Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 701: 683 revenge

Chapter 701: 683 revenge

Chapter 701 683. Revenge

This is unreasonable!

Lan En and Little Jack squatted in the woods beside the road, complaining to the Barbarian Jaws who raised his head and looked around warily.

The witcher's face was expressionless, and it could even be said that the corners of his mouth were twitching.

Although now, they already have a rough idea of the differences between this barbarian jaw dragon and its kind.

But this difference is what makes Lan En speechless.

Just by hitting the tree with your hip bones, you can exercise the muscle dimensions of the entire leg beyond the body's balance. What is this? !

Exercise is an activity that requires knowledge, planning, and execution.

Stories that work recklessly, without absorbing knowledge or communicating with others, and just practicing hard and producing results are just stories after all.

This is also the source of the very large gap between the upper and lower limits of intelligent races.

Because the unintelligent race cannot exercise efficiently at all, although there are differences within the population, in most cases it is not the same as heaven and earth.

As for the quality gap between members of the intelligent race, it is hard to say how wide it will be based on different talents and learning resources.

As for the strength of the legs of this barbarian jaw dragon, if compared to humans

It belongs to: An ordinary person suddenly hires a world-class fitness coach one day, and racks his brains and goes all out to train only one leg.

The exercise effect of this leg is not at the same level as the standard line of its race!

Is it unreasonable? I think its okay.

Little Jack accepted it very easily, as if "this shouldn't be an exaggeration."

The entire ecosystem is exaggeratedly prosperous, and the monsters vitality is so strong that they can defy steel.

So its not uncommon for little Jack to see monsters that rely on their strong vitality to train themselves randomly.

The Barbarian Jaw Dragon stayed on this road for significantly longer than the normal time it needed to patrol its territory.

So the two of them could easily understand that this unusual Barbarian jaw dragon must be thinking about revenge now!

Scholars at the Star Stronghold once told Lan that large monsters have very large brains.

Although the structure is not as complex as that of intelligent races, they basically have the IQ of a human being around thirteen or fourteen years old.

As for those ancient dragon species who are called "natural disasters" and "gods", the lowest estimate of their brain intelligence is "not inferior to that of normal humans."

So, with a sense of revenge, patrolling the road where the enemy once appeared, hoping to encounter again, this is a logical level that can be achieved for large monsters.

In any case, Lan En cannot avoid this revenge from the Barbarian Jaw Dragon.

Even take the initiative to greet them.

After a long absence, Lan En began the preparations for the Witcher's war.

He poured [Strengthened Dragon Beast Oil] onto the broad blade of [turbid current].

The dark blade of the sword took on an oily sheen.

Following that, [Enhanced Thunder] and [Enhanced Blizzard] also entered his mouth.

While kneeling and meditating, his muscles twitched involuntarily due to the toxicity, causing him to subconsciously stiffen his neck and twitch the corners of his mouth. The air he exhaled vaguely brought up scorching white smoke.

To this day, he can easily withstand the toxicity of these two magic potions, but the reaction caused by the poison entering the body is a physiological reaction and cannot be controlled under normal circumstances.

The poisonous potion enters the blood vessels from the digestive system, and then converges all the way to the witcher's face.

The flesh and blood are pale, and the eye sockets are slightly dark.

In this world, the monsters strong vitality and wild and natural power gave Lan En the pleasure of going back to when he was still weak and challenging powerful monsters. Therefore, he made full preparations.

Little Jack on the side also made his own preparations for the war.

He ate a red fruit first, and then a yellow fruit that looked the same but was the same color.

Then he took out another bottle of yellow potion, but after a moment of hesitation, he did not drink it, but put it back into his pocket.

Those things Lan En has already understood during this period of fill-in study.

The red strange power seeds allow hunters to extract more power from their muscles and bones, which is equivalent to a natural stimulant. It's just that because it is a primitive plant that has not been refined and integrated with medicinal power, the degree of extraction is not great.

With the physique of hunters, the side effects afterwards can be completely ignored, just take a few more breaths.

Lan has always wanted to try integrating the medicinal power of this plant into [Thunder].

Yellow tough seeds, the principle is similar to the strange power seeds, but the effect is to subconsciously tighten the muscles and ligaments of the hunter, improving the ability to withstand blows.

The yellow potion may be a vitality drink or a strong walking potion. They can both allow hunters to maintain exercise for longer periods of time during high-intensity activities, but to varying degrees.

Because the two potions look very similar, Lan En can't tell them apart with the naked eye.

Why dont you drink that bottle of medicine?

Lan En asked softly while suppressing the slight muscle twitch caused by the poison, stood up. Generally speaking, the witcher looked normal except for his complexion, which was affected by the poison.

But little Jack is much more strenuous now.

His skin was red as if sunburned, sweat dripped from his scalp and down his forehead, and he was breathing heavily.

My body has reached its limit. Based on my endurance, if I drink [strengthening medicine] again, Im afraid I will directly enter a high fever state.

Using supplies that improve the temporary status is equivalent to the fact that the battle cannot be delayed.

So without saying anything else, the two of them chose the position closest to the Barbarian Jaw Dragon and charged directly towards it from the dense forest on the roadside!

The battle between the hunter and the monster often reaches a state of intense intensity at an extremely sudden time.

It is true that the nature here is prosperous, but at the same time, the internal struggle of nature is also more intense.

Ferocious and explosive, this seems to be the underlying temperament of most monsters.

The Barbarius, which was just sharpening its fangs on the stone, first had its well-developed nasal cavity quivering slightly, and then heard the sound of armor parts colliding with each other while running, and looked this way.

And its pair of reptilian vertical pupils, at the moment it caught a human figure,


The vertical pupils in those eyes almost shrank into slits in an instant under the excitement!

The roar, which was beyond the endurance of normal human eardrums, was roared out by the monster's huge lung capacity.

Even if you are a hunter or a demon hunter, you generally cannot train your eardrums through exercise.

If the distance factor had not attenuated the roar of the Barbarian Jaw Dragon, Lan En estimated that both of them would have to cover their ears while the Barbarian Jaw Dragon roared.

However, as soon as they met, he immediately went into a red-eyed state, and Lan En felt that he had an opportunity to take advantage of the ferocious rage of the Barbarian Jaw Dragon.

He immediately changed his original charge path and separated from Little Jack.

As expected, the Barbarian Jaw Dragon, which came for revenge, almost didn't weigh it and immediately focused most of its attention on Lan En.

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