Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 55: 55look at me

Chapter 55: 55look at me

Chapter 55 55.Look at me

Neken felt like he had had a long dream.

He dreamed that he was back in the hometown of Sidaris, before the changes in the royal family and the arrival of the Temerian Restoration Army.

The air is not filled with the stench of rotting corpses and the thick smoke of burned houses, but the fragrance of flowers in town flower beds and the aroma of sea fish cooking in roadside restaurants.

People are not nervous, nor are they nervously wary of every stranger, nor are they so hungry that they eat the corpses of their own kind.

The air humidity and temperature there are suitable. It's not like Willen at all. It's full of swamps and miasma, like a mud pit.

Neken began to miss everything in his hometown before the war.

Wake up, bastard.

But then, the environment in the dream changed.

He began to run away without end in the jungle.

He didn't know why he wanted to run away, but he felt a sense of horror, like grinding teeth and sucking blood, bursting out from deep in his bones.

There was a heavy "dong dong dong" sound from behind, the frequency was urgent and fast.

Neken in the dream felt that this was simply ridiculous.

Sprinting through the woods, are you wearing heavy armor? Are you still chasing me?

Where did you come from, the deer-headed demon?

Forget it, its just a dream. Dreams are meaningless and unreasonable.

Its just a dream

I say, wake up, you bastard!

In a trance, Neken felt that there was a figure moving in front of him, and his perspective was lying on the ground.

Then, he felt his wrist being stepped on.

Neken was brought back to reality by the feeling of the body. He opened his eyes blankly and looked at his wrist that was stepped on.

This step is nothing, because the other party's purpose is to "step on" rather than "stomple".

But what is the purpose of stepping on the wrist?

The sound of "chichi" sounded in my ears.

That is the sound of meat being roasted at high temperature, and the fat in the meat will explode when heated.

Neken's distracted eyes condensed and soon became frightened!


Its the hand! It's his hand!

His hands were pressed on the pile of carbon still filled with sparks!

That was the campfire in their camp, and not long ago there was an oiled arm on it.

Nekens body, which was originally lying flat on the ground, arched up in pain.

He tried to pull his wrist away like crazy, but the boots with steel greaves seemed to be stuck!

Not moving at all.

What are you going to do? What are you going to do?! Who are you? Help! The plague is above, help!

Lan En tilted his head slightly and watched the man at his feet twisting like maggots.

Slowly press his wrist with your foot and move away from the carbon pile.

Neken took a moment to respite from the continuous pain of burns.

At this time, there was no blood on his face, and big beads of sweat rolled down from the top of his head.

He subconsciously looked around, but the scene around him seemed to have defeated the last bit of his sanity.

Tears of fear burst out together with snot, and his lips trembled as if he were trembling.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

The seven people gathered in this small camp were all concentrated in this open space.

Not to mention the three people who were hacked to death on the spot, the people who turned around and ran away had been transformed into "different shapes".

Sitting on his knees on the ground, he wanted to reach for his head with both hands, but his head had turned into burnt black carbon!

The black mouth was wide open, and Neken could even imagine how it looked like it was screaming at the top of its lungs.

The neck is also abnormally thick, and the whole persons skin is bloodshot and black.

The confusion of waking up from a dream, the panic and consternation of sudden severe pain, coupled with the scene in front of you. Neken turned his head tremblingly and looked at the man stepping on his wrist.

A very exotic face, wearing heavy armor, not even a scratch on the cotton armor cover!

He finally remembered what had happened to him.

And his teammates grilled human arms, and then an enemy emerged from the woods and tore apart all those who dared to draw their swords.

They ran away and fell into coma.

When he woke up again, the man had stepped on his wrist and pressed his hand on the pile of carbon with sparks.

"A bit disappointed."

The man said expressionlessly.

I thought the cannibals viciousness would last until the last second before they died.

Neken was too frightened to speak properly.

Kenness, kindness! Please, please!

When life or death is not up to you, dont beg for mercy, show your worth and be willing.

The man's tone was very calm, but just because it was so calm, this calmness seemed extremely terrifying in this camp that was already decorated with all kinds of corpses in grotesque shapes.

"Neken, Neken Vandro, a fisherman from Sidaris City. Your friends tell me that you are the oldest and highest-ranking person in this camp. They told me many things about you, your Origin, your experience, your rank in this group."

"But they don't know any better, so they are like this now. I really hope you can get a different ending than them, I really hope."

Lan En reached out and gestured around to the man at his feet, his tone was steady and calm.

But in Nekens ears, he only felt that there was an invisible, crazy spirit running around in his mind!

A boy with a slightly larger head and smaller body was kidnapped two days ago. He was wearing a blue linen shirt that had been washed until it turned white, and he had nothing to wear.

I ran from Oriden to Condale, and on the way I killed, tortured, and killed again. Because you **** such a child.

I slew your men who came out to hunt, and I slew the knights who were stationed at Condale, and then here.

In order to instill fear in you, I held that persons head and used the Igni Seal to burn his head into charcoal.

In order to prevent you from lying, I pulled the mans throat and poured twenty kilograms of air into his stomach using the Alder seal.

Lan En pointed out the corpses to Neken one by one.

"I vomited during the torture, Neken. Because I'm different from you, I don't get pleasure and feel satisfied from the screams and wails of humans. On the contrary, those sounds make my bones feel uncomfortable and numb. "

"But please don't misunderstand me. Even if I vomited at that time, I would not hesitate at all during the torture process. Because I know that vomiting is just my physiological reaction. In terms of inner justice, I have no objection to my actions."

Lan En leaned down slightly and got closer to Neken.

There was indeed a sour smell lingering at the corner of his mouth, which was the smell of stomach acid.

"In fact, even if I torture another hundred or two hundred of you, I will still feel uncomfortable. But at the same time, I am also very sure that as long as I can help me save the child, I will never feel uncomfortable when I do it. And soft-handed.

A thousand lives of man-eating beasts are not as important as a good child.

Thats what I thought, Neken.

As he spoke, Lan En pressed Neken's wrist with his foot and moved towards the sparkling carbon pile again.

Now, tell me where the child is. If you dont know, tell me who might know.

Or you can be a tough guy, grit your teeth and persevere in the face of torture, be unafraid in the face of danger, and would rather die than give in. Rather, I would prefer you to be like that.

As my companion and I said, the information revealed by a tough guy after a breakdown is often more credible.

"And a guy who doesn't keep his mouth shut from the beginning spits out a bunch of information, but I have to worry about which one can be used and which one can't, which is a waste of time."

Do I have a point, Neken?

Lan En leaned forward, close to Neken, and looked directly into his eyes.

Come, look up at me and talk.

He said calmly: "Let me see if you lied or concealed anything."

Necken van der Rohe was completely devastated.

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