Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 77: 77Three situations

Chapter 77: 77Three situations

Chapter 77 77. Three situations

Coming out of the blacksmith shop, Lan En's disappointment did not last long.

The thought of modifying the arm armor came about because I was too suppressed by crossbows recently. Even the simple design drawing was produced by Mentos.

There must be something wrong with the drawings. As to how big the problem is, it depends on the opinion of the master blacksmith.

But the master is not in Gos Velen at all at the moment, so there is no way to talk about it.

Fortunately, Lan En was not in such a hurry to come out of Arethusa Academy just to modify the arm armor.

The bulging alchemy leather bag was placed on Poppy's butt. Lann led the way, and Arya was responsible for holding the horse.

The witcher once again came to the door of Gos Velen's top-ranked inn.

An iron-clad silver heron sign swayed at the door.

Putting the horse away, he pushed the door open and entered. Amidst the lively sounds of drinking, melodious playing and singing, and the rich aroma of food and wine.

Lan simply popped out two golden Oren coins, and the sweet "ding bell" sound*2 echoed in the bartender's ears.

Welcome again, Mr. Witcher. Do you have a squire this time?

It seems that because he took the money first, the bartenders tone became humble at the beginning.

You know, the life of a witcher sometimes appeals to romantics.

Lan En pretended to be helpless and shrugged, and talked to him familiarly.

This time its still a room, and the extra Oren will be used to upgrade the meals and prepare them more sumptuously. Then

The witcher leaned forward and approached the bartender.

Let me tell you the truth, man. Is this premier pub peaceful enough at night?

The bartender's eyes looked strangely between the young Arya and the witcher, as if he understood something.

Then he raised his eyebrows at Lan En with a mysterious smile.

He did not immediately make a promise to Lan En, but changed the subject.

Its worth it, Mr. Demon Hunter.

The bartender took two orons into his hand.

Every income from the Yinlu Tavern will be allocated a part to pay a special salary.

The wages are paid to seven warriors from the Skellige Islands. Each of them has earned money on a pirate ship. Each of them is proficient in using long swords and hand axes. Each of them has cut off at least three heads.

"Now, each of them is wearing a set of fine armor. After nightfall, three people will stand guard between each staircase of the tavern, and four people will patrol continuously after nightfall."

"There was once a drunken wild sorcerer who wanted to force his way into a lady's guest room at night, so it was a little noisy that night. But after that night, the lady checked out and left, a soldier rested for half a month, and the Yinlu Tavern opened as usual. Only the wild sorcerer was nowhere to be seen.

Putting the money into the bag, the bartender's posture remained exactly the same as before.

Lan was noncommittal about the story.

Well, I just hope the night in this pub is like the last time I stayed.

The witcher turned around and went upstairs with his young attendant.

Aliya had a bulging alchemy leather bag hanging on her shoulders. The weight of the large amount of potion and glass forced her to bend down and move forward with difficulty.

Sir, my lord, why do you say those words that are easily misunderstood?

Alia asked in a low voice while taking a small breath.

I bet that bartender is looking at you like youre a pedophile. Women can start having **** when they have their first period at the age of fourteen or fifteen. This is common sense in this era.

But around ten years old, even from the perspective of this era, it is still a bit too early.

Lan replied casually without stopping: "It's not 'like', he already thinks I'm a *pedophile."

"But that's the fun part, Alia. When you give people a slightly hidden, practical but easy-to-understand answer, then most people will be addicted to this answer and never dig deeper. desire."

He stretched out an index finger from his studded leather glove and waved it in front of the little girl to teach her.

"Now, I'm just a guest with unique quirks. It's not common, but it shouldn't be interfered with. The pub's attention to me only ends there."

But at the same time, this tavern invests at least 20 orens in the security system every month, but it will pay more attention to our room. Because this guest has paid more for his unique hobby.

It was already night when the two checked into the tavern, and the wooden stairs showed a dim yellow color under the candlelight.

When Lann took Arya upstairs, he nodded to a strong Skellige man wearing a horned helmet.

It seems that he is one of the seven warriors.

"So." Aaliya frowned without saying a word. She didn't speak softly until she reached another level and couldn't see the shadow of the warrior.

"What are you going to do tonight? If you want adequate security, why not stay in Aretusa? Ms. Margarita to you."

Dont take a large organization too lightly, Alia.

Before the little girl could finish speaking, Lan interrupted her.

"The witchers have knowledge of alchemy that even warlocks are interested in. Once I confirmed this, I understood. I can go about my daily life in Arethusa, but there is no way I can do what I am going to do next. thing."

Whether it is Margarita or Tisaya, they cannot represent all of Arethusas will, but only most of it. Come in-

The door to the guest room was opened, Lan En led the little girl in, and took off the alchemy leather bag on her shoulder.

Amidst the clinking sound of glass bottles, Lan En began to arrange the planned potions and equipment according to the plan.

He began to move around the room, sometimes moving tables and chairs, sometimes lifting carpets.

Aliya in the room was rushed back and forth by his movements in a daze.

Im going to go down alone in a while and eat the meals that come with our room carelessly. Hey, the carpet is so gray! Then Ill come back here near midnight.

Lan En was busy while giving instructions to the confused little girl.

You may see three scenes when you come back.

The first one is that I sit in the room as if nothing happened, but the room is a little messy.

"Second, my face will look similar to the night I rescued you from the traffickers, like a dead person. And I will lose consciousness. At that time, I need you to drink this for me."

Three magic potions arranged together, at least three bottles of each. The last milky white one was lifted up by Lan En and motioned to Aaliya behind him.

And in the worst third scenario, you will see me unconscious and my exposed chest.

"At that time, you have to pour into me as much as the first two potions are left. Until I wake up or my chest heals, you can give me the milky white potion."

Amidst the large and chaotic flow of information, Aaliya first nodded blankly, and then suddenly shook her head, looking horrified.

But why me?

ah! If I had known earlier, I would have signed the contract later, but now it is on the new book list and my exposure has plummeted! Uncomfortable.

Thanks to Crash Baidi and Floating Cloud Book Monster for their 100-point reward!

Thanks to Menghui Wuhen for the 700-point reward!


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