Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 871: 853【Flame】

Chapter 871: 853【Flame】

Chapter 871 853.Flame

But there is a problem.

The scenario that Lan En and Mentos speculated is based on the path where wandering spirits who lose their humanity kill a large number of undead, and then the undead become wandering spirits as a result.

But the most basic question ishow did the undead appear?

The desire to explore this strange world is partly because Lan Ens curiosity has been aroused by the phenomena of this world.

On the other hand, he will have to stay here for a while, waiting for the tide of chaotic magic power to arrive again and open the celestial sphere intersection rift before he can return.

It is really dangerous if you are in an extremely unstable living environment but know nothing about the environment itself.

The new world that Lan En was given so much hard work as soon as he came here undoubtedly made Lan En label it as 'extremely unstable'.

Foldolink led Lan all the way up the **** in the woods, and it seemed that he was heading towards the "mountain" he had mentioned before.

On this upward road, the ground is covered with dead branches and leaves. Even if you occasionally see green plants, the green looks wilted, yellowed, and lifeless.

It seems as if the entire environment has this gloomy and depressing tone.

Lan En's tone was calm, without showing any unnecessary emotion, as if he was just asking a casual question.

This information I got from the mouth of the lumberjack who was still awake just now sounds like a big deal, and mentioning it should start a conversation.

Fire Passing CeremonyIt is indeed a big event, a huge event for this world.

Foldolink seemed to be savoring the word, as if chewing on hope and despair at the same time.

Foldolinks originally normal walking pace suddenly made a discordant click sound.

There was only the 'rustling' of two people's boots on the fallen leaves. Even when the footsteps subsided, they could hear each other's breathing.

Although it returned to normal immediately, Lan En still saw it.

The atmosphere was oppressive and silent.

As long as he becomes the King of Fire, everything will remain unchanged. As long as the fire can still burn, our lives and the whole world will remain the same.

Although he himself does not regard social interaction as a necessity, he is quite good at being an "icebreaker" now.

The emotion in those words was so strong that it actually seemed calm.

Two years ago, people would be happy to think that the [Fire Passing Ceremony] is as good as ever. Although there are no famous heroes in this era, at least we still have Prince Lothric.

The fact is just as Lan En thought.

"But now, no one knows what Prince Lothric is thinking. He has delayed it for too long, too long. Even..."

[Fire Passing Ceremony].

There was neither the slightest chirping of birds nor the movement of even a small animal.

The woods, which are supposed to be rich in life, are silent.

But the Emperor's Children's social talents eventually rubbed off on Lan.

Are you here to watch the Fire Passing Ceremony too, Fodolink?

Foldolink didnt seem to think anything was wrong with this situation at all, so Lan could only guess that the forests in this world might be like this.

That was the sound of the armor on his body hitting each other due to inertia in the sudden stiffness.

Foldolink suddenly lowered his voice, as if even in this silent forest, he was worried that his words would spread too far.

There are even rumors among the crowd that the prince actually doesnt want to spread the flames!

After saying that, he turned his head and took a deep look at Lan En.

It seemed like she was telling him with her expression: Its okay to say this in private today, but dont shout about it everywhere in the future.

Say the prince doesnt want to spread the flames, this seems to be a very taboo topic. It's so taboo that it shouldn't come out of anyone's mouth.

Flame, what on earth is this thing?

Lann couldn't quite understand why flames were so important.

How exactly is the [Fire Passing Ceremony] performed? Why does the prince named Lothric resist performing the ceremony?

That flame, Lan En said in an ambiguous tone that could be interpreted in any way. "How is Flame doing now?"

No matter what Foldolink interpreted from this tone, it should have been unexpected that Lann didn't know anything about the so-called [Fire].

After all, judging from his tone, [Fire] seems to be something that everyone in the world should know.

"What else can we do?" Fodolink sneered, "The undead have already appeared on the road openly, isn't the decline of the flames obvious enough?"

Lan En keenly felt that there was a sense of resentment and unwillingness in Fodolink's old voice.

And the undead appeared because the [fire] began to weaken?

There must be a process for the decline of the flame, and if it is true as Fodolink said, the degree of decline is positively correlated with the number of undead appearing.

That means that the number of undead people that appear now are far from being numerous.

What happens after the flame is completely extinguished? What will this strange world look like again?

After a series of thoughts, Lan En and Mentos both felt that the so-called [Flame] should be the reason why this world is so different.

This is also what Ms. Hu Zhong said: the fundamental difference.

Speaking of which, it seems I havent asked your name yet.

Foldolink glanced back at the witcher, and Lan held out his hand to him.

Just call me Lan En.

The old knight looked at Lan En's outstretched hand and frowned at first, then shook his head and did not take it.

No, just say goodbye in this life and just stretch out your hand. The flame is weakening and the days are getting harder and harder. Who knows what the person shaking your hand has in his hand?

Hmph, you are really a young master.

Lan En didnt feel uncomfortable with Fodolinks harmless teasing.

Just frowned and retracted his arm.

You have to be careful even when shaking hands. Has the world become so ruined?

I hope Prince Lothric can spread the fire as soon as possible.

In the end, Lan En could only end with a blessing that was not wrong at all based on the known information.

Foldolink smiled with a cold voice, his old voice sounded like there was phlegm stuck in his throat.

"Yes, everyone is praying that the prince can spread the fire as soon as possible. The people in Lothric city pray outside the church all day long. The knights of Lothric also give advice to His Majesty."

Pilgrims from far away places also began to go north, preparing to come directly to Lothric to visit and worship.

Hope. Its always good to have hope.

The city of Lothric.

Lane captured the name.

In other words, Prince Lothric is the same name as the country.

The king of this country must have high hopes for him.


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