Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 858: 840 Surgery

Chapter 858: 840 Surgery

Chapter 858 840. Surgery

It seems you already have a goal?

Lann and Cassandra stood on the command seat, watching the sailors below inspecting sails, braziers, bows and arrows under the command of Barnabas. They were busy going back and forth, over and over again.

Safaring has always been a boring job in any era.

Its just that Cassandra is in a good mood now.

Naxos, Aspasia said my mother should be the leader on that island.

Ha, thats interesting. Doesnt a tiger girl have a dog mother?

Lan said jokingly.

Naxos is not an ordinary island scattered in the Aegean Sea. It is quite important on the trade routes.

It is not only a source of high-quality marble, but also has excellent craftsmen. In this era of the Aegean Sea, this can be regarded as a complete "industrial chain".

As a woman exiled from Sparta, she can serve as a leader on the island of Naxos. There is no doubt about her skill and ability.

Its ridiculous to say that I dare not stop searching for my mother across the Aegean Sea for a moment, but now, when I am only one step away, I am a little scared.

Kassandras hands were supporting the wooden fence on the command seat, her eyes vacant.

I havent seen you for a long time, this feeling is understandable.

Lane had no comfort, firstly because this emotion was normal, and secondly because Cassandra was strong enough.

A woman like her rarely needs comfort from others.

As expected, the falconer's confusion only lasted for more than a minute, and then she focused her eyes again and turned into a demigod galloping on the Aegean Sea.

When I find Myrrine, I really hope youll be there so I can introduce you two.

Kassandra's hand clenched into a fist and she lightly hammered Lan's arm that was supporting her side.

There was a dull and powerful collision between armors, which was a habit of greeting soldiers.

But it seems to me that you are leaving again?

Kassandra said keenly.

Beside her, Lan En pursed his lips and shrugged.

I also want to face important moments with you, but my time is also very tight.

"I see."

The communication between the two of them was crisp and clear, without any sloppiness.

But this does not mean that the feelings are weak.

Youre on my ship now, its pretty safe. Ill finish what you need to help with first, and then let me think about how to send you off. Do you still need to go to Athens when you leave? Thats it.

Cassandra was arranging things, trying to arrange everything for Lan En as much as possible.

The witcher looked at this scene with a smile.

That night, Cassandra carried two clay bottles filled with wine as usual and came to Lan En's cabin.

But on this night, there was no chance to move the wine in these two clay bottles.

Wine is used to enliven and heat up the atmosphere, making the originally clear atmosphere become warm, ambiguous and hazy.

But when Cassandra entered the narrow cabin, they both understood at the same time that the atmosphere was hot and hazy enough.

Kassandra is as strong and active as ever, her strong and well-shaped muscles rolling under the skin, healthy and beautiful.

The Aegean Sea is not peaceful tonight. According to Barnabas' words, "It's another day of quarrels between Zeus and Hera."

Dark clouds were gathering, and pale thunder flashed from time to time among the dark clouds, briefly shining on the world.

The strong wind brought up huge waves, and the Adrestia was bumping violently in the Aegean Sea. The wooden hull made a creaking sound in the wind and waves.

There seemed to be people in the cabin praying and screaming because of the storm tonight.

This jolt matched the mood of the two of them. There seems to be no end, one wave after another.

The waves outside the cabin kept hitting the side of the ship, fierce and intense. Barnabas in the cabin on the other side was considering whether to set up an altar table and begged Zeus and Hera to appease their anger.

Fortunately, the Mediterranean is a Mediterranean after all, and the intensity and duration of its winds and waves cannot always be compared with those of the open sea.

After the fierce storm lasted for half the night, it gradually calmed down quietly.

Barnabas was fully convinced that his prayers had worked, and he was going to brag about his piety to Herodotus tomorrow.

In the cabin, Kassandra put her side face with a layer of sweat beads close to the witcher and murmured.

If Im apart for too long, will I forget how wonderful this feels?

"Don't worry."

Lan En's hand caressed Cassandra's smooth back. Under the skin were strong muscles like a female leopard. There were also some small scars on the skin, but this did not affect her beauty. On the contrary, it made her more feminine. Strong.

Like I told you before: I can even bring you to my side now if you want.

What separates us now is not something insurmountable, but simply the fact that you have your things to do, and I have mine.

As long as we are both free, we can always be together.

"Of course." Kassandra put her hands on Lan En's chest and straightened her upper body. "It's just that women feel a little, um, melancholy after they reach their peak. Don't worry about it."

Now, can you tell me what you are going to do?

Kassandra picked through the scattered clothes and finally dug out the Ankh Cross.

Ha, luckily this thing didnt get wet.

She looked at Lan En and smiled playfully.

Lan En curled his lips helplessly and took out the organ preservation bottle that contained the [Song Gland].

I need you to put this thing in

Lan pointed to his temple.

As expected, Cassandra was immediately confused.

In this world where medicine is still in the enlightenment stage, the act of loading things into the brain probably only appears in myths.

It's still the kind of punitive myth and legend.

Give "Prometheus was eviscerated by Zeus's eagle, over and over again" a quality.

So now the way Cassandra looks at Lan En, it looks like, "You didn't offend your dad, did you?"

"No, this is actually a way to become stronger. Just like you upgrade the Spear of Leonidas and your brother upgrades the Sword of Damocles."

The witcher explained solemnly with an expressionless face.

So this is some kind of trial?

Kassandra tried hard to explain it with her own ideas.

Just like the Twelve Trials of Heracles?

Youre right to say that.

Lan En nodded indifferently.

Immediately, Cassandra felt that this statement was indeed reasonable and became acceptable.

Lane used a variant of [Yaxi Sign] on Kassandra, just like when talking to Qilin. The structural diagram of the brain and the flow chart of the operation were made into illustrative animations and sent to Cassandra.

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