Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 79: 79Memory in flesh and blood

Chapter 79: 79Memory in flesh and blood

Chapter 79 79. Memory in flesh and blood

Thanks to Lan Ens [surgical] proficiency, which he developed using countless water ghosts and swamp witches as consumables. There are also accurate autoanatomy diagrams provided by Mentos.

In the process of peeling off the skin of his chest all the way until he touched his ribs, the witcher only suffered two blood vessel ruptures due to the messy distribution of blood vessels.

The massive bleeding was stopped at a speed visible to the naked eye with the cumulative power of the three bottles of [Swallow] that he drank in succession, and the blood vessels healed again.

So much so that even though Lan Ens face was already full of ferocity, he opened a big hole in his chest.

But the amount of bleeding from the body cannot even be absorbed by the clothes and flow to the floor.

Amid the smooth beating of the heart, the fingers responsible for inserting the gene seeds adjusted their positions.

This sarcoma is placed between the thymus and the heart.

Sever the original physical connection of the thymus and connect it to the blood vessels of the gene seed.

Three times the amount of [Swallow] in Lan En's body is constantly taking effect, and the broken blood vessels are slowly being reconnected.

The implantation of gene seeds requires bypass surgeries on the thymus and heart respectively. Now numerically, half of the success is achieved.

But both Lan and Mentos knew that this only counted as 10%.

Because it is different from the thymus which does not have strenuous biological activities and most of its functions are in hormone regulation.

The heart that beats and pumps blood all the time, even if only one blood vessel is disconnected, under the strong body of the witcher, this hot blood is estimated to be able to rush to the rafters.

The average person's heart pumps about 70 ml of blood at a time in a quiet state.

But the total volume of blood pumped by the Witcher's heart at one time is at least 200 ml!

The total blood volume of the human body is only 4000 ml. There is no significant difference in total weight between witchers and ordinary people, and the total blood volume is also very different.

In other words, 20 times of heart pumping time are enough to drain the demon hunter's blood!

This is not bleeding in the limbs, or bleeding in other parts. Lan En must directly cut open one of his heart vessels!

He must be calm because nervousness speeds up the heart's activity.

He had to be accurate and fast, because including the time when he was on the verge of coma after losing 1,500 milliliters of blood, he had less than ten heart beats!

The knife has been pressed against the greasy blood vessels.

Without a trace of hesitation.

Lan Ens mouth had been clenched until it bled from the process of peeling off his own skin.

But from beginning to end, his eyes and hands were steady without any tremors.

Just like the statement Lan made to Bordon when he was dying.

If he has made up his mind to take care of things that he dislikes, then the outcome will no longer be a concern for him.

Life is already so complicated and unpredictable. People who are alive and kicking today may be dead tomorrow.

Wouldnt it be too timid if you want to do the right thing but still care about your own life?

Ever since Lan En broke out of the **** called the "Trial of Green Grass", he has decided that he will not shrink from fear of the consequences in the rest of his life.

Human traffickers fight their buyers to death.

My own strength is definitely not enough.

But in my hands, I have the power that can change the disadvantage.

The logic has been sorted out and the determination has been made clear.

So what is there to hesitate about?


The sound of the blade slicing through the cardiovascular system is silent, but a burst of hot blood from the heart spurts out with such force that it can make a sound of breaking through the air!

The hot blood was just as Lan En expected, it shot upward from the chest, half of it was stopped by the witcher's jaw, and the other half rushed directly to the roof.

A large splatter of blood was left on the left side of Lan Ens face from bottom to top.

The face was twisted in pain, but the pair of cat eyes under the blood were still like hard and cold shining blades.

Mentos didnt even expect that Lan En didnt even hesitate when cutting off his cardiovascular system!

When the blood vessel had been cut, it suddenly reacted and used its own retinal projection to filter out the blood-red color covering Lan En's cat's eyes.

"The blood vessel cutting is completed! Connect! Quick! Connect the gene seeds!"

Amidst Mentos's loud alarm as if he had seen a ghost, his fingers that had been completely wetted by blood gently pulled the gene seed to the middle of the broken cardiovascular system.

This sarcoma has a corresponding interface, and Lan En's cardiovascular system that was cut off by himself can be connected accordingly.

It's like manually adding a sarcoma nodule to your cardiovascular system.

But the problem has not been solved yet.

Under the violent rush of blood pumping from the heart, it was impossible for Lan to suture the blood vessels.

Blood still continued to spurt out from the gaps in the gene seed blood vessel interface.

[Pure White Rafad], one bottle, take it in immediately! The corresponding situation has already been in Lan En and Mentos plan.

Pure White Rafad, unlike Swallow's continuously increasing physical recovery speed, this potion does not have a slow and continuous effect.

Its medicinal power will burst out in an instant, bringing a slightly smaller total amount of vitality that takes effect instantly!

The pure white medicine is easily confused with the milky white color of [Fortified White Honey].

But Lan now feels more awake than ever.

He took the [Pure White Rafad] in his hand without any hesitation and poured it into his mouth.

Not one bottle, but two bottles.

The heart is bleeding heavily, and the power of the potion will be taken away by the blood flow. One bottle is not enough.

At the same time as he was moving, the demon hunter who cut off his own cardiovascular system could even calmly explain his thoughts to Zhi Nao!

The medicine begins to take effect, and the vitality begins to explode along with the toxicity.

The gene seeds and blood vessels that were originally simply pressed together by fingers began to produce fleshy fibers at the upper and lower interfaces with the heart blood vessels respectively.

These fleshy fibers rapidly grow and tangle to form new blood vessel structures.

The heart's vigorous pumping of blood begins to be restricted in the new blood vessels.

A drop of blood fell and hit the wooden floor of the hotel, making a sound like sulfuric acid corroding.

Three bottles of [Swallow] add up to two bottles of [Pure White Rafad]. The poison Lan En endured this time was even stronger than the previous [Enhanced Thunder] plus [Enhanced Blizzard]!

The newly born body is stimulated by a large amount of vitality, but is also destroyed and eroded by a large amount of toxicity.

Sir, the new blood vessels have become much tougher. Please release your fingers immediately, otherwise your hand may be covered in new blood and flesh.

Lan Ens fingers, which were responsible for adjusting the position of the gene seeds, were pulled out from the gap in his ribs.

The next moment, the thin and weak muscle fibers began to cling to the pale bones again.

The physical opening caused by [surgical surgery] is certainly much more tragic than fighting.

The blade is neat and the opening is small. After drinking the potion, even the scars will be very inconspicuous.

Lan En was kneeling on the floor in a meditative posture. In addition to the large amount of blood pumped out by the first cut of the cardiovascular system, traces were left on the roof and floor of the room.

In the rest of the area, traces of surgery are scarce.

The **** palm dropped to the ground, the poison of the blood corroding the wood.

Make a "chichi" sound.

Now Lan En has turned into a deathly pale face again, with pure black pupils and eye sockets.

The operation is 90% complete.

Even if it is a biological intelligent brain, the intelligent voice at this time also reveals a relaxed feeling of finally succeeding after tensing up the nerves.

Toxification removal is expected to require two bottles of [fortified white honey].

Mentos has relaxed, although the poison this time is more intense than the last time in the trafficker's camp.

But the main body is now at Arethusa College, and with abundant material support, he has completed the preparation of [Fortified White Honey].

The detoxification effect is much stronger than the primary [white honey].

After two bottles, I will feel relaxed all over.

However, despite Mentos's reminder, Lan never made any move.

The witcher remained kneeling with his head lowered and his eyes empty.

Mentos finally realized something was wrong.

"Sir? Please take the potion! Sir? What happened? What did you see?!"

It seemed that the link with Lan En also made Mentos see something, and it exclaimed in surprise.

But then, the shouting also stopped.

Information is flowing out.

Thymus link provides the necessary hormonal environment for gene seeds.

Cardiovascular link, supplying nutrients from the blood to the gene seeds.

But it is in these processes that the exchange of materials brings about memories that are deeply embedded in flesh and blood.

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