Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 918: 900 King's Court

Chapter 918 900. King’s Courtyard

It is not difficult to point the way to the courtyard of King Othroais, because the courtyard is not far away from the church in terms of distance.

 Lan En looked at the expression of Emma's officiant.

“You don’t look like you just want to show me the way.”

"you are right."

  Priest Emma whispered to Lan En without leaving any trace.

“Compared to Lorenzo, who took office at the last moment, I actually know a little more. After all, the church is one of the main planners of the fire ceremony.”

“And what I am about to tell you is an unexpected situation that is not suitable for making a loud statement.”

Officiant Emma turned her head to Lan En. She still lowered her head, and the officiant's hood cast a heavy shadow on the upper half of her face.

 “Is King Othroais in bad condition?”

Lan En guessed that after all, the world has collapsed to this point, and the person known as the 'Holy King' has locked himself up. This is wrong no matter how you think about it.

“There is no doubt that something is wrong with His Majesty.”

 “Ring the bell for the second time?”

 “I’m worried about something more serious.”

“Being direct and direct is a good quality at this critical moment.” Priest Emma first praised Lan En’s deftness, then moved closer to him and lowered his voice.

 Most of the time, they are fighting steadily, and then cheating, seizing the opportunity, and using [combat skills]. It seems quite difficult to achieve such a small height.

“That is the final method of Lothric’s fire-passing process. It awakens those ashes heroes who cannot become kings but are extremely thirsty for fire.”

 “Can you tell me what this means?”

"I hope that you will not only visit His Majesty and explain to him the current problems in the outside world, but also go to the Chuanhuo Sacrificial Site through there to see the situation at the sacrificial site."

 “Go left after getting on the escalator”

 Priest Emma paused and spoke in a low and deep tone. Even the candlelight in the church swayed along with it, and the light and shadow trembled.

"I see."

 When the fire kings are passing fire, they will be accompanied by a large number of Lothric knights and other warriors.

 Then, an escalator seemed to meet the conditions and descended from the upper level of the church.

 You don’t mean to say it’s just this high, so why bother? Can I just climb up?

That statue is what is commonly seen in Lothric: a knight kneeling with a sword in his hand, rubbing his neck against the blade of the sword.

From this height, he could even see the face of Priest Emma below.

 And this second time.

“The sound of the bell will wake up the ashes who have burned with the kings from ancient times to the present but could not become kings.”

 The blood flowed from the neck under the helmet, along the sword blade, and was collected in the ceremonial basin.

“Things here sound complicated. What can I do?”

"For example, there is a problem at the Fire Sacrifice. Logically speaking, even if the salary kings who supported the world during the transition period have not arrived, the captured hero should have arrived. But as you can see, the world has now changed It’s become like this.”

 Lan En complained, it seems that there are really few warriors in this world whose main style is elegance.

This is not only support, but also surveillance and **** at the last moment to prevent the salary kings from doing anything wrong in the initial furnace.

 Lan En pondered.

After the water basin was put down, the stone statue seemed to be alive. It really pressed the sword blade against its neck amidst the sound of rubbing stones.

“The passage leads to the other side of this mountain range, behind the city of Lothric. And there is the Fire Sacrifice.”

 Emma, ​​the officiant, opened her mouth to reveal breaking news, but her tone was very calm. This contrast actually made Lan En feel a little ridiculous.

“If things get that bad, I’ll ring the bell.”

Lan En complained while compiling his mood, making himself nervous, and headed to the King's Courtyard.

"If the Fire Kings are unwilling to spread the fire and support the world, then these ashes chasing the flame will make them 'willing'."

  After arriving at the officiating seat at the deepest part of the church, officiant Emma signaled Lan En to move the chair. Then she took out a basin-like ritual instrument and placed it in front of the statue behind the original seat.

Lan En narrowed his eyes slightly.

  At that time, the sound of the bell awakened the salary kings who should support the world during the transition period.

“Then I need you to ring the big bell on the bell tower of the Fire Sacrifice Ground again.”

"for example?"

 Symbolizes the devotion of the Lothric knights.

 Lan nodded.

  Emma, ​​the officiant, and Lan En looked at each other, and the officiant pointed to the escalator.

Lan En climbed up the escalator with a strange look on his face, and then put the ladder away again.

"If it is true that not a single salary king has arrived, neither has the hero who was captured by us."

 “Deep in the courtyard of King Othroais, there is actually a secret passage.”

The first time I rang the bell, although the bell was not loud, it seemed to spread throughout the whole world.

Lan started to set off while muttering the path pointed out by Priest Emma.

And these warriors who burned with King Xin but were not called King Xin were ‘ashes’.

Mentos also marked information on his retinas.

 After walking not far, he walked out from under the dome of the church and was outside the building.

Although the location is high, there are still some tall trees that can extend the canopy to the side of the road.

  It’s just that because of the lack of light during this period, the leaves on the crown of the tree show a decaying yellow color.

Looking at no one around him, Lan began to rub the ring on his hand.

After a while, a sneaky sound of horse hooves came from below. The witcher stretched his head from the edge of the railing and looked down. Qilin was carrying a flannel ball below and looking up at the same time.

 “Ha, I knew you were smart enough.”

The witcher and Elcat gave each other a thumbs up.

Flannel Ball is holding a torch in his hand, and it looks like he made it himself.

The little cat stuck the torch into the gap in the armor of Qilin's harness, then climbed up by holding on to the gap in the wall, and pounced on Lan En's chest.

 “That’s great, boss meow! You’re fine too!”

“Fortunately, you asked us to act normal, meow. It was so scary when the knights in the city fought with each other! Fortunately, they saw that Qilin was just an ordinary horse and didn’t come here to kill us.”

The flannel ball was rubbed on the head by Lan En, meowing and talking about its experience with Qilin.

The knights of the coup wanted to kill people, but they didn't need to kill horses.

So the Kirin behaved obediently under Lan En's instructions, and there was also the flannel ball under its wide rune cloth. During the most dangerous period at the beginning of the coup, no one bothered them at all, or even paid attention to them.

 Escaped easily.

Later, in this increasingly dangerous city, the two of them did not dare to act rashly. It was just a matter of dismantling the stables, lighting a bright fire with wood, and dispelling the darkness.

Now I can confirm the position of Lan En through the contact of the magic horse, and it comes immediately.

 Pick the flannel ball off your chest and put it next to it. Lan En leaned down again and released the variant [Yaxi Seal].

 ‘Qilin, stand by below. ’

 “Xilulu! (Why! It’s so scary here! I don’t want no one to accompany me!)”

‘Don’t worry where I’m going, the darkness will probably be scarier than outside. ’

The holy king of Lothric locked himself up and has not come forward until now.

Lan En doesn’t believe that there is no problem, but something that can cause problems for a race of gods known as the ‘oldest and most powerful’ today.

Tsk, just thinking about it makes my head tingle.

Sure enough, when Lan En said this, Qilin, who had no spirit of challenge in the face of difficulties, immediately lowered his head. He was still serious, pretending to be walking nearby, and didn't look up again.

This makes Lan Endu feel a little guilty. This guy is so cowardly, he won't be able to complain if something really happens soon, right?

However, after Lan En pointed downwards twice, Qilin reluctantly snorted to indicate that he was on standby.

Seeing that his 'Speed ​​Mobile Device' was operating normally, Lan Encai led the flannel ball and continued to follow the route towards the King's Courtyard.

 “Take these.”

While walking, Lan En took out a stack of red frosted paper-like things from the alchemy leather bag on his waist and handed it to the flannel ball next to him.


The flannel ball’s little paws took it, not knowing why.

“This is a tool that can add flames to the weapons in your hand. It was a gift I got during my previous adventure. It’s called [Fire Paper].”

Lan En explained how to use it while gesturing with his hands.

 He ​​himself has the [Igni Sign], and with the [Air Blade] technology, he can easily make the blade engulf in fire. Therefore, he has never had the chance to use this hunting prop produced in Yanan.

 It’s a good time to give the flannel ball now.

"Just rub it on the strike end of the weapon. Now a special kind of monster has appeared in the city of Lothric, and its whole body is like a big ball of asphalt. They are like mad dogs, powerful and unorganized, but exceptionally Afraid of fire.”

 “I understand, meow!”

 Elu Cat’s optimistic nature can make Lan En feel relaxed even in this cruel world.

 He was a little lucky that he had signed a contract with the flannel ball in the New World.

  Witnessing the process of a world slowly heading toward death and decline. This has a huge psychological impact.

At the end of this section of the road is an elevator, which is still a technology that Lan En can't understand the principle of.

The complex height differences in the terrain of the mountain city mean that buildings in Lothric must often use steep stairs, escalators, and even such elevators to connect them.

On the elevator, Lan En’s hand pressed the scabbard on his waist.

 Already secretly on guard.

 After all, the journey so far has been easy and uneventful.

 It would be surprising if this was how a king sealed himself off.

The Prince Faction and the Fire Spreader Faction are fighting like this, but no one bothers the king. No matter what, it is wrong.

 However, even though Lan En was mentally prepared to face some strange and even dangerous situations.

 When the elevator stopped, the scene in front of him still made him open his eyes unconsciously.

"This is."

 A hesitant voice came out of Lan En's thin lips.

 In the courtyard, one can vaguely see the exquisite vegetation plan and Gothic architectural style of this courtyard.

Like the open air environment outside, the air here is also filled with flaky ash.

It's just that the size of the flakes of ash is larger than the outside. The density also needs to be greater.

Even these flakes of ashes have accumulated in this courtyard.

 The originally fertile ground with flowers and plants was completely covered into a gray-white color!

 The sheer number and density made Lan En feel suspicious.

Those things that dispersed in the city of Lothric, turning the residents into the shapes of plants. Could it be that they all dispersed from here?


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