Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 704: 686 ‘Ding’!

Chapter 704: 686 ‘Ding’!

Chapter 704 686. Ding!

The Baregnathus's patience is as unpredictable as its wild nature.

While hunting, it can remain motionless. But now it's not hunting, but a head-on revenge.

So there is no confrontation, no lurking, and no patience!


The ferocious mandibles that the Barbarongnathus is famous for are driven into the earth like an iron plow.

Then its two disproportionally proportioned legs kicked wildly behind it.

It wasnt until half a second later that a layer of soil in the land was removed, and the claws stepped on the rocks, and the body weighing dozens of tons suddenly started to move!

The soil was plowed open like cheese by the mandibles of the Mangnathus, and the soil and rocks lifted up were like a tide.

Under the power of the Barbarian Jaw Dragon, these blocks of earth and rocks have also been turned into kinetic weapons that are enough to kill hunters.

If you want to describe it vividly, it is like a road roller that is driven towards you from the front at full power!

Monsters rely on their own weight and speed, as well as their defense and vitality, which are infinitely greater than humans, to launch a reckless and defenseless collision with the enemy. This simple, effective and brutal attack method is called the 'Dragon Cart' among the hunters in this world.

In the past, Lan En would probably have adopted a more "safe" plan to deal with the ferocious and direct attack of the Barbarian Jaw Dragon.

But now he has learned to click new things.

And these new things are very suitable in the current situation.

Light red fighting spirit flames bloomed and exploded from Lan En's armor and weapons.

The sword blade of [turbid current] left a dark trail in the air.

And the body holding the sword was 'pushed' to the side by the airflow like a piece of light paper in the bulldozer-like offensive of the Barbarian Jaw Dragon.


A faint sound came from the fluctuation of fighting spirit.


Lan Ens fighting spirit, or strength. He was mobilized in this offensive that was seen through in advance.

The activity of fighting spirit increases to the threshold in an instant due to the pressure of enemy attacks.

Then the dark sword blade drew a full arc horizontally in mid-air.

Air Blade Spin!

Due to the body position of the Mangnathus, the slash thrown by Lan En holding the hilt of the sword did not hit its legs, but instead hit its small pair of front claws.

Two fingers of one front paw were cut off, and blood spurted out from the cut, staining the surface of [Zhuoliu]'s sword.

On the dark sword blade, in addition to the reflection of blood and sword oil, there was also a layer of faint white light.

Blade state.

In this state, the basic attack power of the entire sword is increased by a small amount.

Looking at it concretely, the high-density fighting spirit pressed onto the blade increases the sharpness of the blade and makes it slightly more aggressive.

After all, cutting a blade with fighting spirit into a monster's body is equivalent to letting your own body's energy invade the target.

by no means is an invincible move. On the contrary, this move is also an option that is not easily used by Tachi users when facing strange monsters.

Because the flaws are too big, the price paid is also too high.

If it fails, then the fighting energy activity will not suddenly increase to the threshold, but will immediately become silent.

In the process of [Seeing Cut], Dou Qi can sense external attacks, and the time window for responding independently is actually very small.

If the time window is not caught by the hunter and it coincides with the enemy's attack, then you will receive whatever injury you deserve.

The reason why Lan En dared to use [See Cut] when facing this obviously different Barbarian Jaw Dragon. Mainly because of the combination of his [Spirit Vision] and Mentos' computing power, he has roughly figured out the monster's action pattern.

The flow of heat in its body and the transmission of force from its muscles are all seen through these eyes.

However, the injury of **** being chopped off on the front paw did not seem to affect the condition of the Barbarignathus at all.

Creatures killed in nature will not survive for long if their limbs are so painful that their ability to fight is affected.

So this barbarian jaw dragon has almost no sluggishness.

After the dragon car hit the air, its legs immediately kicked into the ground and made an emergency stop.

The soil was kicked through like tofu until it stepped on the rock.

Finally, it didn't let itself out of the attack range. The Barbarian Jaw Dragon then followed up with its same old trick of sweeping its legs. This time it not only used its uncoordinated and strong leg for support, it even squatted down with that leg!

Just to lower your center of gravity and make your attacks more responsive to the size of your enemy.

As a result, it does not seem to worry at all about the exponentially increased pressure on the joints.

When an ordinary Barbarus made such an action, the ankle bones and ligaments would have been crushed and squeezed out of the flesh!

But thats not all

Powerful heat is transmitted into the air from the leg used by the beast to attack.

Its paws should have been black, covered with a thick layer of scales and horn.

But now, it was as if someone was shining a bright flashlight through the skin of its paws.

A dangerous red light shines beneath the skin.

That red light is the same as the light that comes out of the nose and throat of the Brachygnathus when it is about to spit fire from its nose and mouth!


The flames spread in the air.

From the **** tips of the claws of the Barbarus and the gaps between the flesh and blood of the toes, flammable substances were secreted, and then turned into a large amount of flames!

In the sweeping legs of the Barbarian Jaw Dragon, these flames almost turned into a wave of flames that spread close to the ground!

Although Lan En has never seen with his own eyes the fire spitting out of the mouth of the Barbarian jaws, it is described in the Monster Manual as "super huge fire breathing".

But the large area it spreads out from the cracks of its claws must be a very powerful move.

But powerful moves do not mean the outcome of the battle.

Because a move that fails to hit is the same as having none at all.

Early when the Barbarian Jaw Dragon started to stop suddenly, Lan En had already somersaulted up again.

And accompanied by the light red flames of fighting spirit, after the Brutal Jaw Dragon swept its legs and breathed fire, Lan En twisted around in mid-air and waved his sword.

turbid currentIn this extremely tense movement, Lan En's body was carried around in a circle by inertia.

Drawing the sword in the air and slashing with the air blade!

With a "stab" sound, the sword move used from mid-air carried the user's own weight.

The light red fighting spirit flame on the blade even left a thin and sharp visual residual red line in the air.

A sword from the air hit the tail that followed the leg sweep.

Probably in the middle of the tail, it does not come into contact with the thorns at the tip of the tail, nor is it aimed at the root of the tail that is too thick.

The stiff body hair and tough skin were cut by the sword blade.

The Barbarian Jaw Dragon roared in pain.

But the tail is not broken, just the tail bone is damaged.

The next step, Lan En landed another [Air Blade Spin]!

This is the third method besides the "beautiful radio gymnastics four consecutive slashes" and "seeing the blades".

By performing a move like [Air Blade Slash], which has both flaws and high power, the fighting spirit activity suddenly rises to the threshold, reaching the level where [Air Blade Spin] can be performed.

The whistling blade was accurately controlled by Lan En's frighteningly stable control.

The current Barbarian Jaw Dragon itself is in the moment of stabilizing its center of gravity after making a move.

It instinctively resists imbalance, so it also instinctively controls the tension of its tail to control balance.

So Lan En was able to land his [Air Blade Spin] at the position he had predicted.

It's still the middle part of the tail of Mangnathus.

With a 'bang' sound, the [turbid current] slashed at the opening again, and with the blessing of the highly active fighting spirit [air blade grand gyration], the tail of the barbarian jaw dragon was chopped off neatly!


The pain of having its tail broken off made the Barbarognathus let out a sound other than a roar for the first time - a howl.

Its movement to stabilize its center of gravity also failed because its tail suddenly broke off, and it staggered and fell to the ground.

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