Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 867: 849Forest Lumberjack

Chapter 867: 849Forest Lumberjack

Chapter 867 849. Forest Lumberjack

With the jingling and clanking sounds on the harness, Qilin walked out of the celestial sphere's intersection, which was like broken glass.

The witcher comforted the kitten sitting in front of him and lying on Qilin's neck with his hands. At the same time, he also covered his head and frowned.

Qilin under the seat also felt uncomfortable. The feline face kept shaking, and even the arcs of electricity that flashed on the pale mane were much smaller.

The big wet nostrils spit out hot air one after another, and Lan En felt like it was about to spit out.


The witcher muttered a complaint.

The feeling of walking through the celestial sphere intersection this time was very bad, and it was very different from usual times. It reminded him of the feeling when he went to Yanan.

Its just that when I went to Yanan, the feeling of walking through the rift between the celestial spheres was a strong sense of sleep and psychedelic.

Now, Lan En just felt like he had been taken to a sauna without knowing it.

This makes it even more obvious that the thirst the three of them just felt was abnormal.

Flannel Ball and Qilin took out their water bottles and shared a few sips of water. Then they found that the physical rehydration was completely useless, and then they gave up. Then the feeling of thirst gradually disappeared.

So Lan En not only filled the alchemical leather bag with supplies this time, but also put a lot of it on Qilin's back.

Even in the low-lying areas of the forest, the water vapor formed a large shallow lake.

I have rarely seen a world like this. The lady said at that time.

Lan En knew what it meant: We have been breathing for several minutes, so of course we are fine.

The lady reminded Lan En half seriously and half curiously.

The air is okay, meow!

Only a fundamental difference can allow this world to affect my power through the intersection of the celestial sphere.

Qilin shook his head, looking a little helpless.

It is to prevent yourself from finding anything suitable for human beings to eat and drink when you arrive.

So using the word evaporate, Lan En can understand it.

Lan En once used [Spirit Vision] to see the essence of the lady in the lake. It was a golden and warm lake deep in the world.

Flannel Ball stood on Qilin's back, eyes closed, pink nose twitching as he spoke.

They are now in a forest, lush and full of water vapor.

Lan En calmed down for a while before he could get rid of the inexplicable thirst and return to normal.

Is this what the lady calls big difference?

The witcher frowned and looked at the surrounding scene.

"Normally, even I wouldn't know what kind of place is on the other side of the rift. But when this world just connected to the rift, part of my power suddenly evaporated."

It is different from the dizziness and nausea caused by passing through the "enhanced version of the portal" under normal circumstances. My mouth felt dry for no reason, but my body showed no signs of dehydration.

Before he came, the lady who was already waiting by the crack reminded him that the basis of existence of this world is different from the previous world.

There are scattered green grass and flowers on the ground, but they are obviously growing well, but they give people a feeling that they are heading towards decay.

The leaves are wilted, which looks out of place in this forest with plenty of moisture.

On one side of the woods, there were many people who looked like lumberjacks working.

They wore simple, crude linen shirts and overalls, and some even wore fur-brimmed straw hats on their heads.

It can be seen that life is not rich.

Its just that these people are very tall and very thin. This body type makes their movements feel very uncoordinated, like a stick. Fortunately, they are all working hard, otherwise they would have been discovered as soon as they came here, meow.

Flannel Ball said as if he was relieved.


Lan En got off his horse and patted Qilin on the back. He told Qilin and Velvet Ball.

"There are humans in this world, which is good news. As promised before, I will go over to make contact first to see the situation, and you two will hide first. Especially you, Qilin. Don't run around this time."

I understand, meow!


The always energetic response of the flannel ball was mixed with the sound of Qilin's snort, and then the Qilin took the flannel ball and walked towards the location where the lumberjacks could not see it.

Seeing that his cat and horse were gone, Lan En moved his neck and shoulders slightly and walked towards the group of woodcutters.

He did not make his footsteps quieter, so the sound of his boots stepping on the dirt and crushing flowers and grass was quite loud.

Walking in this forest, a lot of moss and vines have grown on the xylem of the big trees around me. It can be seen that they are not young, and the water vapor in the environment has always been abundant.

While walking, Lan En also passed by a group of strange creatures.

Looks like a hermit crab, with a large shell and many limbs that make a heart-stopping "thropping" sound.

It's just that their shells are purple mushroom-shaped, and they are basically half the size of a human.

When Lan En passed by, he thought they were a group of local giant mushrooms. It wasn't until they sprayed purple gas from the holes in their purple shells that Lan En realized that these things could move and were animals.

Fortunately, these things have very weak movement capabilities, so Lan En was able to get rid of this group of local creatures in a few steps.

Logically speaking, the noise caused by this is not too small.

But Lan En discovered that the loggers were still doing their work mechanically.

This kind of mechanical work even seems a bit chilling.

Are these people really normal?

You cant be so unlucky, right?

Lan En murmured in his heart, and the scene in front of him inevitably reminded him of the night when he first arrived in Yanan.

The witcher then shook his head.

The main reason why Yanan is so miserable is that many ancient gods gather in this city, and they don't look at each other and stab each other back and forth. They are too "lucky".

Where else can there be so many blessed places?

You still let yourself meet?

It must be impossible!

It wasnt until Lan came within three meters of the lumberjacks that they finally seemed to realize that someone was approaching.

Then he withdrew from his mechanical work and turned stiffly to look at the person coming.

Good morning, gentlemen.

Lan En said hello politely first.

Actually, he didn't know whether it was morning or afternoon.

Because the sky here is dim, just like the sky during the plague in Athens, making it difficult to tell the specific time.

The sun, which should have been the brightest point in the sky, is now even blurred into a blur in the dusky high sky, making it inconspicuous.

Cant even determine the exact location.

Fortunately, although these lumberjacks looked as stiff as the wood they chopped, they still took off their ruffled straw hats and placed them on their chests under Lan En's polite greetings.


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