Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 92: 92 Go out to investigate

Chapter 92: 92 Go out to investigate

Chapter 92 92. Go out to investigate

Woo! Hu

Early in the morning, the witcher's hands suddenly tightened from the unconscious state of weakness and grasped the edge of the bed.

It was not until two seconds later that he slowly let go.

And looking at Lan En's face at this time, it is clear that he is not feeling relaxed at this time.

gone to hell)

Hitting his palms into the bright silver-white hair, he pressed his temples vigorously.

Although strengthening the memory of knowledge between surgeries is not involved, remembering three of them at once still made Lan En's brain numb.

His brain was still numb, but the corners of the demon hunter's lips were already smiling.

Three consecutive strengthening surgeries that can be connected to his current body.

This harvest is not small.

The order of intensive surgery has strict requirements.

Because in many steps, the early strengthened organs will provide nutrition or environmental support for later organs.

Just like if the [Bone Strengthener] is missing, then the human-sized chest cannot accommodate many subsequent implants.

This requires Lan En to not only "draw cards" in the sea of memory, but also to draw a whole set of "cards" that must be in order!

Sir, get ready to wash your face.

Alia came in from the door, carrying a large basin of water.

As soon as she entered the door, she saw Lan En rubbing his forehead in pain, and opened his mouth with a worried expression.

"Are you still in pain? It's been going on for a few days. Why don't you go see the warlocks?"

Lan En stopped with a self-defeating look on his face. In fact, no matter how much he rubbed his fingers, it would not alleviate the symptoms in his brain. This action was just a habit.

Its not a problem. Hey, if you want to become stronger, you will have to suffer.

Aliya looks carefree, but she is actually a very thoughtful person.

She looked at the demon hunter and it didn't look like he was struggling with a terminal illness and didn't want others to worry about him. On the contrary, his self-destruction was very irritating.

So she simply put down her worries, rolled her eyes and muttered.

Tch! If I could become a powerful knight, I could bear no matter how severe the pain was!

Lan En had already stood at the other end of the room with a basin in hand and began to wash his face.

But the little girls whispers couldnt escape his ears.

With your little arms and legs, I can only say okay, its not a bad thing to have dreams.

Aliya quickly covered her mouth, and then stared at Lan En's back angrily.

She had forgotten how strong the witcher's senses were, but it was too hurtful to say such a thing!

"Don't pout, you're busy today. We just arrived, you have to take good care of Poppy, remember to have extra meals, groom him, and do some activities. We have to stay in Vizima for who knows how long, and we still have to contact the hotel. Say hello to the boss and ask him to prepare whatever you need."

Lan En wiped his hands while making many arrangements for Aaliya.

The little girl folded her arms and resisted.

"I want to fight with you outside! Even if I just watch you fight! And I also have a sword. Look, ''!"

"No way, put away your 'toothpick', it's hard to poke a cotton nail. I don't want to have to deal with chores together when I come back. Fighting is tiring enough. Let's go."

After saying that, Lan En, who was already fully dressed, pulled up his hood and walked out of the room.

The tasks he assigned to Arya would surely keep her busy for a whole day.

It was okay for the little girl to run around in the wild, but now that she is in the city, she must be found some work and tied up.

Otherwise, with her active and fun-loving personality, who knows where she would have gone.

Ignoring the shouts behind him, "This sword is called a sewing needle," Lan En walked all the way downstairs.

I bought two smoked fish sandwiches at the hotel counter, put them in my cloak, and walked out of the door.

Two large smoked fish sandwiches, enough to satisfy an adult who did not do heavy work for a day, were eaten by Lan within a few steps of walking out of the hotel.

The coordination of gene seeds to the physical body requires raw materials and energy, which makes his current appetite like a grinder.

This is also the reason why his hair and body grow so fast.

Walking in the center of the trade district, the neat streets and wealthy and polite smiling faces seem to make even the sunshine a little gentler.

The necklace around his neck shook. Lan En wiped his mouth and put his hand into the alchemy leather bag on the waist under his cloak. The cone-shaped crystal conveys timely messages.

Lan En, how did you sleep last night?

The voice in [Speech of the Heart] belonged to Triss, and her words made Lan En subconsciously shake his head, which was still a little dizzy.

Its okay. The hotel you recommended was great. From the sound of your voice, did you have a good time last night?


The person on the other side seemed to be choked by this greeting, and began to change the subject very abruptly.

Keira and I will look for a few more directions to investigate in official agencies today. Where are you going to start?

Lan En walked non-stop. He had already walked from the cobblestone road to the gravel road.

"You are investigating state institutions, and I am going to explore the bottom, such as the porters' union, the dock coolie's tavern, etc. No matter how good the books are, when it comes to transporting things, it is impossible for the men to do the work themselves, right? "

"Your idea makes sense! Keira and I have never thought of this, but you are not familiar with the place, where are you going to find these clues? To be honest, even if the two of us have been in Vizima for a long time, , but I have never come into contact with the tissue in your mouth."

Of course, you are noble and beautiful sorceresses, and you should naturally appear at the royal ball. The porters on the street corners and docks will never have anything to do with you in this life.

Inwardly, she complained about the negligence of the sorceresses and the otherworldly fireworks.

The moment Lan Ens footsteps touched the muddy ground, his eyes lit up.

Dont worry about that, Ive found it.

Found it? What did you find?!

In the palace, Triss looked at the dimmed telescope in front of her in astonishment.

Is this witcher so decisive? !

Margarita asked him to collect the debt, right? That is, doing dark work.

Why does he look like an action commander?

Lan En simply hung up the phone and walked straight to a two-person gang in the temple area.

One of the two men was shirtless, and the other wore only an open leather jacket on his upper body.

Leaning against the wall at the corner of the street, rubbing the mud on his neck sleepily.

On the skin with a large area of tattoo, you can easily see the eye-catching two snake-shaped tattoos.

Exactly the same as the management gang on the dock.

Lan En had no intention of hiding his whereabouts, so even though the two guys were still half-awake, they clearly saw a tall and strong hooded man walking towards them.

What the **** do you want to do? Son of a bitch, get away. Ouch!

Before the mouth that hadnt brushed its teeth in several days could finish speaking, Lan passed directly between the two of them.

Stepping calmly, he held their necks with both hands and walked into the alley like they were carrying little chickens.

The person with the left hand was thrown out first, and his back hit the wall with a "bang". Under the reaction force, he staggered towards Lan En.

Before his confused eyes could calm down, a boot with external armor kicked him on the abdomen.

The huge force caused the man's upper body to fly backwards before his upper body could react.

Like an action movie, the whole person lay on the ground like a toad.

Sour water, breakfast, wine. The stench from fermentation in the stomach filled the alley with vomiting in an instant.

A grown man who could be a gangster, was treated like a doll in Lan En's hands, and then lost consciousness.

The gangster on the other hand witnessed the entire process.

As a result, his expression changed from gloomy and stern at the beginning to trembling now.

With a "bang" sound, the gangster in his hand was pushed against the wall by Lan En.

The shadow of the hood was slightly raised, and he made a strange gesture with his left hand, and the magic idea suddenly appeared.

Now, you have something to say to me, man.

New book for newbies! Please collect it! Please recommend! Asking for a monthly ticket! Please read it!

It should be on the shelves next Friday, so Ill have to save the manuscript during this time.


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