Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 89: 89 City Rules

Chapter 89: 89 City Rules

Chapter 89 89. Rules of the City

Will I affect the sorceress's spellcasting?

While looking at the two sorceresses opposite, Lan En couldn't help but make a guess.

I dont know if shadow does not affect spellcasting, but I think if you nod, this Keira Metz will unbuckle her belt right now and throw you down on the chair.

Mentos, who is still working overtime to build the interception algorithm, took the time to complain.

Then he was put in the overtime position by Lan En.

Compared to the greedy Keira, Triss, who was really affected by Lan En's magic power, seemed more rational at this time.

Of course, this may have something to do with Keira Metzs inherently bold style.

Anyway, lets calm down first, ladies.

Lan En sat on the cashmere-covered chair and stretched out comfortably. There is no denying that sorceresses really enjoy themselves.

I am the debt collector entrusted by Arethusa, and you two are Arethusas network.

Lets get down to business. Lets get this thing over with as soon as possible.

Oh! Yes, business!

Triss covered Keira's chest more tightly without leaving a trace, and nodded repeatedly.

The slave trade in Temeria is absolutely intolerable!

Lan Enxin said that I couldnt bear it either!

What normal person can tolerate the slave trade? Human beings are simply transported and domesticated as goods and animals. Who can't stand high blood pressure?

But I came here to get information!

But in Lan En's questioning eyes, the two high-ranking female spell casters all ignored the influence of that pretty face.

Frowning and shaking his head slightly.

To be honest, we didnt find anything.

Keira Metz, the sorceress who is bold and coquettish in both dress and behavior, said softly.

While speaking, her expression not only showed the difficulty of not completing the college's instructions, but also a strong sense of unwillingness.

In the blink of an eye, Lan En went through the other party's information in his brain.

Senior sorceresses sent to Vizima by Arethusa as royal advisors to the king.

Triss and Keira are both politically enthusiastic people.

But he is different from people like Tris who really care about the future of the country and worry about the impact of politics on the country.

Keiras enthusiasm lies in the pleasure that power can bring.

In other words, this person has a very strong desire for power.

Without any emotion, Lan En spoke calmly.

"It seems that the other party's preparations are beyond imagination. Even beyond the imagination of both of you."

What situation would make a person who has a strong desire for power and already has a lot of power feel uncomfortable?

She discovered areas beyond the reach of her power.

This kind of discomfort even made Keira pinch the handle of the chair next to her bitterly, and her physical desire for Lan En was completely forgotten.

Trisss expression also became serious.

She put half of her body weight on the armrest, leaned forward and spoke seriously.

"Lan En, I don't know your educational background. You demon hunters are very mysterious. We thought you were a group of savages living in isolation. But today, the fluency with which you temporarily inserted [Speech of the Heart] was astonishing. It means that even among sorcerers, you are at least a very smart person."

Please speak. Lan En leaned back and crossed his palms in front of his lower abdomen, as if he was listening. Although I have no education, I still understand a little bit of the truth.

Wearing a studded leather glove, the index finger and thumb made a "little bit" gesture.

So, I think you wont have any difficulty understanding what Im going to say next.

Triss pursed her lips when she spoke, as if she wanted to carefully consider her next words and lower the threshold of understanding.

"There are rules within the city and within the country, Lan En. You stay in the wilds like Willen all year round, away from people. That's why you can see people fighting each other there, fighting with swords against swords and swords against swords. Straightforward and wild, fierce and ruthless.

But thats only in the wild, outside the civilized world. There is no systematic supervision system, no complete infrastructure, and no strong security force.

So, the human beings there will give up part of their civilization and return to the state of nature.

While Triss was speaking, she raised the palm of one hand and put it aside. This represents what she calls the wild environment.

Following that, she raised another palm towards Lan En.

But in cities, the state has complete supervision and security forces. The complexity of the distribution of these forces even exceeds the imagination of professionals!

"In the city, everyone has a relationship with another person, everyone pays wages for others, and everyone receives wages from others. And the official institutions belonging to Temeria will pass They have a huge amount of accounting and finance to capture the information in the circulation process of gold coins."

"Is the main job of an intelligence agency to release spies? No. It is to find hidden information in the financial statements and material statements accumulated during the operation of the city!"

There are rules in the city, Lan.

Triss repeated it with emphasis in order to take care of this demon hunter who was "far away from civilized society".

If someone purchases goods but does not show it on the books, it will cause misalignment of the goods. If this happens often in a certain city, the city will lose the trust of merchants and become depressed.

"This is not some big shot, holding a goblet and just saying 'let this matter be done' and there will be no trace! If you want to cover up the traces, you need to pay a cost! A huge cost! Even the act of paying the cost, All require huge power as a threshold.

Lan En listened quietly to this medieval-level management course.

The core concept in Trisss speech is: Everything you do will inevitably leave traces in the civilized world.

There are numerous traces of ledgers, cargo notes, and money flows.

As long as you are doing business, whether illegal or legal, you must have this set of things.

Because even for illegal transactions conducted by illegal organizations, these things are needed as evidence when dividing accounts, to appease people's hearts, prove the leader's leadership, and encourage his subordinates to continue to work hard with him.

Without this set of things, there is no way to think about growing the business, and even the structure of the organization itself will fall apart on the spot.

Now, Triss looked at Lan En's amber cat eyes seriously and spoke word by word.

But Keira and I cant find any traces!

The cat-eye pupils shrank slightly, which let Triss know that the other party understood what she meant.

Kaila and I checked the land and sea transportation, and there is no trace of all the freight manifests and property invoices going back fifteen days!

"This list and cargo invoice information are handled by departments such as terminal management, city gate inspection, tax verification, bank financial docking, etc., with at least more than 300 people handling it! This is only a position that requires verification of information."

"But this information has gone through at least three hundred 'nets', but there is still no mismatch of goods or money!"

Can you understand the power of this?

Keira didnt care whether Lan Ens thinking could keep up, she continued with a bitter sneer.

A municipal employee has to bear the risk of losing his job to do accounts, and the benefits he gets are calculated as less, one months salary, ten oren. Three hundred people are three thousand oren! And whats more important is

At least three thousand orens flowed into the hands of at least three hundred municipal employees, and our financial supervision department didnt notice at all! Haha.

Keira raised the wine glass on the table to Lan En, half-smiling.

Thanks to you, handsome witcher. Otherwise, we both would have thought we had established a foothold in this city.

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