Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 87: 87 First Arrival at Vizima

Chapter 87: 87 First Arrival at Vizima

Chapter 87 87. First Arrival at Vizima

The witcher's mental dialogue has no effect on the movement of the barge.

As the surrounding waters became increasingly filthy and the smell became stronger, most of the barge passengers began to stand up from the messy and crowded deck and prepare to pack their things.

The dirtiness of the water represents the proximity of large settlements.

Vezima has arrived.

The barge slowly approached the dock. This is the temple area of Vizima, or it can also be called a "slum".

Passengers on the ship, dragging their cargo, pack animals, or relatives and friends, began to pile up to the pier.

It seems that if he takes a step slower, the ship will take him away again for free.

Lan En has never quite understood this kind of psychology, so he still leaned on the railing at the bow of the ship, preparing to set off when the crowd was no longer crowded.

The cat's eye under the hood moved, and the witcher reached out and patted back, and a huge black horse's head was pushed aside.


Poppa's saliva sprayed to the side and turned into mist.

Haha, sir, why dont we get off the boat?

Alia was excited on Poppy's horse.

This was the first time she had driven a war horse alone, even though she only walked from the middle of the ship to the bow.

By the way, this is also her first time on a boat.

"You have to be lucky that Poppy has a good temper, otherwise he would swing his waist and you would fall into the water."

Alia tilted her head and looked at the water below the boat. Because she was already within the city limits, a layer of disgusting and sticky colorful oil film was floating on the water.

Distinguishable or indistinguishable domestic garbage is slapped on the hull of the ship with the tide.

The little girl made a sound, and firmly grabbed the saddle.

Because there were too many people, Lan simply didn't get on his horse and got off the boat with Poppy and Arya on his back.

Early when he was at Arethusa College, Margarita, who knew that Lan En had never been to Vizima, gave him tutoring lessons.

So Lan En knew where he was currently, which was the temple area.

Its only a few steps away from getting off the boat.

But Lan En had already scanned the entire dock environment with his peripheral vision.

Observing the battlefield environment is an ability that every soldier must master.

After several successive memory flashbacks, the owner of each memory is the top combat expert.

This kind of memory directly made Lan En's battlefield observation level jump from ignorance to proficiency.

Judging from Lan Ens current battlefield observation and analysis capabilities.

Even if he is now placed in Bordon's position, even in terms of hard power, the young man is still no match for a master demon hunter who is more than a hundred years old.

But just by using this insight and analytical experience, he can complete the annihilation of the law enforcement team.

Six small gangs, each with five thugs, each with a snake tattoo. They belong to the same gang, and according to this organization, they are a gang that has existed for a long time and has rules.

At the pier, in addition to the sweaty bag-carrying coolies and the accountants responsible for bookkeeping and management, several men with obviously unhappy faces were looking around.

There is either a long sword or a nail-headed stick stuck in the waist.

This should be the dock gang.

At best, they are crude melee weapons. It seems that according to the unspoken rules of this city, the level of weapon fighting must be maintained at avoiding the appearance of ordnance.

Bows, crossbows, and armors are all types of ordnance.

When you come to a strange city, its always a good idea to remember more information.

Lan En pulled up his hood, trying to cover his cat eyes and silver hair, and walked towards the door of the dock exit.

There are also several soldiers guarding the gate.

The city entry tax will naturally not let go of the port.

Lanes appearance is suspicious, but this is Vizima, the capital of Temeria.

There are so many people here who want to enter the city every day.

It is unrealistic to expect every city defense soldier to have professional ethics.

So Lan En just flicked a silver coin and led the horse into the city under the "indifferent" eyes of the guards.

You will see the real temple area when you enter the door.

The dilapidated streets, with at least four or five unkempt beggars and homeless people on every street as far as the eye can see. At the door of some huts, there are women dressed in colorful clothes, deliberately twisting their waists to expose large areas of skin.

Every time a large number of people come in through the dock gate, they will repeat these actions, hoping to make a fortune.

I have to say that the magical Middle Ages, at least in terms of aesthetic trends, can be in line with the world of my hometown.

These girls who work in the flesh business often wear tight-fitting waistcoats on their upper bodies, exposing their waists and backs.

As for the lower body, those in better condition will wear stockings.

Those in poor condition will wear tight-fitting boots made of cloth.

The purpose is to outline the shape of the legs.

When Lan En walked past them, even though he was a young demon hunter with strong hormones, he did not feel any desire.

Because their skeleton, skin, and muscle texture all look a little distorted and abnormal to Lan En, who is always on guard against memory flashbacks.

Perhaps it is a slight deformity caused by a hard life, or it may be born this way.

He felt uncomfortable looking at him anyway.

Occasionally, one or two of the elves who passed by had pointed ears, clear bones, and handsome faces, which made him feel relieved for a while.

Mentos, the interception algorithm needs to hurry up!

On the one hand, the brain must be urged to improve the interception algorithm for memory backflow.

On the other hand, Lan En is also prepared to use his willpower to forcibly resist the urge for perfection brought about by the gene seed.

Sir, something in your bag is shining!

Lan En, who was trying to fight against his morbid psychology, suddenly heard Aria's low voice in his ears.

The cat's eyes glanced to the side.

The little girl was holding the alchemy leather bag tightly and carefully leaned out from the horse.

Hold the opening of the leather bag towards Lan En.

Although she has little experience, she also knows that even in this world, magic is rare.

She didnt know what was in Lan Ens backpack, but in the slums, it was better not to let too many people see shiny things.

Lan En patted Aaliya's thin shoulder encouragingly, and the little girl smiled happily.

The alchemy leather bag was hung on the demon hunter's waist.

He was wearing a coarse cloth cloak with a hood, and the brightness in the leather bag could not be revealed.

Putting his fingers into the alchemical leather bag, Lan En touched a crystal with ease.

The only thing that shines on him is the communicator given by Margarita before leaving.

Hello? Hello! The first communication test, can you hear me?

The feeling of being spoken directly into your head is amazing.

At least for Lan En, although he didn't even change the pace of walking the horse, his beautiful eyebrows couldn't help but raise.

There was still a female voice coming from the other end of the cone-shaped crystal.

"Wow! Margarita is so generous. This communication crystal is already expensive, and she even temporarily added a layer of [Speech of the Heart]? It seems that you have been fascinated by her recently, Demon Hunter. "

"Hey! Keira! I'm the one pumping out the magic right now. If you want to chat, why don't you tell him where you are and use cheap spit to chat!"

This is another female voice, which sounds a bit coquettish like a girl, but also has the courage of a big sister.

While they were talking, Lan En had roughly figured out the usage of the cone-shaped crystal.

Talk in your head. For inexperienced people, you may output a bunch of useless codes in an instant.

But for Lan En, he has actually experienced it many times in his memory.

The efficiency of information transmission in future wars would frighten the generals of ancient times.

Ladies, as the second lady said, precious magic power should not be wasted on remote chat. Give me your address.


A voice of surprise came from the other side.

None of them seemed to have expected that a demon hunter who only knew a few tricks could actually start adding [Words of the Heart] in just two sentences.

I have a property in the Temple District.

After the stunned silence, it was the second voice that came to his senses first and gave Lan En an address.

I understand, I will rush there soon.

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