Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 41: 41Look at the power of my bear!

Chapter 41: 41Look at the power of my bear!

Chapter 41 41. Look at the power of my bear!

By the time Lann rode Popeye back to Oriden, the villagers were not as anxious as he thought, or suspected that he had given up halfway.

He has developed trust with the people here, and after solving the case of Meriteli being desecrated by cannibals, he did have a good reputation in Velen.

It was this reputation that allowed Fergus to confess to him the second time they met.

Bad people can live very wantonly, but good people can get many good friends.

Lans goal is to be a good person in this world.

Seeing the smiling faces of the villagers when he returned, he felt that he was indeed on the road to his goal.

"Yes sir, you are on the right track, but I would advise you not to sing while riding."

Before the intelligent voice in his mind finished speaking, he was pressed by the owner of the brain.

Hi, old Allen. Im back.

After getting off Poppy's back, Lan En said hello to the village elder at the entrance of the village.

Haha, our hero who protected the goddess is back!

Old Allen came over with a smile and a pipe in his mouth, and stood in front of Lan En.

"'The hero who protected the goddess'?" Lan En led Poppy towards the abandoned wooden house, "You mean me? A demon hunter?"

Old Allen followed, shaking his head nonchalantly.

"It doesn't matter if you are a witcher or not, the goddess teaches us to show kindness. It's okay to be affected by rumors and prejudice before, but now if you don't recognize your achievements in catching the cannibal because you are a witcher, we will I dont have the shame to say that I am a believer of the goddess!

Old Allen looked good. After careful questioning, he found out that the villagers had not been idle in the past few days when Lan En was away.

According to Bernie's guidance, they have begun to tentatively expand their fishing grounds to the waters cleaned by Lan En.

Although Lan En has not been working for a long time, the territory of a group of water ghosts is already quite large.

Calling it all together, the fishing ground in Oriden Village has expanded by nearly one-fifth.

Expansion represents an increase in fish catch, which means an increase in income.

The prospects planned by Lan En are becoming reality step by step.

There is nothing more convincing than the benefits falling into your pocket.

This made the villagers of this fishing village more fond of the young witcher.

And Lan En also misses the life of having no worries about food and drink in Oriden now.

Since I came to this world, I have lived a life of eating, drinking and being conceited, although it was only on the day of Gos Velen.

In the past, Bordon was feeding him half-full, and then he was seamlessly provided with free board and lodging by Oriden.

But on this day, the eighteen-year-old demon hunter felt that life was not easy.

Damn it, pay for the food! It feels like you are eating your own meat with every bite!

Lan En is a young man with a traditional Chinese habit of saving.

The Chinese people are more eager to save money when their sense of crisis becomes higher.

Since Lan En came to this world, his sense of crisis has been overwhelming.

So every Oren coin that slipped out of his pocket made his heart bleed.

When he went to bed that night at the Yinlu Tavern, Lan Ens wallet was clutched in his chest.

His eyes felt wet when he came back and saw old Allen.

The old mans wifes food is not good to eat, and the bed in the house is not good to sleep on, but the food and lodging are free!

Hey! Lan En, youre back!

Walking to the door of the village tavern, Bernie's voice came from the window.

He was sitting at the edge of the wooden table. The bandage on his hand seemed to have been changed several times. He was waving his hand and holding the wine glass without hesitation.

It should be great.

Lann held Poppy's hand with one hand and waved to him in response.

Bernie, are there any problems with starting work tomorrow?

Aha! My bones are almost rusty. Ill see you at the port early tomorrow morning.

This determines tomorrows hunting.~~~~~~

Life has returned to a stable state, eating and sleeping at the home of old Allen, who is much more enthusiastic.

Then get up early in the morning and enter Fike Lake with Bernie to strangle the water ghost.

After having a full set of High Bear School armor, Lan En can try to fight in a more ferocious and efficient way.

A "pop" sound!

On the muddy tidal flat, the palm of his hand wearing a studded leather glove opened wide and directly covered the skull of a water ghost!

Not only that, amid the "crack, bang, bang," the sour sounds of flesh and bones twisting, and the screams of the water ghost, the palm that just grabbed the skull actually lifted the water ghost in his hand directly!

Then he threw it straight in front of him and smashed it out!

Im sorry for the power of the bear!

The water ghost's head deformed like mud in the palm of his hand, and the demon hunter roared happily.

The jumping attacks of the two water ghosts in front of him were completely blocked by the "human shields" in their hands.

Queen? What Quinn!

Like a charging chariot, it rushes forward holding a "human shield".

With the body and armor, the weight is close to 150 kilograms, which completely crushes the water ghost's own weight.

The three or four water ghosts blocking the road just passed by and were already staggering around.

Although it is still far from being directly knocked away, the force that can knock three or four humanoid monsters away is not normal!

Finally, the "human shield" hit the swamp witch's mud ball directly on the body covered with wrinkles and warts.

The Swamp Witch just burrowed into the muddy earth, then changed direction and emerged again.

It has no idea why someone slapped it in the face as soon as it came out.

The Swamp Witch is very self-respecting, at least she was not directly pushed away by Lan En.

Just screamed "Wow!", and prepared to use the length of his arms to bypass the "human shield" in the enemy's hand, and use claws comparable to those of a werewolf to rip out his heart and lungs!

But in fact, the role of the "human shield" has already been achieved when approaching the swamp witch.


The sound of breaking through the air, accompanied by the sound of breaking through the air with a cold silver light.

That voice made the swamp witch with low intelligence feel terrified from the bottom of her heart!


It didnt even realize what was happening. It could only scream, and use fear to make its claws faster and harder.

But it was too late.

Too late, idiot.

The speaker was Bernie, who was standing outside the battlefield. He couldn't even carry his bow anymore. Instead, he learned from the previous lesson and asked the blacksmith Ivan for a Willen sword.

Because he stood farther away, he could see more clearly.

Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, this **** swordsmanship.

No matter how many times he sees it, Bernie probably wont be able to help but feel this way.

In the distance, Lan En's left hand held the head of the "human shield" and hit the swamp witch in the face.

But his right hand was holding his silver sword loosely.

Before the swamp witch could react and get in front of the claws, the silver sword followed the flow of Lan En's body center of gravity and drew an extremely round arc.

Looks like Lan En whipped out a silver whip!

The whip seemed not to be bound by flesh, blood, or bones at all.

The hot knife sliced through the bodies of the two monsters without hesitation, along with the "human shields".

Even though he was standing far away, whenever he saw the sight of the blood spraying violently, Bernie felt like he was hearing the sound of blood flow as if he were hallucinating.

The sound of "stab la" is the silver sword cutting the body.

The "human shield" in Lan En's hand was cut off from the neck to the left shoulder. Due to the height difference, only the lower jaw remained on the entire head of the Swamp Witch.

Bernie felt that it was because Lan En's sword slashed in and out of the gaps between the cheeks and jaws, causing a smooth wound.

The rest of the battle is not even worth watching. Bernie feels that during the hunt at this time, he and Lan are more like "monsters" in the eyes of the monster.

The scene is so brutal and so cool!

No man can say "no" to such a brutal and technical scene of violence!

Especially when killing monsters, its even cooler!

New book for newbies! Please collect it! Please recommend! Please read it! !

Thanks to Menghui Boyhood for the reward! ! (^_)


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