Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 691: 673【Gulong Ferry】

Chapter 691: 673【Gulong Ferry】

Chapter 691 673.Gulong Crossing

Ah~ the growth of vegetation in the ancient tree forest has accelerated dramatically. So many roads that were usable before are now completely useless! Its so collapsed!

The supplies squad leader covered his head in distress.

This is where she and her team are most affected by this ecological change.

No one comforted this woman with a very Latina feel, because everyone knew that people who could land in the New World would not be defeated by this thing.

Sure enough, after just a while of complaining, the material squad leader shook his head, letting the troubles seem to be thrown away, and regained his capable and confident posture.

"Don't worry, I will take care of the transportation of supplies. Hunters can just concentrate on dealing with ecological changes."

The commander-in-chief nodded at her in approval.

In short, we still need to find the source of ecological changes. If you have any ideas, please tell them all.

The commander-in-chief propped himself up on the table and looked around.

The director of the Institute of Ecology stroked his beard and muttered.

Thinking about it this way, the conjecture that the ecology will change due to the arrival of Laoshan Dragon is a bit wrong.

Our investigation team, which has five phases in total, basically follows the ancient dragons from the old continent to the new continent in each phase, right? But this has never happened in the past few times.

Ancient Dragon Crossing is the mysterious habit of ancient dragons periodically traveling from the Old World to the New World.

It was to explore the secrets of this habit that the New World Survey was established.

It can be said that finding out the cause and deep secrets of [Gulong Crossing] is the biggest goal of the New World Investigation Team.

Maybe its a matter of the type of ancient dragon? the supplies squad leader analyzed. "When our fourth group came here, we met the legendary [phantom beast] - Qilin. The appearance of that ancient dragon walking across the sea still seems to me to be indescribably beautiful."

But its just a super small ancient dragon, about the same size as a poisonous demon bird. Its a bit powerless to cause such a change, isnt it?

"Is there a difference in body size and energy reserve?" The director of the institute accepted this conjecture, "It is indeed possible. After all, the Lava Dragon is the largest monster in the known world."

Even the Snake King that appeared in Thousand Sword Mountains of the Old World only exceeded four hundred meters in length. The volume of its elongated body is still far from that of an active volcano.

At this moment, another young Draconian scholar present, the director of the Plant Plant Research Institute, looked a little hesitant.


After thinking for a while, he raised his hand and intervened in the discussion.

Perhaps I have information here that can help us deal with this ecological change.

So everyone calmed down and looked at the scholar from the dragon tribe.

Since I arrived in the New World, I have basically focused all my research energy on one project, which is the reproduction and cultivation of ancient trees, the largest trees on this continent and perhaps in the world.

The words he said first seemed to have nothing to do with ecological changes, but no one interrupted him.

Because people who can come to the New World, even dedicated hunters, have a basic understanding of the biological chain.

The ecological environment is interrelated and affects each other. Creatures that seem unrelated to humans may have profound connections in the ecosystem.

People who understand these principles are often not too eager to make final conclusions on certain matters.

"The essence of the ancient tree forest is an extremely huge 'tree' that can grow at least hundreds of thousands of plants. In my previous efforts, I have already cultivated the seedlings of this tree. Only However, there are not many types of plants that this sapling can grow, and the growth rate is very slow. But..."

But? The Commander-in-Chief asked.

But after Laoshanlong landed, this sapling seemed to have finally received the nutrients it needed, as if I hadnt eaten enough after my careful cultivation.

Speaking of this, the director of the Institute of Plant Biology is a little depressed, but he is also a little excited that the research has made progress.

In short, it is now beginning to be greatly activated! I still dont know how the phenomenon of Molten Dragon Landing affects it, but there is no doubt, everyone!

The relationship between the formation of the ecological status quo of the New World and [Gulong Crossing] is definitely far deeper than all our previous speculations!

"In my research on ancient trees, I determined that this large forest and this tree once experienced 'explosive rapid growth' periodically. It can even be said that 70% of the scale of the ancient tree forest today is It was accumulated during those explosive growth periods.

As the information from the director of the Institute of Plant Biology was presented, an unspeakable excitement appeared among everyone.

These people who went to the New World and even struggled and lived in the New World for decades in order to explore the ecological phenomenon of [Gulong Crossing] were excited about this discovery.

Even if the rapid growth of the ancient tree forest is actually a challenge to their living conditions, rather than a help.

Lan En could feel that it was precisely because this group of people had pure and determined aspirations that they felt excited at this time.

Because they care more about the ecological knowledge they have discovered than the difficulties.

So, the fact that two dragon jade can appear in the body of a big ferocious jackal dragon should be the reason why the ancient tree grew explosively?

Wende murmured to himself on the side, and his eyes, which were worried about gains and losses due to superstitious luck, began to emit an inexplicable light.

Lan En was scratching his head as he watched this. Wouldn't this guy regard this period as the validity period of the BUFF of "doubling the lottery shipment rate"?

The commander-in-chief, standing in front of everyone, also touched his short gray beard and said.

It seems that we were born in a good time, and we are actually in a rare biological cycle, since it is such an order!

The commander-in-chief was a little excited at first, but then he gave the order seriously, and everyone present couldn't help but prepare for it.

"This is an unprecedented and precious period of discovery. We must devote all our current energy to tracking Laoshanosaurus. Since it has such a profound impact on the ecology of the New World, it would be unfortunate if we lost it. Thats true!

All missions are currently proceeding as usual, but during the mission, collecting clues about the Molten Dragon is the highest priority.

"Not only the old guys from the previous groups, but also the recommendation team." The commander-in-chief turned to face the three people and the cat.

You have proven your reliability and adaptability to the environment of the New World. In this case, you will be given access to missions in all areas of the investigation team.

But the condition is that the amount of tasks you provide must be worthy of this trust, newcomers!

The Star Stronghold has laid out material transfer routes on this continent, and there are actually not many areas that can provide basic hunting support. After all, this is a whole continent.

In addition to the ancient tree forest, there is also the wasteland of large ant mounds.

The two areas combined cover an area of at least hundreds of thousands of square kilometers.

In the New World, which has never been developed by humans, the basic material support for hunting can be laid to this stage, which is already a blessing to the generally high quality of hunters.

Ai Bo almost jumped up with excitement.

I dont know if its because of the trust and recognition from my predecessors, or because I can explore the broader ecology of the New World.

Woohoo! Leave it to us!

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