Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 937: 919 repair light powder

Chapter 937 919. Repair light powder

 A series of things seemed to have improved after the support from the Netherworld Church arrived.

 After all, talent is the key. Without people, nothing can be done.

After chatting with Lorenzo for a while, Lan also knew what happened in the high-walled church during his absence.

Just like the warning he gave before taking action alone, the two princes and sages who have taken control of most of the inner city will of course want to eliminate all the 'rebels' on the high wall.

And then completely control this holy city of fire transmission.

Elite knights and magicians came down from the inner city and launched a surprise attack on the people entrenched in the high-walled church.

 Their actions were very different from Lan En's prediction.

In the boundless darkness, they can also do without lighting torches and oil lamps, allowing themselves to attack from the darkness.

 This method of action indeed caused great passivity to Lorenzo and Emma, ​​the priests.

 So much so that Lorenzo himself was seriously injured.

Lan En looked around at Lorenzo's Lothric knight armor. Some of the sword marks on it had penetrated the armor, and there were spear wounds that directly opened holes in the armor.

 But in the end, the knights who stand with the priests can receive miraculous recovery and support. The magician on the opposite side seemed to be firing soul arrows unstoppably.

But under the damaged armor, Lorenzo's body was unscathed, which was enough to show that the miracles of the priests were not in vain.

"Yes, that battle was difficult. After all, the people who attacked us were brothers from the same knight order. We all know each other's styles, moves, and habits."

 Lorenzo said somewhat happily.

 In the mouth of the bag is a powder that exudes a magical golden shimmer.

It was like the rewind button of the video was pressed. The cracks in the armor were "returning" along the original path of the damage process. The missing pieces flew out from nowhere and were spliced ​​at the damaged areas.

But when these golden powders started to work, the witcher discovered how outrageous the working principle of this thing was.

 But after all, they don’t have the same logistical support capabilities as the Holy Order to support their own knights.

Lorenzo simply stood next to the big bag, picked up a handful of golden light powder and sprinkled it on himself.

As he spoke, he placed a large cloth bag on the ground and opened it.

 Especially when knights use the power of soul to contain injuries, the recovery ability of miracles can be better demonstrated.

So they could only lose in a cruel tug-of-war.

 Lan En discovered that the more golden light powder the knight took, the higher the degree of damage to his equipment.

The knights around them consciously gathered around and grabbed different amounts of light powder, and then consciously stepped aside to let others take it.

At first, Lan En only thought that [Repair Light Powder] was similar to a convenient armor and weapon repair tool after using magic.

“Just thinking about the human pus that I might encounter along the way makes me feel palpitated and sick. Especially when the guys’ armors and weapons are so broken.”

Lorenzo sighed rather sadly.

“So your equipment was all beaten like this in tug-of-war?”

Lan En, who was beside him, didn't listen at all. He just looked at the armor and weapons covered with [Repair Light Powder].

“If it weren’t for the [repair powder] brought by Archbishop Klimt, we would have been forced to go to the military station on the high wall to find the spare armory of the Knights to change our equipment.”

 This is not a simple ‘repair’. This is a step back in time!

These people use the magic of turning back time as an armor and weapon repair tool?

 Lan En suddenly felt as absurd as using a hydrogen bomb to make soup.

Of course, in terms of difficulty, the difficulty gap between hydrogen bombs and ‘turning back time’ will only make people feel more absurd.

But immediately, the demon hunter calmed down the absurdity in his heart with his good psychological quality and mental state.

 This is a world where order and law are maintained on flames.

 Its instability is something Lan En has never seen before.

 But it seems that this instability of the world's laws currently has some additional benefits besides making people's lives cruel and difficult.

 In an unstable world, people have more opportunities to observe and understand knowledge and theories that are fundamental to the world.

 For example, time.

Look at Lorenzo and his knights, repairing light powder, an item that can turn back time for weapons and equipment to a perfect state.

Although they seemed a little happy when they got it, they were not overly excited, and they used it very skillfully. It was obvious that this was not the first time they used it.

  It can be seen that this thing is not a particularly precious rarity in the eyes of people in this world, at least members of the Lothric Knights.

"The weather is getting better now, which is good news. At least you don't have to fight with those **** sages in the dark."

 Lorenzo simply took two polished repairs on his armor and big sword, and his entire armament had a brand new look.

 He said to Lan En while adjusting his armor.

“Irusil’s reinforcements have been delayed, and now they only send a few little devils to serve as porters at the city gate. But the reinforcements from the Netherworld Church only want to welcome back Saint Gertrude. Alas!”

 It can be heard that Lorenzo is still inclined to gather his strength and catch all the princes and sages in the inner city.

 But he is now the captain of the knights, not the elite swordsman captain before. The elite knight commander can charge into the battle regardless of the situation. It doesn't matter if he only has brave force, and his position can be secure.

 But as the leader of the Knights, he had to learn to consider multiple aspects.

 You can complain and grumble, but in the end, you still have to follow the agreed upon plan.

 So after sighing, Lorenzo continued to do business.

“According to the discussion just now, you and the people from the Netherworld Church will go to the inner city in the near future to rescue the saint Ge Ci Deqie. If you have done this, you can just call the princess?”

The leader of the knights said with a smile, and Lan En's current role is to stand on the side of the Deep Church, so he also fulfilled his role.

“Please be careful, no one acknowledges this relationship at the moment.”

The witcher imitated the conversation between Leonard and Klimt at that time.

"Anyway." Lorenzo didn't bother with these minutiae issues, he waved his hand.

“In order to preserve the strength and stronghold of the loyalists in Lothric City, we cannot provide much support to your operation. The main force of this operation is your people from the Deep Church.”

 “Break in, find people, raid, take people away. That’s the process.”

"The only thing I can guarantee is that when you return to the high wall, the pursuers in the inner city will have nothing to do to you."

Lan En had no objection to this: "Understand."

Although Lorenzo and Lan didn't get along for a long time, they both understood each other's tempers a little bit.

 He knew that the witcher was not speaking out of anger, but that he really understood his current difficult situation.

 The knight leader took off his ring from his hand and handed it to the witcher.

 “Also, take this.”

Lan En reached out and took it. It was a ring with a white silhouette of a knight engraved on the surface.

  【Knight Ring】, is also the status symbol of the leader of the Knights of Lothric.

"Take this ring and enter the inner city. If you meet any loyalist members who are still alive, show it to them. They will help you, but I also hope that you can show them the way to get here. It is possible after all. There are a few alive, right?"

 At the end, Lorenzo's expression was filled with hope and sadness.

Thinking about it, he also understood that even if there were some loyal knights still surviving in the inner city, there were definitely not many left.

"I will."

Lan En nodded in agreement and put the ring on his hand.

This certificate of identity as the leader of the Knights of Lothric is undoubtedly a piece of equipment with supernatural power. After wearing it, Lan felt that his physical strength had increased a bit.

 The enhancement is not that big. After all, the ring’s main function is to ‘show the identity of the knight leader’.

“ lent me the status symbol of the Knight Commander so easily?”

When Lan En said this, Lorenzo had a strange expression.

“Hurry up and take it away. When those traitors attacked last time, they were looking for me to fight! Obviously everyone was wearing knightly armor!”

Lan En raised his eyebrows.


 In this situation, the knight leader is indeed the main target of attack.

Although the flame has been rekindled because Ludos sat on the Throne of Desire, everyone knows that this is only a short-term support period.

 The four special salary kings, including Ludos, originally existed as insurance during the transition period of the fire passing ceremony.

 At present, only one of the four "insurances" is in place.

The situation is not optimistic, so Klimt has no intention of delaying action.

The reinforcements from the Deep Church caught up with the last attack on the high wall of the inner city, and immediately after taking less than a night's rest, they were ready to rush into the inner city and rescue the Saint.

Lan En then rested for five hours. The judgment of this time benefited from Mentos' biological clock. After all, it was so dark before that it was impossible to judge.

Now, with the flames rekindled, the world finally sees the long-lost daylight again.

 There is no **** eclipse, nor is there darkness in which the sun disappears, just a normal day!

Even many knights and priests knelt down on one knee under the sunshine, praying and singing praises.

It's a pity that even if daylight comes again, there are still no living people in the entire city because of the dragon transformation experiment spread by Osloais.

 On the contrary, those who became vegetative showed more weird forms after this period of time.

 They stretched out their hands to the sky as if praying for something.

 In some severe cases, roots have grown not only on their bodies, but also on their legs, which appear lignified and grow upward.

And their original legs that were rooted in the ground were still secreting sap, and a tar-like black viscous liquid accumulated around the roots of the tree.

 The day brings hope, but at the same time it also reveals the grim situation that was originally hidden in the darkness.


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