Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 810: 792 morning exercise

Chapter 810: 792 morning exercise

Chapter 810 792. Morning exercise

Thanks to the fact that it is summer now, it gets dark very late at night.

After finishing the meal, Ciri and Geralt came over to help Lan and Berengar manage to pack out a room in this long-abandoned castle.

Lambert, the foul-mouthed guy, went to sleep, while Vesemir was a little snoozy after the meal.

Although Vesemir's body is much stronger than that of an ordinary young man, his living habits are that of an outright old man.

If you had informed me in advance, I might still be able to summon Lambert to help with the cleaning. Its too difficult now.

Geralt said as he fanned the dust in front of his nose.

This castle has been abandoned for too long, and the number of demon hunters is obviously not enough to take care of the entire castle, so the people of the Wolf School can only barely keep the few areas needed for their activities clean, such as the halls and their respective rooms. ,basement

I cant control the rest.

Xili and Fluffy Ball were moving things out together, and the two guys did a pretty good job while chatting and laughing.

"Stop talking." Lan En shook his head helplessly, "I came here to avoid the limelight. If I write you a letter, there will not only be wild wolves outside Kaer Morhen now."

There will also be spies, spies, and lost businessmen.

Finally, under the light of the candles, the room was finally tidied up.

He scratched his head, smoothed his slightly messy hair and stood in front of the window sill.

Looking out from the heights of Kaer Morhen, the mountains of the Blue Mountains are lush with vegetation.

However, there are still patches of cold fog scattered over the woods in the continuous mountains.

Moved in two large beds and a small bed, for the two demon hunters and the flannel ball respectively.

Silk lace shirt, and breeches.

This room has a window that can directly see outside the castle, but the wooden sash has long since decayed and fallen off.

The night is getting darker and there are not many activities to kill time at night.

Then you should soothe your head first.

Even in this day and age, it is considered the most boring place.

Oh shit, I forgot to seal the windows last night!

Fortunately, they are not hypocritical people, so they will just make do with it today, and they have no objection.

This kind of clothing is enough to cope with the current temperature in Kaer Morhen.

Here is the edge of the civilized world, an abandoned castle occupied by only a few demon hunters.

The wind blowing at night made Berengar dizzy and nauseated now.

Lan En casually dismissed Berengar, who was covering his head and screaming, while he began to take out his casual clothes from the alchemy leather bag.

This feeling combined with the cool mountain air made Lan En feel open-minded.

But Lan En didnt feel much at all.

Its no wonder that witchers generally dont stay in Kaer Morhen except in the winter.

Early the next morning, the fresh and cold air above the Blue Mountains woke up the two people and the cat in the house.

Paired with the majestic outline of the mountains, it has a remote, mysterious and majestic feeling.

Berengar sat up covering his head.

The weather is sunny and the sky is as blue as the sea.

Hung the alchemy leather bag on the back waist, while Arondette still hung it on the left waist. This is considered an ordinary life outfit.

At this time, the flannel ball on the other small bed also picked up his kitten pickaxe, stretched and prepared to get up and exercise.

Its self-discipline is one of the main points Lan En has always ridiculed Qilin for.

Huh? The calico kitten licked its little paws, smoothed the hair on its head and looked at Lan En.

Lan En is also going to do morning exercises together today, meow? flannel ball was a little surprised.

Before, in Aretussa, it did not live with Lan En, so the morning exercises were basically done separately.

On the journey, it doesnt need to worry much, so it exercises as usual in the morning.

But Lan En and Berengar needed to use that time to discuss and prepare the daily itinerary, so there was no time for morning exercise during the trip.

I said I would give you some guidance, and now is the time.

Lan En bent down and touched the cats head, causing the flannel balls eyes to narrow in comfort.

Then lets go, meow!

Kaer Morhen is a castle built with military intentions.

This kind of medieval castle will build a vestibule in front of the main body of the castle. The function of this vestibule is to lengthen the enemy's battle line through a roundabout and narrow road after the enemy enters the castle.

Provide more output opportunities for the defenders on your own city tower and weaken the enemy's strength.

Hence, the vestibule is often built in many twists and turns and occupies a large area.

In the last mob attack involving warlocks, the vestibule of Kaer Morhen was basically destroyed.

However, the buildings and obstacles that were destroyed were limited to the twists and turns. Of course, this land is still there.

So the now sparsely populated Wolf School simply turned this place into a training ground.

Lan En followed the flannel ball, which was bouncing around because of excitement and occasionally trotting on all fours, towards the vestibule training ground.

On the way he also picked a few celandine and dandelions among the overgrown weeds in Kaer Morhen.

It seems that when the witcher was doing alchemy, the seeds fell on the ground in the castle and sprouted.

If it were in the castle's heyday, these unruly vegetation would of course have been cleared away.

But now the witcher doesn't even have enough manpower to clean the house, so he lets these medicinal materials grow randomly.

It will be convenient for their alchemy anyway.

When Lan En and Rongbuqiu arrived at the vestibule training field, they found that someone was already training here.

In a sheltered corner of the courtyard, Shirley was training under the guidance of Lambert.

She balances expertly on a long plank suspended by chains while attacking a leather bag tied with leather ropes to resemble a human torso with a small wooden toy-like sword.

"Wrong!" Lambert shouted, "You're too close! Don't chop! I told you, stab the carotid artery with the tip of the sword! Where is the carotid artery of humanoids? On the top of the head? How do you do that? What's going on? Pay attention, little princess!"

Dont call me little princess!

Hiri yelled back angrily, but the target was only the address, not the instruction.

She still worked hard to meet Lambert's requirements and let her body remember the lesson.

The girl with mouse-grey hair walked flexibly on the wooden board, turned sideways, stabbed lightly with the wooden dagger in her hand, and then quickly jumped away. The dummy hit by the sword shook.

"Oh, finally!" Lambert shouted, "You finally got it! Back up and do it again. I have to make sure you're not blind!"

But the little **** the board has already seen Lan En and Flannel Ball walking towards here.

She felt a little happy for a moment.

And because her little happiness disrupted her breathing and rhythm, she lost her balance and fell off the swaying wooden board.

With a bang sound, he fell into the pile of straw that had been arranged in advance.


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