Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 32: 32ghoul

Chapter 32: 32ghoul

Chapter 32 32. Ghoul

Early the next morning, Poppy, whose fur was shiny and watery, was led out by the villagers.

Lan En stroked the horse's nose. He knew that this guy was given extra food last night.

Two brand-new long swords were already slung on his back.

Ivan worked hard last night, and Bernie contributed the best wood and fish skin to make a new scabbard as promised.

From Lan Ens point of view, the scabbard alone was worth five Oren coins.

In the panic last night, O'Riden was able to appease the villagers thanks to Old Allen's disclosure of the information that Lan En would participate in the investigation.

In this era, it is only natural to shed blood for belief.

Because no one knows what trouble people who are overly excited may cause under their agitation.

The horse's hooves stepped on the ground, splashing mud and weeds. Lan En leaned lightly on the horse's back to reduce wind resistance.

So even though Poppai was carrying hundreds of kilograms of weight, he was still running very happily.

In less than two hours, Midcops was in sight.

Slowing down, Poppy walked into the village at a jog.

Lane's cat eyes looked down without a trace. The villagers here were the same as Auriden's.

They have no intention of working at all, even if this job is related to their ability to make ends meet.

Aha! You are finally here.

It was the same tavern, and Halberdier York greeted him at the door.

It seems that this place has been requisitioned as a temporary residence by more than a dozen sergeants.

Sir Strenger has not yet sobered up. Others are repairing their equipment, and I was sent to receive you, Master.

Let York take Pope's rein from his hand and tie it to the edge of the tavern.

Lan En's nose twitched, the smell of alcohol here was really a bit choking.

Thank you, just call me Lan En, York. Lets hurry up. Can you show me the body first?

Hey, Im just here to receive you, lets go.

York smiled, held up his helmet, and walked in front with his halberd.

"We found an abandoned house on the edge of the village, and the body was parked there. You know the weather has been bad these days. To be honest, I have seen how good the witchers are. You and your teacher, that The old **** is the best swordsman I've ever seen. But I don't think you'll find much on a rotting corpse."

Lann remained silent on this.

He actually couldn't say much, because his current [Trace Detection] proficiency was only 19%.

Although he thinks that his mutation is perfect, the effect of the witcher's senses is also good among witchers.

But the knowledge base about tracking is not even 20% of that of an ordinary hunter.

Speaking too early can lead to embarrassment.

But when York and Lan En were getting closer and closer to the outskirts of the village, Lan En sniffed and sighed.

His right hand went over his shoulder and touched the silver sword behind him.



The halberdiers were still leading the way carelessly.

"I guess you didn't leave enough light around the body, and you didn't leave any hands to look after it."

Hey, thats amazing! How did you know? York turned around and saw that Lan En had drawn out the silver sword.

his face and the hand holding the halberd suddenly tightened at the same time, "Is there a monster?"

The response is very fast, man.

Lan En looked at York in slight surprise and continued.

"The stinky corpse was not buried in the ground, nor burned, nor was it cared for by the ghoul."

Before York could react, Lan En had already activated his body and entered a charging posture in an instant. The transition between movement and stillness was as abrupt as a ghost!


The halberdier cursed angrily and hurried to follow.

Duenhams case is of great importance, and there are very few clues now. If all the bodies of the victims are destroyed, not even one of the soldiers in their team will be able to live well!

The distance was not far, and Lan En would not go wrong if he followed the scent. After only turning two turns among the wooden houses in the village, a very dilapidated wooden house was revealed in front of us.

The steps kept moving, and the young man issued orders in his head.

Mentos, block out the noise around you!

Received, noise filtering has been completed.

In an instant, in addition to his own footsteps, Lan En clearly heard the sound of twelve paws touching the ground in the room.

Ghouls are creatures that stand on all fours, and there are three of them in the cabin.


The wooden door was smashed into several large pieces by Lan En, and the wood chips flew out.

Before the monster in the room roared, Lan En, who used the sound to locate it with the help of Mentos, even though his vision was obscured by sawdust, he made a decisive move and struck first!


The sharp silver sword left a crescent-like afterimage in mid-air. A ghoul's leg was severed from the hip joint by this blind sword strike.

Even if it is a monster, it should be destroyed now.

York, who rushed from behind, just like his cooperation with Lan En, held up his halberd and stabbed it out.

The lying ghoul was stabbed in the side by him, and his whole body was pushed against the wall.

At this time, the only surviving monster rushed towards the door behind Lan En like crazy, trying to escape.

Lan En did not push forward to block the road. Instead, he turned sideways and opened the way to the door.

The ghoul's steps became a little faster.

But above the ghouls field of vision, which was on all fours and invisible, Lan En had already held the sword in both hands and raised it above his head.

The monster brushed past Lan En's swinging clothes, but at the same time, a cold silver light fell from the sky.

The sound of "" sank directly into the ghoul's cervical spine!

Stop the sword and turn sideways. In other swordsmanship, it just means changing the direction and changing the position. But in the swordsmanship of the Bear School, that represents a more powerful next blow!

Rotation is originally a part of the swordsmanship of the Bear School.

After a subtle "pop" sound, only the separated body of the monster rushed out of the door, causing a small puff of smoke and dust on the ground.

Lan En walked over to the ghoul whose leg was cut off at the beginning, stepped on its struggling and roaring body, and stabbed the occipital hole in the back of its head with a silver sword.

The tip of the sword passed directly from its mouth.

Fuck the monster. York also pulled out his halberd from the ghouls body with a depressed look on his face.

Its over, now even the body is gone.

Lan Ens face didnt look good either.

But then I thought about it, isnt it my fault that I couldnt find the murderer?

Lan En is still a little worried that the result of the mission will affect his reputation.

Isnt the service industry looking for a good reputation?

? Mentos asked a question in his mind.

Lan En: "You'?' What? In high-level commissions, demon hunters actually pay their wages based on their reputation. Isn't it just a service industry?"

Mentos fell silent.

But fighting against Zhinao is one thing. When it comes to the mission, Lan En is still very reliable.

York has retreated outside, and the ghoul's blood has filled the house with a stench.

He looked depressed and a little scared.

There is no doubt that the clue is gone.

This mission requires even the knights to take it seriously and directly dispatch a dozen cavalry formations. But the only clue was being eaten by ghouls right under their noses!

He did not dare to think about how he would be punished after returning to the crow's nest.

The murderer cant be caught. Not only will the knight punish you, but even the benevolent goddess Melitelli may unleash her wrath!

He is actually a believer of the goddess Meliteli.

At this time, Lan En, who had come out for some fresh air, patted the self-pitying Halberdier from behind and walked towards the house.

Hey, if you want to collect money, you have to do something. Let me see if I can dig out any clues from this pile of kitchen waste.

York was immediately overjoyed and cast his expectant eyes on Lan En's back.

He looked at Lan En who walked into the room with admiration, and said to himself that the witcher was really awesome.

He played with cow dung at home when he was a child, and when he grew up, he lived in a room where people who had built cesspits in military camps would not stay in. Lan En's sensitive sense of smell was actually still sniffing in it.

Dont worry about whether you can find clues or not, who will worry about the witcher later if he doesnt help?

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