left hideous scars on them.

The wings behind them, although the proportions are a little funny, are still full-fledged, and they are constantly adding scars and losing feathers.

 But their enemies also had a hard time.

  A small slave is as vulnerable as a chicken under a slaughtering knife in front of a weapon of the size of the Winged Knight.

Whether it is a short-handled double ax or a long-handled halberd, as long as it is swept, there will be a dull sound of fracture.

And if it hits the blade, there will be a sticky sound of flesh and blood being torn and torn.

Charcoal rosin has long been smeared on the weapons of the Winged Knights, and now their swords are blazing with fire whenever they swing them.

There are also some more impatient winged knights who have already waved their wings and jumped from the beams of the dome, hoping to get blood from the sages who are shooting magic below.

 The large physiques and ferocious mobility of the winged knights attracted the attention of the sages very well.

 The magic coming towards Lan En was much less.

Led by Klimt, who was familiar with the terrain, they found a vertical ladder from the beam that could land on a stable high-rise terrace.

 This large library has a large space. It not only covers a large area, but is also very high, so it is divided into several floors.

There are many bookshelves on each floor, filled with books.

 “This way!”

Klimt ran a few steps quickly and stopped at an open window on the side of a terrace.

 Having followed Lan En all the way, he has now become somewhat accustomed to how to think in situations of high movement efficiency.

 Which way to go?

If you can turn it over, turn it over; if you can smash it, you can't stop smashing it!

"Crackling", the spear in his hand was smashed randomly, and the beautifully painted stained glass window was smashed to pieces.

 The Archbishop immediately jumped in through the large window frame that was as tall as a person.

Lan En's steps were faster than him, and he lowered his head immediately, protecting Ge Cide in his arms and also went in.

But as soon as he stepped into it, Lan En saw Klimt's body flying backwards towards the back with a 'bang' as if it was hit by something.

 After turning over from the window, there is a spacious stairwell, and even this stairwell connected to the stairs has several bookcases placed in the corners.

Lann didn't even have time to turn around to see what had knocked Klimt out.

 Because Klimt was knocked out, he faced more urgent and serious problems.

He flew backwards and hit three or four bookcases placed in the corner of the stairwell!

The sound of heavy cardboard book covers hitting each other was mixed together with the sound of the bookcase being smashed and books falling in piles.

 There is nothing unusual about the book itself. What is unusual is the ‘things’ in the book!

 Silently, among the books that were opened in a mess due to collisions and falls, many thin and sharp claws, like those of Oceroes after transforming into a dragon, stretched out.

Those claws are translucent light purple, thin and long, swaying as if they can't wait to drag someone to the book where they are, so that they can take a good look at the knowledge in the book.

Klimt just bumped into the corner with the bookshelf and came into contact with the translucent claws protruding from the books. He immediately opened his eyes involuntarily, and his expression became painful and frightening.

His mouth was wide open, like a fish out of water but eager to breathe.

 Lan En's eyes darkened in an instant.

 【Spiritual Vision】is turned on.

 Lan En controlled his sight so that he would not use [spiritual vision] to glimpse the contents of those books.

Mentos also automatically turned on vision shielding, actively filling the books with mosaic color blocks. Prevent the subject from mistaking the view.

 In this case, Lan En also felt an uncontrollable trembling feeling from the inside of those translucent claws.

This feeling felt very familiar to him, as if it was the last breath of the old king before his death when facing Osloes.

 The breath of crystallization, the power of death!

Lan En, who used [Spiritual Vision] to not only see clearly, but at least recognized this method of harm, did not hesitate at all.

With a "click", the projectile hook on his left arm shot out and grabbed Klimt's collar, who had just landed on the ground for half a second.   Then pull back immediately.

The Archbishop was just knocked out, but then he was pulled back and flew back.

The priesthood robes on his body were torn into large pieces, but Klimt who was pulled out seemed to breathe a sigh of relief.

 Being among those books just now, even though it was only for less than a second, he still felt like he was about to die.

 Curse to death, Klimt has seen death caused by this kind of curse.

 In other words, as a priest, you should have seen most of the ways of death in this world.

This kind of curse does not cause much harm to people at the beginning, and it does not even hurt.

It just makes people feel fear bursting from the bottom of their hearts.

 But when the curse accumulates to a certain limit, the curser will die immediately.

As if growing out from the inside of the body, clusters of black and purple filthy crystals wrap around the human body, fixing it into the last posture of the deceased.

Whether it is gods, humans, or any other species or life, the horror of death is never in the way of death, but in that it is never exception.

As long as you cross the endurance limit, you will definitely die.

As Klimt was pulled out of the pile of scattered books by Lan En, they had time to pay attention to the force that knocked the archbishop away.

The sound of iron boots stepping on stone bricks came from the other side of the stairwell, where was the outer corridor of the large library, and the dim yellow sky of Lothric could be seen through the door frame.

And a knight carrying the great sword of the Lothrik Knight on his shoulder came in menacingly from outside the door.

His visor has been put down, but even if he just looks at his eyes through the observation hole of his helmet, he can still feel a chill.

His Lothric knight's greatsword has dots of white light.

 That is the miracle [blessed weapon] that high-level knights must master.

Making a prompt decision, this Knight Commander-level Lothrik knight stepped forward and stabbed towards Lan En!

 The entire Lothric Knight greatsword is like a spear! He stabbed him out!

However, the difficulty of using this kind of sword is not comparable to that of crude weapons such as spears.

Just relying on that small amount of torque on the handle can make the entire sword very powerful.

The level of this knight is no different from Lorenzo!

And now Klimt is lying on the ground and has not yet gotten up, and Lan En is still holding Gertrude in his arms.


Just when the big sword made a terrifying whistling sound and stabbed towards him, Lan En narrowed his eyes slightly.

 Watching the tip of the fine sword thrust close to his chest, he suddenly made a handprint with his left hand and aimed it at the side of the sword!

  【Alder's Seal】!

  The sword was deflected during a powerful thrust. This is normal for an ordinary swordsman, even if he cannot hold the hilt of the sword on the spot.

 But for this knight's level, this is just a "struggle" that is not enough to delay time.

“[Force Burst]? Catalina drunkard’s little trick!”

Similar to Lorenzo’s point of view, he seems to regard Lan En’s [Alder Seal] as a unique miracle of a country called Catalina.

The trajectory of the thrust was deflected sideways, but the knight's lower body was surprisingly stable.

 Following the direction in which the sword was deflected, his whole body spun.

 The failed thrust immediately turned into a downward slash with the added inertia of turning!

 Lan En’s move of crooking the sword actually increased the inertia of the chop! But it only wasted a negligible amount of the other party's time.

 But in fact, the demon hunter is just preparing to buy this little time.

Facing the opponent's big sword, Lan En took a step back.

  immediately after

 The sound of "hu la la" wind is blowing.

The Winged Knight bursts in through the window with his wings flashing!

His fat armor was spinning, and the twin axes in his hands were also spinning.

 The Lothric knight, whose body was defenseless due to the attack, immediately looked like a broken rag doll.

A series of sparks exploded from his body, and then he was slashed and flew out, hitting the wall!

His soul power is still strong, so the injury is not a problem.

 The Lothric knight, who had his sword knocked away, held on to his sword and tried to stand up to face the new enemy.

A priest who was knocked away by a sudden attack just now, a restrained warrior, and a winged knight. This is okay, after all, the first two are not threats at all.

But just when he was about to regroup, the knight who finally straightened his shaking helmet and aimed the observation hole at his eyeballs was shocked to find that inside the small stairwell.

 At least three winged knights have flown in.

His body stiffened for a moment as he stood up holding the sword, which was also the last moment of his life.

 Because the next moment, the three rotating 'blade tops' completely drained the power of his soul.

 What followed was a knife-to-flesh slashing, and in the end there was no life left.

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