Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 189: 188 Dragon Bone Alchemy

Chapter 189: 188 Dragon Bone Alchemy

Chapter 189 188. Dragon Bone Alchemy

The upper limit of magic-containing alchemy is undoubtedly higher than that of a witcher's alchemy.

In various advanced alchemical works, Lan En has seen many records of alchemist masters injecting love, courage and other things into alchemy or certain rituals.

This is the convenience of magic.

As for technological means, it is necessary to fully understand the structure of the keel and even the biological characteristics of the dragon before we can confidently extract the effective ingredients that allow them to grow continuously from biological materials.

Even this ingredient will eventually be proven not to exist in the bones, but in the brain, internal organs, etc.

But for magic, as long as the dragon does have the characteristic of 'continuous growth', then whether it is its bone fossils, scales or flesh.

They all imbue the concept of continuous growth in mysticism and make this concept available.

Thus, alchemy can extract this ethereal power and use it for other purposes.

Its just that this process requires a complete alchemical process.

In the past, when a new material was encountered that had never been seen before, tailoring an alchemical formula for this material was the way for countless alchemists to enter the history books.

Lan En has now formulated a process for the dragon bone.

Chelidon flower, hornwort. Preparation is complete.

Crucible, magic introduction rune. Prepared.

Lan En smoothly placed all the utensils to be used in place.

As for the usage and dosage, when he worked with Mentos to formulate the alchemy process, he had already asked the biological brain to make many calculations.

"are you ready?"

Margarita asked curiously from the side.

Lan En snapped his fingers and used the miniature [Igni Seal] to light the fire under the crucible.

Ive already started.

The witcher methodically added various specially processed materials into the crucible.

These materials will not only be used for their own medicinal properties in this alchemy, but the processes in which they are processed also have various occult meanings.

These mystical meanings will ensure that during the final extraction process, the growth force within the keel is extracted.

An alchemy of a high enough level can actually be regarded as a small ceremony held in a crucible.

Although Margarita has no interest or talent in alchemy, as a sorceress who can be the dean, she is ridiculously strong in other aspects.

Every material Lan En throws out, she can instantly identify the mystical meaning created on it.

It was this kind of vision that made her smile from ear to ear during the whole process.

She originally thought that Lan En just found some formulas using local dragon bones as raw materials in some alchemy books, and then improved them.

Just like what he did with "Maribo Forest" or "Stamford Elixir", a limited adaptation.

This is already an amazing talent.

But now looking at it, Margarita suddenly realized something.

Is the current alchemy completely original? !

The blond beauty looked at Lan En's profile in the firelight and blinked blankly.

She thought she already knew Lan En's strengths and weaknesses, but now she discovered that this young witcher seemed to be becoming more otherworldly every day.

How do you say that you have new feelings every day?

She likes it even more!

I said, you called me here because you want me to input magic power?

Margarita approached the crucible in front of Lan En with great interest. On the edge of the crucible, she saw a very familiar set of magic runes.

The set of runes that make up the ring specifically leaves a gap.

Margarita can tell at a glance that this is a magic input port.

"The growth force in the dragon bone is huge. If it were just me, I would be exhausted just by inputting magic power. But it would be much better with you." Lan En smiled at Margarita.

The sorceress's magic power can be mobilized with the snap of her fingers more than it can drain Lan En dry.

Following Lan En's eyes, Margarita injected her magic power into the rune set in a timely manner.

The rune ring on the crucible gradually lit up, and the turbid liquid inside the crucible also began to change color and tumble.

Inputting this level of magic power is no more difficult for Margarita than the magic she unleashed while playing with Lan in bed.

Your keel has not been released yet.

Let it go.

As he spoke, Lan En took out a palm-sized piece of dragon bone from the alchemical leather bag on his back, which was the piece he had taken from Xiu Fu.

Throw it into the increasingly viscous liquid with a "plop" sound.

Margaritas face darkened.

"You only use such a small piece and ask me to move such a big lump?"

The amount I calculated is based on this bone fragment, but I dont know how much product will be produced after this alchemy is over, just in case.

Oh? Margarita was noncommittal about this statement.

You even designed an unprecedented alchemical ritual, but you cant calculate the yield of this ritual?

Lan Ens brows wrinkled slightly, but they soon calmed down.

Occultism is just a tool for me. I dont understand the root cause and have no intention of exploring it. My energy and spirit of inquiry will mainly be focused on the field of life itself.

This is a measure, or a choice, that Lan En uses to coordinate his "perfect nature".

If they were a normal Son of the Emperor, Lann estimated that they would not let go when they encountered a useful and elegant power like magic. Instead, you will indulge in it and study it in depth.

But Lan En knew very well that even a superhuman space warrior would have to devote corresponding energy and time to exploring a subject.

Lan only regards magic as a tool for exploration and application, and only needs to know how to use it. What really needs to be explored is the [biochemical knowledge] from the Starry Sky Age.

Under the gazes of Margarita and Lan En, the liquid in the crucible became thicker and thicker until it turned into a gray gel-like substance.

It is about the size of an ordinary soup bowl that can be filled by hand.

Although Margarita is not talented in alchemy, she is knowledgeable.

She then slowed down her magic input until it stopped completely. When he pulled his hand away, he also used the [Igni Sign] in reverse to extinguish the heat source under the crucible.

They can almost master the witcher's little tricks at a glance.

The levitation technique lifted up the ball of gray gel and put it into the container prepared by Lan En in advance.

This shipment volume looks pretty good?

Margarita asked tentatively. She was only responsible for being as beautiful as a flower and releasing magic power. She couldn't understand that at all.

Lan En nodded: "It's much better than expected. I thought that a bone fragment as big as the palm of my hand would be enough to produce a test tube. It seems that the 'growth force' inside the keel is indeed very strong."

The two of them looked at each other, facing an unprecedented alchemy product. All that was left was to try it out and see the effect.

At the same time, the two of them looked at the herbal materials that had not been used up.

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