Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 44: 44 Cavalry killed at first sight

Chapter 44: 44 Cavalry killed at first sight

Chapter 44 44. The cavalry is killed at first sight

Haha! The country bumpkin has been tricked!

The young man who called himself Willis laughed and stepped forward to cut off Lan En's head.

His smile no longer had the slightest trace of kindness, leaving only a wanton display of cruelty and excitement that couldn't wait to see blood.

There is no caution or caution.

He really couldn't think of anything his opponent could do to hurt his capital.

The two crossbowmen hiding in the dark are still cavalry themselves. Is there any suspense about being alone?

Cavalry! The armies of the King of War!

In the cold weapon age, no matter how strong the infantry was, they were like rabbits under the talons of an eagle in front of the cavalry.

Modern people dont have a deep understanding of this, but people who have watched Spanish bullfighting programs may have a little understanding.

The knights in bright clothes ride on the horses with braided hair.

They even dared to stand face to face with the enraged bull, and then started the horses at the moment when the bull charged and attacked, deliberately keeping only one step away, and playing with the bull.

A knight with good horse control skills can even greet the audience while drawing his javelin and stabbing it into the back of the bull.

A bull that cannot be knocked down by a dozen strong men becomes a target with the cooperation of one man and one horse!

The startup speed is not comparable, and the movement speed is not comparable. So what if I stand face to face with you?

For humans, this advantage is even more terrifying.

The infantry's chance to cause damage to the cavalry is only the moment it gets close, but the cavalry has opportunities from beginning to end.

So Willis's wantonness and relaxation are natural to him.

This idea was until Lan En looked back.

A pair of amber cat eyes turned back from the man in the mud and looked at Willis.

The pupils of those cat eyes have almost shrunk into slits!

Willis didnt know how to describe his feeling. To put it bluntly, it was like a big predatory cat breathing in his chest, close to his heart.

The moment Willis began to charge, Lan had already made his handprints.

Infantry cannot touch cavalry. But witchers have sigils!



The air was squeezed by the sudden propulsion, and Willis's horse's hoof was directly knocked out of the way at the moment it was about to hit the ground!

As a result, the entire weight of the horse's tread is completely borne by the incorrectly positioned hoof.

There was a "click", and the pale bones pierced the flesh from the horse's calf.

The horse let out a scream of pain and began to roll hundreds of kilograms of its body on the tidal flat.

By the time it stopped, the human knight who was caught in the roll could no longer feel his lower body.

Willis's lumbar vertebrae were broken.

In fact, if this was not a tidal flat, but hard land, the others would have been gone.

Lan En had no expression on his face as he walked through the mud to the edge of the mass of flesh and bone.

Wait, wait a minute! Sir, this is a mistake. Bang!

The fist was wrapped in a studded leather glove, and the punch hit Willis on the side of the face.

The originally decent young man tried to defend himself, but after this punch, half of his face was scratched off by the three-edged iron nails on Lan En's gloves.

Severe pain prompts the body to secrete a large amount of pain-relieving hormones. This hormone does not last long, but it is enough to make Willis drowsy now.

After one punch, two crossbow arrows pierced the air again, but Lan En easily dodged them.

After being alert and no one can hinder his movement, these things cannot hurt him at all.

One cavalryman and two crossbowmen. This was originally a more difficult battle than the siege of Bordon.

But Bordon didn't even have a way out at the time, so he had to fight hard.

Then he was killed.

Now Lan En takes advantage of Willis's carelessness and destroys him first. This battle goes from climax to end in just a blink of an eye.

Ordinary witchers simply have no ability to seize the moment when the horse's hoof hits the ground, and then release Alder, which is enough to knock the horse's hoof off.

The power of their Alder Seal is too scattered, and it may not be able to even make the horse pause if it hits the cavalry.

This is the first kill that can only be accomplished by Lan En's observation and control abilities blessed by Mentos.

The witcher took a deep look at the road in the distance, which was the starting point of the crossbow.

But he didnt have time to kill them all, because Bernie had already begun to bleed profusely.

Lan En might lose consciousness before he and the two crossbowmen finish struggling with each other at a distance of a hundred meters.

Mentos, create an emergency skill [Ship Maneuvering], analyze Bernies boat sailing movements from memory, and then instill it directly into me.

Took Willis by the neck, pulled him out of his body entangled with the horse, and threw him into the boat. There was blood at the corners of Lan En's eyes, but he didn't even wipe it away. He raised his hand to help Bernie up and walked towards the boat.

Twist it left and right twice, and the third round of crossbow arrows will hit your ears and miss.

After this round, the crossbowmen on the opposite side have begun to dare not shoot arrows.

This is going to be very uncomfortable, sir. We have been with Bernie for too long, and it is estimated that the proficiency of [Ship Handling] skill should reach more than 70%!

Just do it.

Just went out in the morning, 20% of the proficiency was instilled. Even after a night of repairing, Lan En rubbed his head for a long time.

But now, faced with at least 70% proficiency infusion, he didnt even blink an eye!

Mentos has no authority to stop his master, and he also knows that with Lan Ens will, he cant do anything to dissuade him at this time.

It's just that the underlying logic commands it to make a reminder.

Proficiency infusion begins.

Countless action analyzes flooded into his mind, forcing Lan En's brain cells to remember and understand.

The amount of information was too great, and the activity of his brain cells caused his forehead temperature to rise sharply to 39 degrees.

Without the witcher's physical endurance, this could kill someone.

But Lan En only paused while helping Bernie to walk, and then started walking again.

Cold sweat was flowing, and the muscles on his face were so painful that they were twitching uncontrollably.

He felt like his brain was going to explode!

Lan En, was I hit by an arrow?

Everything happened so fast that Bernie didnt react in a daze until he fell to the ground due to being hit by an arrow.

He wanted to increase his strength, but the location where the arrow was hit was like opening a hole in a reservoir, and all his strength was gone.

Shut up, Bernie. Im saving your life, and Im feeling very uncomfortable right now. Stop talking nonsense!

The eyes had double vision, but Lan Ens mouth still mocked Bernie mercilessly.

"Ha, you can also curse. This is the second time I've been injured. Tsk. The demon hunter is really a disaster."

Bernie has never heard Lan En curse anyone. In fact, Lan En has always behaved better than the nobles in Auriden.

The villagers even made up a rather dramatic life story for him.

Bernie's teasing has no effect on Lan.

In pain, time passes very slowly.

Lane finally put Bernie on the boat. He held Bernie's hand and pressed it on his abdomen, gritting his teeth.

Pressing hard can suppress the bleeding. Whether you can survive depends on this.

Then he turned around and pushed the boat into the lake.

His head was in a mess, and during the first two minutes at the helm, the boat was even spinning in place.

But even if the head is in pain like this, the proficiency of the skill will still not be faked.

Two minutes later, the boat was moving smoothly.

But this didn't put Lan En in a good mood.

Because his head still hurts and Bernie's condition is not good.

This man looked like he was not afraid of anything at first, no matter what he said.

"I just said yesterday that I wanted to disappear for a while, and it won't work if I don't disappear today. I'm just a crow's mouth."

But then, as the blood loss became more severe, his body became colder and weaker.

The teasing at the beginning was to comfort Lan En, his friends, and himself.

He has always been a man and doesn't want his friends to worry too much.

But now, inescapable fear assailed him.

His hands and feet began to scratch and flap in the boat, just to give him some sense of existence.

He began to mumble the names of his family members incoherently.

Lan En had no choice but to drag him to his side and let him hold the wound.

On the other side, work harder to master [Ship Maneuvering] and rush back to Oriden as soon as possible.

The journey back was not far, and Lan En got familiar with it quickly. Twenty minutes after Bernie was hit by an arrow, the witcher returned to the village with his friends.

But his eyes with double vision were unable to pay attention at this time. The village pier was already crowded with people.

Mrs. Downer was holding a small cloth bag, and she was sitting in the middle of the crowd in a daze and powerlessness.

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