Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 74: 74Alchemy Frontier

Chapter 74: 74Alchemy Frontier

Chapter 74 74. Alchemy Frontier

Alia no longer concealed anything from Lan En, or told her about her hometown.

In her description, she was born on a continent divided by seven kingdoms.

She is the second daughter of the lord of the oldest and largest northern kingdom.

In terms of title, Arya's father is the Duke of the North, second only to the Lord of the Seven Kingdoms.

This situation is indeed consistent with Lan En's guess, he is an out-and-out top noble.

While eating, Aaliya also told Lan En a lot about the customs and beliefs of her hometown.

These trivial matters that go deep into all aspects of life will always be brought out naturally when explained.

This greatly strengthens the credibility of Alias words.

But at the same time, it made Lan En frown deeply.

The young man took a bite of the ham and looked at the little girl beside him who was beaming when talking about his hometown.

Although she is bold and loves to play, she is still a child who loves her family.

The intricate and coherent relationships in Alia's words are not something that a little girl can just make up.

In other words, the goods are genuine.

But the problem is that there are no Seven Kingdoms on this continent in this world!

Is it possible that you are the same as yourself? From the intersection of the celestial sphere?

Alia has already said that according to the common sense she knows, magic is a legend hundreds of years ago.

This also eliminates the possibility of very large teleportation accidents.

There is no portal at all over there!

Hmm, how do you deliver this?

The little girl looked at Lan En with anticipation and a little fear.

"Okay." Lan En pursed his lips in embarrassment, "Your home is really far away from here. It seems that I can't take you back for the time being."

Alia is now in a contradictory state of being homesick but eager to see the new world.

Lan Ens words made her sigh and cheer a little at the same time.

I hope this little kid like her can still laugh after sleeping alone for dozens of days and nights.


The funds of 1,500 Orens were spent on nearly 100 Orens yesterday.

If Lan En were to earn that big bag of rough-processed medicinal materials, he would not be able to earn it in a few months.

But today, he had to waste another big bag.

The people in charge of the warehouse at Arethusa College were very surprised. What did this guy want to do with so many medicinal materials?

Lan En had entered medicinal material data for five consecutive hours yesterday.

According to Mentos's estimate, if he continues this efficiently for another three hours, he will be able to perform practical alchemy operations.

Then you will get a bottle of qualified [white honey] finished product within two hours.

He arrived at the alchemy classroom, which he had extended the right to use for another day. This time Lan En did not send Aaliya away.

Let her sit aside.

Yesterday, the two of them spent an hour cleaning the piled equipment. He didn't want to work overtime today.

Baise zinnia petals, mandrake root, flea embroidery

The witcher placed the herbs on the table while comparing the names.

The door to the alchemy classroom suddenly opened again, and Margarita came in in a wheelchair.


Alia stood up politely and said hello.

This kind of etiquette made Margarita look at her with an interesting look, and then her eyes turned to Lan En, who was still busy.

Youve been very polite before, Lan. Why dont you say hello this time?

The tone of his voice was not a dissatisfied inquiry, but more like a joke.

"I took your money, Rita." Lan En didn't stop holding his hands, but turned to smile at the sorceress. "That's a lot of money. I thought that the employer who paid people to work would be happier to see the employees concentrating on their work."

As soon as he turned his head, Lan En saw the difference in the sorceress.

She no longer wears a long skirt that covers her ankles. On the contrary, the slit of this dress now allows her legs in white stockings to be fully displayed.

Judging from the round curves of the legs, even the almost deboned calves are full.

Is the magic recovery effect so fast?

Seemingly aware of Lan En's gaze, Margarita chuckled.

She bent down, a movement that almost made people worry whether her slender waist could support the weight of her upper body.

After all, small branches bear fruit.

Slender white fingers gently slid up from her ankles, along the graceful curves to the lace edge of the stockings on her thighs.

Hooking up the lace with his fingers, and then loosening it suddenly.


The fleshy thighs rippled like jelly a few times.

Lan could hear the sound of Alya bringing down her stool.

This scene is a bit too exciting even for a bold and playful little girl.

The academy cultivated my flesh and blood on the crystal and then replenished the missing limbs. This is much faster than forcing the body to recover on its own.

The content of the words was like giving a lecture, but regardless of her dress or tone of voice, Lan En felt as if the sorceress wanted to eat her.

It's a pity that the current demon hunter is a bloodless and tearless person who only wants to improve his proficiency in [Alchemy]!

Cultivation of flesh and blood on crystal. Is this also alchemy? If you do this, wouldnt you warlocks not be afraid of serious injuries at all?

Lan En turned a blind eye to the beautiful scenery, and instead focused on medicine and alchemy.

Margarita curled her lips in boredom.

"Yes, this is a cutting-edge research direction in alchemy. But now only muscles and skin tissues can be cultivated. We still have no progress in more important organs such as organs, eyeballs, etc. So not being afraid of serious injuries is just empty talk. .

Are you practicing alchemy? Why dont you ask a tutor from the academy to guide you? That would be faster.

Regarding this suggestion, the witcher waved his hand and indicated that he would not use it.

This is a college for sorceresses, and alchemy is taught by the sorcerers.

The contents there are not only medicinal materials, but also magic powers.

With the magic power reserves of the demon hunter's body, it is impossible to make even the lowest level warlock potion.

But what about asking an alchemy professor to teach him ordinary alchemy?

There is a huge gap between the ordinary alchemy in this world and the magic-containing alchemy.

Alchemy containing magic has begun to involve the cultivation of somatic cells, but the concept of ordinary alchemy is not as complete as the chemistry experiments Lan En learned in high school.

The magic of the Witcher's potion is mainly due to the fact that the medicine itself has magical properties different from those in the home world under the magical environment.

What he lacks now is practical experience, not theoretical guidance.

Margarita, who was rejected, tilted her head, her expression not surprised.

Okay, I know you demon hunters take your secret formula very seriously. It doesnt matter if its magic mushrooms or body-building herbs. We are collaborators, and a healthy relationship requires respecting each others secrets.

Lan En had no reaction before, but after Margarita said "The Witcher's Secret Formula", her cat eyes narrowed slightly.

It seems that the witchers also have some alchemical results that are enough to arouse the interest of warlocks?


You can try it in the future to see if you can get this knowledge.

But at the same time, you have to be more careful in Arethusa.

Lan En doesnt think that these warlocks with lofty aspirations will take a gentle approach to obtain the knowledge they desire.

But no matter what, first, he had to get the three bottles of magic potion that made up his "medical set".

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