Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 775: 757The hunt never ends

Chapter 775: 757The hunt never ends

Chapter 775 757. The hunting never ends

Thank you. Lan En said again and hung the small coat of arms inlaid with the [Early Recovery Stone] around his waist again. "A nice parting gift."

The leader of the second phase of the regiment sat back on the pony and scratched his steel brush-like beard.

Its not all a parting gift, its a thank you gift. After all, without you, it would be difficult for me to experience the forging process like last time. That gave me a lot of inspiration.

Despite my age, I am still very ambitious in technological innovation! Haha!

Goodbye, Lan.

Bye, mate.

The two hands were held together across the conveyor belt, and then they let go without any hesitation.

Without looking back, Lan En waved behind him and walked out of the forge.

Go down one level and come to the circulation area of the Star Stronghold.

This place is still busy and fulfilling, and the New World Survey Team is still maintaining its survival while exploring nature.

Walking outside the gate of the stronghold, many people were already waiting here.

With Lan Ens face and social skills, he has actually made many friends during this time.

Wend, April, Sword Master, Aiden, Little Jack, Commander-in-Chief, Grand Commander, Chief Cook of the Canteen.

As soon as Lan En's figure appeared, Wende, who was leaning sideways by the door, raised a hand to say hello.

Lan En walked past him naturally and gave him a high-five along the way.

This guy's current equipment looks like a very streamlined knight, with two sharp horns rising into the sky on his head.

During this period of time, his exploration has reached the Coral Platform.

After passing through the customs, the road that had only a small number of elites could be opened to open a road where the material classes could bring.

Even the monsters in the New World have probably acquiesced that those roads are the territory occupied by this "powerful creature".

Although the shape of this territory is a bit strange, there is nothing that can be done about it. Who said 'this monster' is too strong?

If the monsters pass by and refuse to obey, they will be beaten, and if they fail to do so, they will be killed.

It will calm down after a while.

The equipment he was wearing was made by killing a few flying dragon monsters that had harassed the hot air balloon ship for several years after arriving at the Coral Platform, causing them to be unable to take off.

It seems to be called Feng Piao Long.

Have you received the gift?

Wend pulled up the visor on his helmet and asked Lan with a smile.

"I have spent a lot of effort to gather the materials for the stone protection. How is the effect?"

The witcher gently touched the small coat of arms hanging on his belt. A fresh and natural sense of relief filled his body and mind since he put it on.

This is the vitality that nourishes and restores.


Lan En thanked Wende first, and then turned to smile at everyone.

Its not like they have to be together like this, right?

"Although this deer-headed spirit was exiled and sealed by me, its totem is still hidden in the vast area. Those deer-headed spirits who have mastered the [Random Teleportation Technique] will most likely be directed when casting spells. A totem that has no owner."

I will definitely have to come here for check-ups regularly.

One yard equals one yard. The commander-in-chief stood up at this time and said to Lan En.

"We will talk about the future later. But now, you are recognized as a member of the investigation team by us. Now that you are going to "travel far away", of course we have to send you off."

Or are you going to give up your identity as a specially recruited hunter for the fifth phase of the regiment?

"Of course not, I'm quite happy here." Lan En shook hands with the Commander-in-Chief amid his teasing.

Since you are happy.

A sound that was muffled by the helmet came from behind the Commander-in-Chief.

The commander-in-chief stepped aside, he was a master of swordsmanship.

He still wears armor and sword made of fire dragon materials. This old man was the first to recognize that Lan En was not a local, and later taught him hunting skills.

He is a hunter that Lan En respects and can be called a 'teacher'.

Then have you ever thought about staying here too long? After all, we talked before, your hometown seems like hell.

After the sword masters words, the originally bustling entrance to the stronghold fell into silence.

Everyone looked at Lan En, who was looking down and seemed to be thinking about something.

But in the end, the witcher raised his face and smiled as always.

The hair, which was like molten silver, and his face seemed to glow in the sunlight.


Lan En seemed to be sighing with emotion, but his tone immediately changed, becoming cheerful and calm.

But will hunters turn around and run away because the monster they face is too strong and disgusting?

In the silence, a muffled chuckle suddenly came from under the sword master's helmet.

Oh, yes.

It seems that people like you cant turn around and run away.

With the armor shaking, the sword master came to Lan En's side and looked up at the tall young man.

The palms of the two people grasped each other's forearms firmly.

Then go on hunting, kid.

Of course, old man. The hunt never ends.

Lan En later took over a large cloth bag from April's hand, which contained various flowers, mushrooms, dried insects and other materials that she had collected during this period that could be used in alchemy.

Lan En took the opportunity to stroke the head of Garfield, the orange cat.

"By the way, I have to remind you." After saying goodbye to everyone, Lan En turned to the Grand Commander and Commander-in-Chief to emphasize.

He looked serious.

Do you remember what I told you, that I can see [blue light spots] in the void? The number of these light spots is increasing.

"During the Laoshan Dragon's mutation, this kind of light spot made me feel something was wrong. Now, although there is no specific biological mutation report, I feel that the status of these light spots can be inferred from the ecological changes. It should have started already.

Ecological responses are lagging. The director of the institute, who was listening in the audience, pinched his gray beard and said.

The [blue light spots] invisible to ordinary people caused the ancient dragon to behave abnormally. This is a new statement. Well done, Lan En!

Take action! Lazy pigs! We have a new research direction!

The old man from the Doudinglong human tribe was running quickly while calling his team members.

There is no need to say much more.

Neither Lan nor the hunters are sloppy people.

So at the gate of the Star Stronghold, the group of people waved and returned to their work track.

While the witcher continued to walk outside, a calico kitten picked up a wooden stick with a small bundle strung on one end.

Seeing Lan En coming over, the flannel ball jumped up happily.

Meowing, he trotted on all fours and rushed to Lan En's side.

Can we start the adventure now?

The big round eyes are full of excitement and excitement.

This enthusiasm made Lan En pinch his forehead: "It's not considered an adventure. In fact, my life has not always been in a magnificent process."

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