Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 869: 851Old Knight

Chapter 869: 851Old Knight

Chapter 869 851. Old Knight

The lumberjack leader's body was as fragile as his outer appearance.

Slim, gaunt. No matter how you describe it.

The sharp wooden points are the finished products cut by this group of lumberjacks during their work just now.

It is almost four meters long. The thickest part is as thick as a wok lid, but the tip is sharp.

Lan En didnt know why they cut the tree into this shape, but it was because when they first started, the loggers kept the finished products at their feet.

It really didnt look threatening or aggressive, so Lan En just thought it was some special work requirement.

But now

The rough and burr tree stump penetrated the leader's vest from the back and came out from the front.

This rough and uneven surface brought out a large amount of blood and minced meat, almost in the shape of a splash.

The lumberjack leader's chest was stabbed directly, but his expression remained dull, as if he didn't react at all.

Finally, the only target left is the witcher.

Lann swore on his biological knowledge that he was sure those people were really dead.

The lumberjack leader, who had a wooden stake pierced his chest and spurted out a large amount of flesh and blood, is now getting up!

And just like the man who died first, he picked up the thing he had in hand, which was the wooden stake that they chopped down, and started to take action.

The loggers who did not respond soon died.

And the wooden stake that killed him was dug out by the lumberjack who had died just now and whose death was confirmed by Lan En with his own eyes!

Now, the lumberjack stood up holding the wooden stake. His body was even thinner and haggard, and at the same time, he roared with a terrifying sound.

When the voice roars out of the dry throat, it looks old and crazy.

There was no heartbeat, at least a basin of blood came out of the skinny body, and the internal organs were exposed. If this was not considered 'death', he really didn't know how to die more completely.

Moreover, worse things are still happening.

These dead people soon came to life again, and as usual they went crazy.

The dead man began to move and showed a bloodthirsty and crazy appearance

Spread out! Get away, everyone!

Since he didnt understand the situation clearly, Lan En could only shout a warning to the other lumberjacks, while waving to the side to tell them to stay away.

These people all seem to be out of character.

Lan En frowned deeply because of this strange scene and cautiously moved back by the handle of the knife.

But after resurrecting from the dead, these peoples eyes were empty as if they had no souls, and their hands were constantly seeking human life.

He died soon too.

Out of caution, Lan Ens retreat prevented him from becoming the primary target of the Resurrected from the Dead.

But even so, this world seems to challenge the witcher's cognition.

They waved the sharp wooden stakes in their hands, like knights charging with lances, charging forward with the wooden stakes in their hands.

Even the woodcutter who was sitting next to the corpse eating black bread has not stood up yet.

But it was useless, because the remaining woodcutters were just as dull and dull as their leader.

Before, although Lan En thought these people were dull, they were still normal.

Lan En smashed his mouth.

Immortality, this ability is not unprecedented in his journey.

In the country of reeds, for two friends, he and the sword master who protected the country went to Xianfeng Temple, which had fallen into heresy. The monks in the temple have already looked beyond the Buddha for the way to seek enlightenment.

They can rely on the undead bugs in their bodies, even if they are cut into pieces and their hearts and livers are ripped out, they are still alive.

But who are the people in the temple who can [seek immortality]?

In Japan at the end of the Warring States Period, the incense of Buddhism was still strong and lasting, and Senboji Temple was a famous Tantric temple in Japan at that time.

In Xianfeng Temple, those who can receive immortal insects are at least lecturers [lecturers], and the [novice monks] below cannot even think about it.

But what about here?

Its a dozen lumberjacks who dont even have enough to eat!

The wounds on their bodies disappeared as if they had never appeared before, only making their appearance more haggard. They howled with dry throats, and were about to kill Lan En with wooden stakes!

Witchers dont want to get into close combat with these obviously abnormal opponents without knowing anything about the situation.

So his left hand was pressing the handle of the knife at his waist, while his right hand was stretched out to his side.

As long as he waved his hands in the same way as he said hello to the flannel ball and Qilin, the Qilin's thunder could clear the obstacles for him from a distance.

What Lan En finds troublesome about these dozen lumberjacks is their strange behavior, not their combat effectiveness.

But just when Lan En wanted to 'call for remote support', his ears twitched, and finally he retracted the hand he was about to wave.

The moment he retracted his palm, the sound of sonorous footsteps caused by the collision of armors was heard on the opposite side of a **** in the forest not far away.

An armored warrior, about the same height as an ordinary person, trotted over from behind the hill.

He was wearing a suit of armor that was supposed to be very impressive and stylish.

But it seems to be due to long-term battles and adventures that except for the beautiful dusk-colored metal parts, it is still intact.

The remaining cloth outer coverings, leather buckles, and even the mail shirt were all in tatters, with strands tangled around the body.

He held a small metal round shield in one hand. The color of the shield was the same as the armor, a dark golden dusk color.

In the other hand, there is a large flame-shaped sword.

The characteristic shape of this sword is that the blade is curved like a snake, which is also seen as the shape of a winding and undulating flame.

The high-grade steel sword of the Bear School that Lan En once used made reference to this feature in the sword shape.

If you are cut by this wavy blade, the bleeding will become extremely severe and difficult to stop.

He seemed to be very familiar with everything happening in front of him.

Unlike Lan En, who was hesitant because of the unknown situation and the reminder from the lady in the lake.

He rushed straight into the group of irrational lumberjacks.

The flame-shaped sword carried on the shoulder slashed directly with the running steps!

The sound of "Puff" was like cutting into a fleshy target.

The flame-shaped sword actually cut straight from the left shoulder of the crazy woodcutter, all the way into his left waist!

It was like the lumberjack was cut vertically into two uneven pieces!

The amount of blood spurting out from the fracture was unbelievable.

Lan En's eyes widened slightly. This was not a display of strength that a normal person could have.

Even if an ordinary knight charges with the power of horse power and then uses a saber suitable for chopping to chop an unarmored man, he will cut from the shoulder into the chest.

As for this guy, his two steps of trot can't be considered as having any momentum at all. This sword cut was all done with his own strength!

Extraordinary strength and veteran combat experience allowed this knight who jumped out of the woods to hack to death the dozen or so 'resurrectionists' without much effort.

And he didn't even take a breath.

Look at how tall you are.

While shaking off the blood and minced meat on the flaming sword, he slowly approached Lan En.

"Were you scared out of your wits by the ghost that the undead turned into just now? Did you dare not move?"

"But it's not right. You clearly see that their figures have become like this, but you still dare to approach and talk to them. Should I call you a fool or a warrior?"

His face was covered by a helmet and scarf, making it difficult to see clearly. But from the sound of his voice, he is very old. Sounds like he's old enough to be a grandfather.

No, its not like I was scared to death. Lan Ens hand did not leave the handle of the knife, he just pursed his lips and said vaguely.

Ive rarely seen these wandering souls transformed from undead people, so I cant quite figure out the situation.

"Huh, in this world where Prince Lothric is almost dragging him to death? Then you are really lucky."

Who says its not the case? Didnt I get help from you again? I havent asked for advice yet.

"Foldolink. Paladin. No, just a wandering old knight, Fodolink. You're welcome."


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