Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 698: ‘Thugs’ blocking the road with 680 news

Chapter 698: ‘Thugs’ blocking the road with 680 news

Chapter 698 680. The Thugs who block the news

The old man from the Doudinglong human race finally took away his copy of "Subjugate the Bubble Dragon by Another Method".

After all, he is already this old. Although Lan En thinks that this old dragon man can live for at least a few decades, at least he is old enough.

No one can say anything about reading some small books that are good for physical and mental health.

Didnt the team responsible for shipping supplies from the Old World say nothing?

So Lan En started his study career again: while responsible for transporting and classifying books and ecological records, he also read books that interested him.

He has become familiar with the scholars at the Institute of Ecology during this period.

After all, in an elite gathering place like the Star Stronghold, there are very few people with the strength of hunters and the knowledge of scholars.

Lan En obviously has a deep knowledge base, but he is in a different field from them.

So not only are these scholars answering Lan En's questions, but in the process, the scholars also gain their own benefits.

So after going back and forth, everyone can talk very well.

Lan En took advantage of this moment to ask the director of the institute the question he had just thought about.

Why was the investigation mission progressing so slowly before the arrival of the fifth phase of the mission?

The old dragon man raised his head from the book that was blocking his face and pushed up the frames of his glasses.

Ah, you are from another world. So its normal to have such doubts. In fact, theres nothing to be embarrassed about. Its just that you cant defeat powerful monsters.

Cant beat it? Lan En picked up a stack of books with one hand and moved to the re-designated area.

"How could it be? That guy, the Swordsman Master, looks so fierce just looking at him! And there are also the elites of the legendary first phase of the regiment, the grand leader, the insect stick hunter of the dragon tribe, and the wilderness master. They are all listening. Its great when you get up.

You are right, but before the arrival of the fifth phase of the New World Survey Group, the highest hunting missions completed were only the Barbarus and the Charmander.

Facing Lan En, who was surprised and raised his eyebrows, the director of the institute spoke in the same tone as when he took away the little yellow book.

You have to figure it out, Lan En. The [Gulong Crossing] survey in the New World is a large-scale project that lasts for decades. Each of the five phases so far has its own mission.

The first phase of the team brought together the best talents in all aspects in order to gain a foothold in the ecologically complex and unknown new continent.

The technical staff of the second phase of the regiment are responsible for building the stronghold, the scholars of the third phase of the regiment are responsible for starting research, and the material team of the fourth phase of the regiment are responsible for expanding the stronghold and making the materials self-sufficient.

"As you know now, everything in the past few decades is actually just to lay the foundation. After the foundation is laid, the fifth phase of the regiment, which is responsible for the combat power, will set foot on the New World, preparing to break through everything with the combat power of a sharp knife. Factors impeding the investigation.

Then do you think that our group, which is dedicated to laying the foundation, will have any great hunters? It will be very difficult to barely cope with the Barbarian jaw dragon and the female fire dragon.

"In the first group, there were indeed legendary hunters. The swordsman master and the grand leader were all legendary figures who were famous for a while. The widely circulated and well-known "New World Biological Illustrated Book" was from their active period. The product of it. It is also the only investigative report that the New World Investigation Team has produced so far."

"But precisely because they are legendary figures, they are often erratic, because the goal of these people has always been the ancient dragon."

And after decades, even though I say I dont accept the old age, in reality

The director of the institute shrugged.

Perhaps even if the sword masters target appears in front of him now, he may not be qualified to draw his sword against it, right?

The sword masters goal?

"The Flame King Dragon. He has been pursuing this ancient dragon for a long time. It is said that it is because of his courage like a crown of the scorching sun, which makes him eager to challenge. There are also rumors that he escaped from the hands of this ancient dragon once, so he wants to challenge again."

Yanwangsaurus, scientific name is Theo Discatol.

An ancient dragon with a common skeleton of ancient dragons - two wings and four legs, and some physical characteristics like a lion.

According to Lan En's tutoring during this period, it is said that "if it stays in one place for too long, it will even turn the surrounding environment into lava and scorched earth." This kind of power that can profoundly affect the surrounding environment just by existing is one of the characteristics of the ancient dragon species.

Lan En was thinking in a trance.

In this world, what creature made him most curious and wanted to get a glimpse of its ecological habits and body structure, it was of course the legendary ancient dragons.

In this world, ancient dragons are usually regarded as gods.

Humankinds worship and fear of natural disasters and climate in ancient times are all concentrated on these embodied organisms that are like the incarnation of nature.

Storms, tsunamis, fires, thunderstorms.

If through studying the ecology of this world, Lan En understands that basically all monsters have a relatively "scientific" explanation.

There are only ancient dragon species. These creatures are like characters from a fantasy set.

Even the painting style in the book is different!

Just as Lan En was thinking about the information about the ancient dragon species, some exciting news seemed to come back from outside the star stronghold.

These hunters fit Lan En's stereotype very well and began to cheer happily and enthusiastically. There is no intention of suppressing feelings at all.

The happy atmosphere seemed to be contagious, and soon it spread from the dining area on the third floor to the forging area on the second floor, and was still spreading downwards, and was about to reach the circulation area on the first floor.

When Lan En came back to his senses, he wanted to hear clearly what the hunters were cheering for.

The Commander-in-Chief and Little Jack were one step ahead of the news and came to Lan En who was messing around among the books.

The commander-in-chiefs dark face rarely shows obvious emotions, which is one of the differences between him and ordinary hunters.

But little Jack is much easier to understand.

His expression was mixed with surprise and expectation.

Is there any news about Laoshan Dragon?

Lan En made a guess calmly before the Commander-in-Chief could speak. Everyone in the investigation team has been working hard for this goal for a long time.

And little Jack's expression told him that it was absolutely right.

The news has just come back. The recommendation team has clarified the trajectory of Laoshanosaurus in the wasteland of Big Ant Mound, and asked Pterosaurus to send back the investigation report.

The commander-in-chief nodded first, formally acknowledging Lan En's guess, and then went on to explain the details.

This is an unprecedented opportunity for us. We are ready to try to stop Laoshanosaurus on its route. Even if we cannot stop it, we can still gain valuable ecological knowledge about it.

It was about Gu Long, even the commander-in-chief's dark face turned red with excitement.

Hmm, but the question is?

Lan tilted his head, indicating that the Commander-in-Chief could say the content after "but".

The witcher's calm yet cunning attitude allowed the Commander-in-Chief to regain his composure.

But to stop the movement of an active volcano, we need not only elite hunters, but also large weapons and supplies. We need to transport the supplies from the Star Stronghold all the way to the Big Ant Mound Wasteland.

But the problem is that we have recently discovered a Barbarian jaws frequently wandering around the stars. It hinders the transportation of supplies.

We need to get rid of this forest thug.

When the commander-in-chief said, "There is a Barbarian jaw dragon," Lan En felt a sense of familiarity in his heart.

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